Chris Cornell
Sailor Moon Forum -> Müzik, Sinema ve Diziler -> Yabancı Sanatçılar
Efsane Üye
Efsane Üye

Yaş: 31
Kayıt: 09 Hzr 2007
Mesajlar: 2,406
Cinsiyet: Kız
Nerden: fiziksel olarak Antalya, ruhsal olarak Satoshi'min yanından *.*
Teşekkür: 33

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Efsane Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

Soundgarden, Audioslave ve Temple Of The Dog’un lideri Chris Cornell ilk solo albümü sonrasında çıktığı dünya turnesi kapsamında Rock’n Coke sahnesini sallayacak. İlk solo albümünü 1999 yılında yayınlayan Cornell Carry On albümünü yaz ortasında yayınlıyor.

Nirvana, Alice in Chains ve Pearl Jam ile birlikte Seattle kökenli en önemli rock grupları arasında yer alan Soundgarden’ın kurucularından biri olan Cornell, kendine özgü vokal tekniği ve şarkı sözleri ile unutulmaz isimler arasında yer aldı. Double-Platinum ödüllü Badmotorfinger ve hemen ardından 7 milyon satış başarısını kazandığı Grammy’ler ile tescilleyen Superunknown ve yine milyonlarca satışıyla son albüm Down on the Upside ile Soundgarden belleklere kazınmıştı.

Cornell daha sonra Eddie Wedder ile Pearl Jam kurulmadan hemen önce önce kısa soluklu ama yine büyük yankı uyandıran Temple of the Dog projesine önayak oldu. Milyonluk albüm satışının yanısıra ikilinin düet yaptığı Hunger Strike ile Temple of the Dog bugün hala hatırlanıyor ve dinleniyor. Alice Cooper ile yaptığı düet (Stolen Prayer) sonrasında Cornell, Soundgarden’ın dağıldığını açıklamıştı. Daha sonra ilk solo albümü Euphoria Morning için stüdyoya kapanan sanatçı, ilk single Can’t Change Me ile Grammy adayı oldu. Chris aynı dönemde Great Expectations ve Mission Impossible II soundtrack’lerine imzasını attı.

Cornell 2000’li yıllara bu kez bir başka proje ile damgasını vurdu. Rage Against the Machine’den Zack de la Rocha ile birlikte kurduğu Audioslave uluslararası platformda büyük başarı elde etti. İlk albümleri sadece amerika’da 3 milyondan fazla satarken, ikinci albüm Out Of Exile, Billboard listelerine 1 numaradan girerek ilk albümün başarısını bile gölgede bıraktı. Be Yourself, Doesn’t Remind Me ve Your Time Has Come gibi çok sayıda başarılı single yayınlayan ekip sonrasında verdikleri Küba konseriyle burada konser veren ilk amerika’lı topluluk oldu. Ücretsiz gerçekleşen konseri yaklaşık 70 bin kişi izledi.

2006 yılında Audioslave son albümleri Revelations’ı yayınladı. Albümden yayınlanan iki single Original Fire ve Revelations dışında iki şarkı Miami Vice Soundtrack’inde kullanıldı. Cornell daha sonra solo olarak son James Bond filmi Casino Royale’ın tema müziğini yaptı. Tüm zamanların en iyi gişe hasılatı yapan Bond filmi olan Casino Royale ile şarkı büyük ilgi gördü. You Know My Name adlı şarkı aynı zamanda amerikalı bir erkek vokal tarafından seslendirilen ilk Bond şarkısı oldu.

Bu yıl şubat ayında Audioslave’den ayrıldığını açıklayan Cornell 99’dan bu yana merakla beklenen yeni solo albümü Carry On’u geçirdiği ağır motosiklet kazasına rağmen tamamladı. Cornell, albümden yayınlanan ilk single No Such Thing ve İngiltere için seçilen Arms Around Your Love’ın da aralarında bulunduğu yeni şarkılarını geçtiğimiz günlerde Londra’da özel bir konser ile hayranlarına tanıttı.

MTV ve Blender Mag’e göre tüm zamanların en iyi 22 vokali listesinde 12 numarada yer alan Cornell, prestijli hard-rock dergisi Hit Parader’a göre tüm zamanların en iyi 100 hard-rock vokali listesinde ise 4 numarada bulunuyor.


imza by Daydream *-*

°•.•°•.Girugamesh (ギルガメッシュ) Türkiye.•°•.•°
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16 Eyl 2007 14:32
Efsane Üye
Efsane Üye

Yaş: 31
Kayıt: 09 Hzr 2007
Mesajlar: 2,406
Cinsiyet: Kız
Nerden: fiziksel olarak Antalya, ruhsal olarak Satoshi'min yanından *.*
Teşekkür: 33

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Efsane Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
müzik kariyeri boyunca hem gruplarıyla hem de solo olarak hazırladığı albümler

1987 Screaming Life (Sub Pop)
1988 Fopp (Sub Pop)
1988 Ultramega OK (SST)
1989 Louder Than Love (A&M)
1990 Screaming Life/Fopp (Sub Pop)
1991 Badmotorfinger (A&M)
1994 Superunknown (A&M)
1995 Songs from the Superunknown (A&M)
1996 Down on the Upside (A&M)
1997 A-Sides (A&M)

Temple of the Dog
1991 Temple of the Dog (A&M)

Solo çalışmaları
1997 A Very Special Christmas, Vol. 3 - Ave Maria
1999 Euphoria Morning (A&M)
2004 Axis of Justice Concert Series Vol. 1 - (What's so funny 'bout) Peace, Love and Understanding
2007 Carry On

2002 Audioslave (albüm) - (Epic)
2005 Out of Exile - (Interscope)
2006 Revelations - (Epic)

Film müziği
1990 Pump Up the Volume - Heretic
1992 Singles (film) - Seasons ve Birth Ritual
1993 True Romance - Outshined
1998 Great Expectations - Sunshower
2000 Mission: Impossible II - Mission 2000
2004 Collateral (film) - Shadow on the Sun
2004 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Rusty Cage
2006 Revelations
2006 "Casino Royale - You know my name

albüm kapakları:


imza by Daydream *-*

°•.•°•.Girugamesh (ギルガメッシュ) Türkiye.•°•.•°
En Yukarı Git
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16 Eyl 2007 14:45
Efsane Üye
Efsane Üye

Yaş: 31
Kayıt: 09 Hzr 2007
Mesajlar: 2,406
Cinsiyet: Kız
Nerden: fiziksel olarak Antalya, ruhsal olarak Satoshi'min yanından *.*
Teşekkür: 33

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Efsane Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
chris cornell'ın sesi hayatımda duyduğum en iyi erkek vokal sesi. yok böyle bir ses. tüm parçaları muhteşem. onu ilk "like a stone" şarkısıyla tanıdım. gırtlağını çok iyi kullanıyorç gırtlağından birçok farklı tonda sses çıkartabiliyor ve bunları şarkı söylerken de kullanıyor.

bu sene rock'n coke festivalinde en önden seyrettiğim chriss kesinlikle çok karizmatik ve sempatik bir adam.konser boyunca sesini hiç kaybetmeden parçalarını söyleyebiliyor. izleyicilerine de çok sıcak davranıyor.aile bağları da çok güçlü. hatta konserlerine bazen çocuklarıyla çıkıyrmuş.

imza by Daydream *-*

°•.•°•.Girugamesh (ギルガメッシュ) Türkiye.•°•.•°
En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder Yazarın web sitesini ziyaret et MSN Messenger  
16 Eyl 2007 14:51

Yaş: 40
Kayıt: 03 Hzr 2007
Mesajlar: 1,976
Cinsiyet: Erkek
Teşekkür: 200

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
umi tanıtım harika, albüm kapak resimleri çok hoş durmuş ^^

Billie Jean'da oldukça slow ve romantik bir şarkıdır ^^

Sailor Moon / Sailor Venus Fan Sitesi
Forum Kuralları | İstek - Şikayet Kutusu
En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder Yazarın web sitesini ziyaret et MSN Messenger  
16 Eyl 2007 14:55
Efsane Üye
Efsane Üye

Yaş: 31
Kayıt: 09 Hzr 2007
Mesajlar: 2,406
Cinsiyet: Kız
Nerden: fiziksel olarak Antalya, ruhsal olarak Satoshi'min yanından *.*
Teşekkür: 33

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Efsane Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
teşekkürler Mamoru

evet billie jean gerçekten dediğin gibi muhteşem bir parça.

diğer en sevdiğim parçalar da spoonman, show me how to live, black hole sun. aslında ayrım yapmak çok zor. çünkü her birinde ayrı bir güzel hava var.

izlemek isteyenler için rock'n coke performanslarından örnekler:

Chris Cornell Black Hole Sun - Spoonman Rock'n Coke 2007

Chris Cornell - Billie Jean Rock'n Coke 2007 Istanbul

Chris Cornell - Show Me How To Live @ Rock'n Coke 5 Istanbul

imza by Daydream *-*

°•.•°•.Girugamesh (ギルガメッシュ) Türkiye.•°•.•°
En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder Yazarın web sitesini ziyaret et MSN Messenger  
16 Eyl 2007 15:03
Efsane Üye
Efsane Üye

Yaş: 31
Kayıt: 09 Hzr 2007
Mesajlar: 2,406
Cinsiyet: Kız
Nerden: fiziksel olarak Antalya, ruhsal olarak Satoshi'min yanından *.*
Teşekkür: 33

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Efsane Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
işte chris'in ailesi

Rolling Stones dergisindekilerin yaptığı bir röportaj:

Soundgarden ve Audioslave'in ön adamı bir kez daha yola tek başına devam etme kararı aldı. Chris Cornell, yeni albümünün ertesinde, Rock'n Coke randevusunun öncesinde Rolling Stone Türkiye'ye Seattle'da balık ayıkladığı günleri, Paris'teki restoranını ve Soundgarden'ın tekrar bir araya gelme ihtimalini anlattı. Tabii bir de konserde neler çalacağını... .

"Sahnede kendimi o kadar da yalnız hissetmiyorum, arkamda bana eşlik eden bir grubum var çünkü. Tom Petty ve Bruce Springsteen'i düşün, aynen onun gibi bir şey işte," diyor telefonun diğer ucundaki Chris Cornell. Zack De La Rocha'nın ayrılması üzerine yeni bir solistle ve yepyeni bir isimle yola devam kararı alan diğer Rage Against the Machine üyeleriyle 2000'lerin hemen başında bir araya gelen Cornell, birlikte kaydettikleri üç stüdyo albümünden sonra, Şubat ayında gruptan ayrıldığını açıklamıştı. Kimilerine göre bu ani gelişmenin ardında anlatılanlardan daha farklı bir senaryo gizliydi; Cornell'in pasif duruşu Tom Morello ve geri kalan tayfanın politik tavrıyla örtüşmüyordu. Geçen ay ikinci solo albümü Carry On'u yayınlayan Chris Cornell ise söylentilere pek de kulak asmıyor gibi. Rock'n Coke vesilesiyle yaptığımız sohbette sergilediği sakin ve pozitif tavır bunu gösteriyor en azından. Yeniden solo takılıyor olmaktan, daha doğrusu iş programını artık sadece kendine göre ayarlayabiliyor olmaktan gayet memnun; bu sayede karısı ve çocuklarıyla daha sık vakit geçirebildiğini söylüyor. Soruların çoğuna verdiği cevapları bir şekilde buraya, yani aile hayatına bağlıyor, iki lafından biri 'Vicky' (yeni eşinin adı bu). Eşiyle birlikte olabilmek için Paris'e göç ederken neden hiç tereddüt etmediği anlaşılıyor böylece. "Asilik günleri geride kaldı," diyor. "Artık karım, çocuklarım var. Her şey değişti."

Tek başınıza yapmak istediğiniz çok şey olduğunu ve böyle hissettiğiniz için de grubu (Audioslave) daha fazla oyalamanın anlamı olmayacağını söylemiştiniz. Buna göre hareket ettiniz, sonuçtan memnun musunuz?

Önceden daha farklı bir kimliğim vardı, yani bir grubun üyesi olarak oluşmuş bir kimlik. Bunda da iyiydim, o kimliği iyi taşıyordum ve bundan zevk de alıyordum. Fakat başka bir şey yapmak istedim, öyle de yaptım. Açıkçası şu an bulunduğum noktadan fazlasıyla memnunum, yani solo olarak takılmanın bana çok daha iyi hissettirdiğini biliyorum.

Audioslave'den ayrılmak istediğinizi ilk ne zaman fark ettiniz? Yani, grup içinde bu kararı alan ilk kişi sizdiniz, değil mi

Evet. Üçüncü Audioslave albümü Revelations'ı bitirmiştik ve ben kendi solo albümüm için şarkılar yazmaya başlamıştım. Evdeydim, Paris'te. Karım ve çocuklarım yanımdaydı. O ortamı bırakıp grupla yeniden iş başı yapmak zor geldi, yani evde ailemle kalıp şarkılarımla uğraşmayı tercih ediyordum. İlk olarak o zaman artık bir grupta yer almak istemediğimi anladım. Beş yıl gibi kısa bir zaman diliminde üç albüm yaptık ve çok fazla koşturduk. Olayın bir başka yönü daha var; sonuçta ortada bir de 'iş' var. Ortaklarınla kurduğun bir işletme gibi düşün grubu. Çözülmesi gereken şeyler, uzlaşma sağlaman gereken durumlar ortaya çıkıyor. Bir yere kadar bunu idare edecek gücüm vardı ama günün sonunda ben sadece müziği düşünmek istiyordum, iş meselelerini değil. Kendi başıma olduğumda bunlarla uğraşmak zorunda değilim, kendi şarkılarım var, kendi albümüm var, kararlarımı kendim veriyorum. Bu da başka bir sebepti işte.

Ayrılma kararınızı diğer grup üyeleri nasıl karşıladı? Bu onları şaşırttı mı?

Sanırım bunu anlayabildiler. Zaten onların da uğraştıkları başka başka işler vardı. Gurur duyduğumuz albümler yaptık, grup olarak ortaya çıkardığımız işten hepimiz memnunuz. Bir sorun yok.

Aranız kötü değil yani?
Hayır. Daha doğrusu, öyle olduğunu sanmıyorum. Onların da kötü bir şey hissetmediklerini düşünüyorum.

Audioslave sayfası kapandıktan oldukça kısa bir süre sonra Rage Against the Machine'in yeniden bir araya geleceği açıklandı. Siz böyle bir şey bekliyor muydunuz?

Şaşırmadım dersem yalan olur. Çünkü Audioslave 5 - 6 yıllık bir gruptu ve ben bu süre boyunca Zack ile iletişim halinde olmadıklarını biliyorum. Buna şahit olmadım en azından. Bu yüzden bir anda yeniden bir araya gelmeleri şaşırttı beni. Fakat daha sonra düşündüğümde gayet mantıklı geldi. Yani, neden olmasın ki? Özellikle Zack'in buna neden evet dediğini anlayabiliyorum. Sonuçta diğer üyeler RATM dağıldıktan sonra Audioslave'i kurdular ve bu grupla yol almaya devam ettiler. Albümler kaydedip turnelere çıktılar. Ama Zack böyle bir şey yapmadı. Bu yüzden yeniden Rage'in içinde olup bir şeyler yapmak istemesini doğal karşılıyorum. Rage çok iyi bir gruptu. Aralarında herhangi bir sorun yaşamadan yeniden sahne almayı beceriyorlarsa ne güzel.

Bu ara herkes size aynı şeyi sorup duruyordur muhtemelen, malum müzik dünyasında acayip bir re-union patlaması var. Soundgarden'ın da bu furyaya katılma ihtimali var mı size göre?
Hayır, hiç sanmıyorum. Bunu düşünmedim bile. Şu sıralar durum hakikaten de dediğin gibi ve ben çoğunun parayla ilgili olduğunu düşünüyorum. Genesis'in yeniden bir araya gelmesi kesinlikle bununla ilgili, Police'inki de öyle.

Sadece turne için bir araya gelenler hakkında mı böyle düşünüyorsunuz? Yeni bir albüm yapacak olsalar durum değişir mi mesela?
Para için birleşmiş olmaları kötü bir şey değil, hatta bunu gayet doğal buluyorum. Fanlarının onları tekrardan sahnede görmek istediği çok açık, yani ortada bu anlamda büyük bir talep olduğu belli. Genesis ve Police sahneye çıkıp hala çatır çatır çalabiliyorlar, bu yüzden ne için birleşmiş olduklarının pek bir önemi yok. Yeni bir albüm kaydetmeye niyetli olmayan gruplar pek bir şey de paylaşmıyorlar. Sadece bir araya gelip yüz yıl önce yazdıkları şarkıları prova ediyor ve sahneye çıkıyorlar. Fakat dediğim gibi, sahnede hala canavar gibi çalmayı beceriyor ve bu anlamda onları yeniden bir arada görmek için deliren fanlarını memnun edebiliyorlarsa ne güzel, hatta harika. Herkes bu işten bir şekilde kar ediyor. Mekanlar, bilet satıcıları, oteller vs. Müzik endüstrisini hareketlendiren bir durum.

Soundgarden'a gelince; paranın Soundgarden'ı yeniden bir araya getirecek bir güç olduğuna inanmıyorum. Tekrardan Soundgarden olmayı, birlikte yeni bir albüm kaydetmeyi istememiz gerekiyor. Birleşmenin tek amacı bu olurdu. Fakat dağıldığımızdan bu yana hiçbirimizin böyle bir istek duyduğunu hatırlamıyorum, bunun lafı bile geçmedi. Kimse de bize çıkıp böyle bir şey yapın demedi, böyle bir teklif getirmedi.

bir röportaj daha Gülücük Dağıtıyor
bu adreste de dream tv'nin chris cornell'la yaptığı bir röportaj var. rock'n coke performansından da ara ara sahneler var

imza by Daydream *-*

°•.•°•.Girugamesh (ギルガメッシュ) Türkiye.•°•.•°
En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder Yazarın web sitesini ziyaret et MSN Messenger  
16 Eyl 2007 15:17
Efsane Üye
Efsane Üye

Yaş: 31
Kayıt: 09 Hzr 2007
Mesajlar: 2,406
Cinsiyet: Kız
Nerden: fiziksel olarak Antalya, ruhsal olarak Satoshi'min yanından *.*
Teşekkür: 33

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Efsane Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
şarkı sözleri:

Arms Around Your Love

With his arms around your love
Oh no, here comes the pain that you can't ignore

With his arms around your girl
He'll do all of the things you didn't do before
You had every chance, but you closed the door

Now you're just gonna have to take it
(Cause if you didn't know)
She's gonna make you pay for it
(At a price you can't afford)
You're just gonna have to take it

With his arms around your love
With his arms around your love
With his arms around your love

Oh, yeah

Pretend that you don't mind
But you know everything that you left behind

And it would have been alright
If you'd gave half of the praise that you held inside
You thought she'd hang around for the ride

Now you're just gonna have to take it
(Cause if you didn't know)
She's gonna make you pay for it
(At a price you can't afford)
You're just gonna have to take it

With his arms around your love
With his arms around your love
With his arms around your love

Coming clean feels so dangerous
Just a little bit would have been enough
But you never said all the words caught in your head
As if your heart was dead
Well now its surely bled and broken up

And it would have been alright
If you'd gave half of the praise that you held inside
You thought she'd hang around for the ride

Now you're just gonna have to take it
(Cause if you didn't know)
She's gonna make you pay for it
(At a price you can't afford)
You're just gonna have to take it

With his arms around your love

Billie Jean

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I said don't mind, but what do you mean i am the one
Who dance on the floor in the round
She said i am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

She told me her name was billie jean, as she caused a scene
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one
Gonna dance on the floor in the round

People always told me be careful of what you do
Don't go around breaking young girls' hearts
And mother always told me be careful of who you love
Be careful of what you do 'cause the lie becomes the truth

Billie jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that i am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says i am the one, but the kid is not my son

For forty days and forty nights
The law was on her side
But who can stand when she's in demand
Her schemes and plans
Gonna dance on the floor in the round

So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice
Do think twice

She told my baby that's a threat
As she looked at me
Then showed a photo of a baby cries
Eyes would like mine
Gonna dance on the floor in the round

People always told me be careful of what you do
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts

She came and stood right by me
Then the smell of sweet perfume
This happened much too soon
She called me to her room

Billie jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that i am the one
But the kid is not my son

So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice
Do think twice

Can't Change Me

She can do anything at all
Have anything she pleases
The power to change what she thinks is wrong
So what could she want with me?

But wait just one minute here
I can see that she's trying to read me
Suddenly i know

She's going to change the world
But she can't change me
No she can't change me

She has the daylight at her command
She gives the night its dreams
She can uncover your darkest fear
And make you forget you feel it

But wait just one minute more
I can see that she's trying to free me
Suddenly i know

She's going to change the world
But she can't change me

Suddenly i can see everything that's wrong with me
But what can i do?
I'm the only thing i really have at all

But wait just one minute here
I can see that she's trying to need me
Suddenly i know

She's going to change the world
But she can't change me
No she can't change me

Disappearing Act

Come on now the curtain is drawn
And tomorrow stands before you
Dressed and draped in a cold black cape
Llke a crow he ignores you

Look again there's a beautiful girl
Covers sin in a holy land shroud
It's the great disappearing act
Done again for the marveled crowd

As we're chasing our tails
And biting our nails
So strong and frail...

And we build and tear it down
Build and tear it down
Build and tear it down
With barely the time to say
How did it get so late
I'll never know

Step outside and now the doors open wide
And the minions are eager to find him
Put a million miles under your heals
And you're still behind him

Cover your clocks with your chains and your locks
While the seasons get hotter and colder
Stretch your faces and lie about your ages
And still you're going to get older

As we're chasing our tails
And biting our nails
So strong and frail...

And we build and tear it down
Build and tear it down
Build and tear it down
With barely the time to say
How did it get so late
I'll never know

Hang on till your fingers break
And your hands unwind
He will escape you every time
Fom under your pillows
Through open windows
And out on the rails

And we build and tear it down
Build and tear it down
Build and tear it down
With barely the time to say
How did it get so late
I'll never know

Disappearing One

What have you done, my little spark?
Cursing my name 'cause again i put you out
Falling apart, you tell yourself you are
Dreaming only of the ones who never dream of you
I'm your disappearing one
Vanish when the curtain's drawn
But i will come again, and you will let me in
And you'll see i never disappear for long

Into your room i stumble now
Too tired to cower, and it's too late to draw you out
And there you lie like a painting of christ
Bleeding on the heads of the ones who nailed you down
I'm your disappearing one
Vanish when the curtain's drawn
But i will come again, and you will let me in
And you'll see i never disappear for long

Finally Forever

On the silent night so out of place
I almost lost my nerve
When i saw you walk into my space
A woman like you i could not replace
And it took some patience to catch your eye
Patience to win your heart

Now it feels like i don't have to worry at all
It's finally forever

There's no hill i would not climb for you
No bridge i wouldn't cross
Not a moment passes in my life
That you're not on my mind
Together or apart
And it took some patience to catch your eye
Patience to win your heart

Now it feels like i don't have to worry at all
It's finally forever

Anytime you're lost
Anywhere you're found
Anytime you want

I will be around
Anywhere you seek
Anywhere you stand
Anytime you fall
Anywhere you limp
Even if you break
Anytime i can i will be there for you
I know that you'll understand
You'll understand

Now i never would have imagined this
So i thank my lucky stars
As i see you in your wedding dress
Never would have guessed you'd fill my open arms
And it took some patience to catch your eye
Patience to win your heart

Now it feels like i don't have to worry at all
Yeah it feels like i don't have to worry at all
Yeah it feels like i don't have to worry at all
It's finally forever
Finally forever

Flutter Girl

I'm drinking dust
With eyes of rust
Tonight my tears might stain your wings
So flutter home
'cause you're better off alone than with me
So hide your face
And tie your lace
And butterflies across your cheek
Forget how soon
You'll become a fool for words when i speak

Flutter girl
You don't want to know what i've lived
You don't want to take what i give
'cause i give nothing for free

You don't want to know what i've lived
You don't want to take what i give
'cause i give nothing for free

My hands are rough
My fingers cold
Your heart's so young and so naive
To ever feel
For a moment that i might let you believe...

I'll tear your wings as i melt in your smile as i run all your
Colors away

Flutter girl
You don't want to know what i've lived
You don't want to take what i give
'cause i give nothing for free

And you don't want to know what i've lived
You don't want to take what i give
'cause i give nothing for free

(Long solo...)

Flutter girl
You don't want to know what i've lived
You don't want to take what i give
'cause i give nothing for free

You don't want to know what i've lived
Flutter girl
Flutter girl

Follow My Way

Little one don't be a fool
I'm a wreck when i look mighty
In euphoria i'm bruised
In confusion next i'm lightning
In complacence i am small
Through oblivion i charge

So follow my way
When i'm not leading anyone
Open and frayed
When you can see that i'm unsure
Out on my way
I'm only pure when i get lost
And you're only needing
When you're finding that i'm not

You're just looking for a boy
Bathed in infrared and sunlight
I'm all polish and reward
When i'm confident i'm hopeless
Just like everybody else
Right before they fall apart

So follow my way
When i am falling from your heart
When i'm in pain
Fever and sweet relief in one
Out on my way
Though i'm not worthy of your trust
Follow me down into a swan dive
All eyes closed tightly

Lowly, slowly now i know i like
Where you go when you're gone
Warm you hands inside my veins
I might be contagious
Through oblivion i charge

Follow my way
When i'm useless to your cause
When i derail
Calm in the patience of remorse
Out on my way
Out on my empty open nerves


I know what your looking for
You've looked in these eyes before
And all you saw was blue-green water
Searching for a mirror
That would show the world not who you are
But who you want to be
And you thought you'd find that one in me

But it's been a long time
Since i heard that name

He doesn't live here anymore
Don't know where he's residing
You can wait here if you want
But i don't think he's coming back
He doesn't live here anymore

Should you find the right place
Same old place you knew before
But that won't change what hides behind the door
And what lies underneath

And the change from the inside out

He doesn't live here anymore
Don't know where he's residing
I think it's better if you go
'cause i don't want him coming back

Yes i know the name sounds a little bit familiar
Like a melody to a dream

Yes i know he wore the same face
The same clothes
But that was so long ago

I know who you want to find
Somewhere is the memory
Of somebody i left behind
Well let's take it all in stride
It's that time to say goodbye

He doesn't live here anymore

Killing Birds

I learned long ago
'bout a better way of killing birds
And what it means when they die in my hands

Like a strangled heart
It never made much sense to me
Why i'd need to know the best way to do that

But you have to love the murderer i've become
As i'm standing here in front of you
Standing right in front of you
Standing here in front of you
Killing birds

I've spent my youth
Breaking down the walls my father built
Just like he did to his father before him

But then i had no home
So i tried to make a better one
It looked just like his, so i burned it down again

No there ain't a long parade of idiots
As i'm standing here in front of you
Standing right in front of you
Standing here in front of you
Killing birds

You don't have to love the murderer i've become

If i could spin a web
I would sit and wait for you
I wouldn't need a stone, i'd just poison you and tie you up

And you would be a bird
A beautiful cresent one
And your eyes would beg
But i'm just doing my job

Standing here in front of you
Standing right in front of you
Standing here in front of you
Standing right in front of you
Standing here in front of you
Standing right in front of you
Standing here in front of you
Killing birds


Pulled through you, and drowning in your swirl
Circling, unfolding in your will
I'm going to glide on the winds of your breathing
And alight on your guarded heart
I'm gonna tear all your temples down
I'm on a mission now

Smoldering down inside your mood
Slithering and fanning in your eyes
I'm going to dive through your crying
And sleep in your hair
Rise from your ashes and kneel in you prayers
Tear all your temples down
I'm on a mission now

And i have nothing
But then the have is not as good as the want
I'm gonna glide on the winds of your breathing
Writhe in your calm and provide your release
Weave into your wanting and needing
And reside in the heart of your strongest beliefs
I'm gonna tear all your temples down
I'm on a mission now

And i have nothing
But then the have is not as good as the want


Open your arms to the lonely shine
Lonesome as gold in a poor man's smile
See how the moon is full
Follow the push and pull
Follow the ebb and flow in the breathing tide

Come on moonchild, you're so far away tonight
The door is falling open and we're flying wild

Cat on the road, down in the living night
See how the black dog grins
In the diamond light
We're dreaming and we're real
We're broken and we're healed
Give in to what you feel over what you see

Come on moonchild, you're so far away tonight
The door is falling open and we're flying wild
Come on moon flower
You're so far away from now
You could bloom forever in the hour

And when if is only yes and no
And now becomes too soon
I know you'll be alright if you only
Come away to the moon
In the blue shine

Come on moonchild, you're so far away tonight
The door is falling open and we're flying wild
Come on moon flower
You're so far away from now
You could bloom forever in the hour

No Such Thing

I saw the world, it was beautiful
But the rain got in and ruined it all
Then i tried to be invisible
It was impossible
Even for me
I laughed at love
It was a big mistake
In the absence of
I filled it with hate

Cause there's no such thing as nothing
Yeah there's no such thing as nothing at all

I had the brains not to think at all
But the rain got in
And i thought too hard
On the world, and as usual
I slumped too far into the void
I tried to make everything meaningless
But the rain got in and made it a mess

Cause there's no such thing as nothing
Yeah there's no such thing as nothing at all
Yeah there's no such thing as nothing
But my finger's on the trigger
And i'll turn off the world

So what gives me the right
To think that i could throw away a life?
Even mine
And what makes you believe
That you could get away with getting old?
Overlapping me
Maybe to lose or to save your soul
Is a choice of how you fill the hole

And the rain got in...

Cause there's no such thing as nothing
Yeah there's no such thing as nothing at all
There's no such thing as nothing
But my finger's on the trigger
And i'll turn off the world

Pillow Of Your Bones

The embers of the saint inside of you
Are growing as i'm bathing in your glow
I'm swallowing the poison of your flower
And hanging on the rising of my low
Colorful and falling from your mouth
Like a painted fever in recoil
Like a lie without the pain

On a pillow of your bones
I will lay across the stones
Of your shore until the tide comes crawling back
Throw my pillow on the fire
Make my bed under the eye
Of your moon until the tide comes crawling back

A waning hand on silver granite ways
Will mend my broken limbs and bend my haze
I'm sleeping in the silence of your voice
I'm cradling the peril of my only choice
Colorful and falling from your mouth
Like a painted fever in recoil
Like a lie without the pain

On a pillow of your bones
I will lay across the stone
Of your shore until the tide comes crawling back
Throw my pillow on the fire
Make my bed under the eye
Of your moon until the tide comes crawling back

Even though the truth can burn inside or fall behind
I will wander through your open mind
And you will find no lie can hide
Until the tide comes crawling

On a pillow of your bones
I will lay across the stone
Of your shore until the tide comes crawling back
Throw my pillow on the fire
Make my bed under the eye
Of your moon until the tide comes crawling back

Poison Eye

I heard the sound bite
I read your words right
I saw the light
I heard you singing
I know this song
It's my turn to write
I put this hook inside
So you won't soon forget
I got the radar
I can see so far

With my poison eye
Yeah my poison eye

When i look hard
I see in the stars
What you've done and what lies
Awaiting for you
When i look down
I see the ground
I won't make a sound
I won't need to look at you

Inside the phone lines

You think you'll hide
And you'll be alright
You're in my sidelines
You'll have no time
Even to cry
I see your pain
I see my face on your fear
I got the radar
I can see so far

With my poison eye
Yeah my poison eye

When i look hard
I see in the stars
What you've done and what lies
Awaiting for you
When i look down
I see the ground
I won't make a sound
I won't need to look at you

I can see sparks
Over a lake at midnight
I see the smiles
Falling from your face
But you're in the dark
You're in a maze
All you can do is sit here and wait for me
And i'm coming

I know the low road
I wrote the code
To break in your heart
I see the angles
I draw the cards
That burden you so
I have the sight
That follows you morning and night
I got the radar
I can see so far
With my poison eye
Yeah my poison eye
My poison eye

Preaching The End Of The World

Hello, i know there's someone out there
Who can understand
And who's feeling the same way as me
I'm twenty-four and i've got everything to live for
But i know now that it wasn't meant to be
'cause all has been lost and all has been won
And there's nothing left for us to save
But now i know that i don't want to be alone today
So if you find that you've been feeling just the same

Call me now it's alright
It's just the end of the world
You need a friend in the world
'cause you can't hide
So call and i'll get right back
If your intentions are pure
I'm seeking a friend for the end of the world

I've got a photograph, i'll send it off today
And you will see that i am perfectly sane
Not for a lifetime or forever and a day
'cause we know now that just won't be the case
There will be no commitment and no confessions
And no little secrets to keep
No little children or houses with roses
Just the end of the world and me
'cause all has been gone and all has been done
And there's nothing left for us to say
But we could be together as they blow it all away
And we can share in every moment as it breaks

Call me now it's alright
It's just the end of the world
You need a friend in the world
'cause you can't hide
So call and i'll get right back
If your intentions are pure
I'm seeking a friend for the end of the world

Safe And Sound

Think of a time
When morning will come
And you will wake up without the feeling
That half the world has gone insane
You'll open your eyes
Reading your paper, a drink from your cup
No one was burning down time while you were sleeping

I've never seen but i believe
In a promised land

Why can't we pull this together?
One and all, now and forever
Why can't we pull this together?
We can say we finally found a world that's safe and sound

Think of a place that you could believe in whatever you want
Not keep it secret
Have to risk your life just to be yourself
A place where you'll walk safely no matter your color or age
More than the greed of you and me
Decides the fate of the day

I'd never seen but i believe
In a promised land

Why can't we pull this together?
One and all, now and forever
Why can't we pull this together?
We can say we finally found a world that's safe and sound

I'd rather see you setting free than watch the curtains coming down

Think of a life you won't take the breath from somebody else
One where you're seeking more than yourself

Why can't we pull this together?
One and all, now and forever
Why can't we pull this together?
We can say we finally found a world that's safe and sound

Why can't we pull this together?
Now and forever
Pull this together
We can say we finally found a world that's safe and sound

I'd rather see you setting free than watch the curtains coming down...

Scar On The Sky

As i fall i leave this scar upon the sky
A simple note for you, i'll wait for your reply
And in your answer i'll regain my will to try

So hover in the diving light
We will rip the night
Out of the arms of the sun one more time
Close your eyes and we will fly
Above the clouded sky
And over the dumbstruck world we will run

In these hills they wash the golden grains away
To the valley under all of this i lay
And may you dig me out unearthed and saved

So hover in the diving light
We will rip the night
Out of the arms of the sun one more time
Close your eyes and we will fly
Above the clouded sky

A blood red feather leaves a scar upon my hand
No longer scrounded like a painted bird on a fan

So hover in the diving light
We will rip the night
Out of the arms of the sun one more time
Close your eyes and we will fly
Above the clouded sky
And over the dumbstruck world we will run

We can rip the night
Out of the arms of the sun

We can rip the night
Out of the arms of the sun

We can rip the night
Out of the arms of the sun

She'll Never Be Your Man

The am finds me home alone; awake and dead
Morning blinds me had that dream of you again
Fog is lifting i realize that you're not here
How you left me; life disappeared

Life is rejection; i know you've had your share
But this one's special i can't compete with her
And did she tell you only she could know your mind
And did she sell you what i said one time

She can be your lover
She can be your friend
She can be your vision of a mother, like the one you never had
She will know your troubles better than i can
But she'll never be your man
She'll never be your man
She'll never be your man

She's got you thinking of a world where you might fit in
A whole lot better than the one you've been living in
And did she tell you only she could understand
And did she sell you only time will tell

She can be your lover
She can be your friend
She can be your vision of a mother, like the one you never had
She can know your troubles better than i can
But she'll never be your man
She'll never be your man
She'll never be your man

She can be your lover
She can be your friend
She can be your vision of a mother, like the one you never had
She will know your troubles better than i can
But one thing's for sure...
She'll never be your man
She can be your lover
She can be your friend
She can be your vision of a mother, like the one you never had
She will know your troubles better than i can
Yeah, but one thing's for sure...
She'll never be your man

Silence The Voices

There the soldiers, in the sunlight
Kill the center of a man in endless suicide
By the night light, in foreing sky
Is a holstered, bridled child spinning 'round the flame?
Each is loved now or remembered
By the mask they wore years before the future
And the horse falls in the smoke filled riot
The center of a child grows in new disguise

Where are the songs from the sane minds?
And where are words from the sound mouths?
I can't understand how they silence the voices

It's a new day, in the old life
He looks healthy with a tan on the white sheath
Across the table, where the blood dries
Where infinity will greet these earthly confines

Where are the songs from the sane minds?
And where are words from the sound mouths?
I can't understand how they silence the voices

That say no
That say no

It's a new day, in the old life
In the silence of the absence

Where are the songs from the same minds?
And where are words from the sound mouths?
I can't understand how they silence the voices
That say no
I can't understand how they silence the voices

Steel Rain

And so we start another day together,
You and i and a million miles between us..
I train my moods to bloom like flowers unfolding
Instead of fluttering around
And slowly drowning in the
Steel rain it's taking over..
The sky is open and the drones are pouring out
The day inhales in a contagious yawn
And there you smile as though the sun were bouncing in the
Steel rain it's taking over..
Here in the little world
The tiny world spins for me
All's well in the tilted world
But there's something falling down in the
Steel rain it's taking over..


Dark as roses, fine as sand
Feel your healing and your sting again
Hear your laughing and my soul is saved
On forgotten graves you cry

Crawl like ivy up my spine
Through my nerves and into my eyes
Cuts like anguish or recollection
Of better days gone by

But it's alright when you're caught in pain
And you feel the rain come down.
It's alright when you find your way
Then you see it disappear
It's alright though your garden's gray
I know all your graces
Someday will flower in a sweet sunshower

Eyes like oceans, so far away
A feather trail to a better way
Worried mornings turn into days
Then into worried nights
But it's alright all you'll be you are today

Sweet Euphoria

Sweet euphoria mine is the heart you own
You lost the grace of the hands that harmed you
In the daze of a thousand yawns
Lost my love, as it is i'm truly gone
In your morning i will sleep
Fire on an open palm
Death for jesus and plastic armies
Wouldn't bring me back again
Sweet as ether eyes i'm blind to them

And in your aching hour
Time wilts like flowers
Sleeping on land-mine pillows
Tired angels save my love for the lasting one

Sweet euphoria mine is the heart you stole
Touched and broken are the things you love
Using stars to light your candles
Warms my face but i can't remember yours
Gone are your dandelions falling like mine
Falling like daydream mangos
Diving swallows
Save my love
Save my love
Save my love for the lasting one

Sweet euphoria


I have an injury
It's there for all to see
They pay to watch as the blood pours out
And it's my priviledge

Cause i'm in danger
Yeah i'm in danger
Yeah i'm in danger
Of losing my mind

The fasination lives
Inside the world that spins
Around the scene of the accident
And they're most interested

When you're in danger
When you're in danger
When you're in danger
Of losing your mind
Of losing your mind

When i walk along the street
I see you all who know your sanity
Is hanging by a thread

I went to church today
To pray it all away
I watched the meek pass the hat around
But i'd already paid

Cause i'm in danger
Yeah i'm in danger
Yeah i'm in danger
Of losing my mind
Of losing my mind
Losing my mind
Losing my mind

Wave Goodbye

Words get tangled on your tongue
And you stumble on your feet
When you miss somebody
And everywhere you think you see them
Walking down the street
When you miss somebody
When you miss somebody
You tell yourself a hundred thousand times
Nobody ever lives forever
So you give it one more try
To wave goodbye, wave goodbye

Every hurtful thing you ever said
Is ringing in your ear
When you miss somebody
And everything of beauty that you see
Only brings a tear
When you miss somebody
When you miss somebody
You tell yourself everything will be alright
Try to stand up strong and brave
When all you want to do is lay down and die

How long i've waited for an answer or a sign
Lonely and weary from
The troubled task of trying
To wave goodbye

So now you start to recognize
That every single path you see
Leads to a tear in your eye
So wave goodbye, wave goodbye

When I'm Down

What say you now?
The door is opening on your vigil
And i'm in my usual way
I save my breath, knowing what you're
Wanting me to say
I only love you when i'm down
You say that midnight opens its arms to me
Leaving you alone, and i fly so far away
Until the light blurs my vision
And i have nowhere to roam
I only love you when i'm down
And i only love you when i'm down
And i'm only near you when i'm gone
But one thing for you to keep in mind, you know
I'm down all the time

Well i know you're reaching out
And you need to feel my hand
You want to be understood, yeah well i understand
I know you hold precious little hope for me
And in your hapiness
I'm always drowning in my grief
And i only love you when i'm down
And i'm only near you when i'm gone
But one thing for you to keep in mind, you know
I'm down all the time
All the time, all the time, all the ti

You Know My Name

If you take a life, do you know what you'll give
Odds are, you won't like what it is
When the storm arrives, would you be seen with me
By the merciless eyes i've deceived

I've seen angels fall from blinding heights
But you yourself are nothing so divine
Just next in line

Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you
The odds will betray you
And i will replace you
You can't deny the prize; it may never fulfill you
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die

The coldest blood runs through my veins
You know my name

If you come inside, things will not be the same
When you return to my night
If you think you've won
You never saw me change
The game that we have been playing

I've seen diamonds cut through harder men
Than you yourself
But if you must pretend
You may meet your end

Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you
The odds will betray you
And i will replace you
You can't deny the prize; it may never fulfill you
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die

The coldest blood runs through my veins

Try to hide your hand
Forget how to feel
(Forget how to feel)
Life is gone with just A spin of the wheel
(A spin of the wheel)

Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you
The odds will betray you
And i will replace you
You can't deny the prize; it may never fulfill you
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die

The coldest blood runs through my veins
You know my name
(You know my name)
You know my name
(You know my name)
You know my name!
You know my name!
You know my name!

Your Soul Today

Sleeping on the road that takes you home
Howling at the moon at midnight
I want the wrong that sets you right
I'll be praying at your bedside
How long i've been a soul in the gutter
I don't have a home or a mother or anywhere to lay my head down

Can i visit your arms?
Can i visit your legs?
I won't need your insults or praise
Won't burn in your heart
Don't worry your head
Yeah if you don't want a soul mate
I'm your soul today

Hanging on a rope from a burning tree
Singing on a broken headstone
Bleeding from an old wound
Swimming in the fever
Waiting for a ressurection
I know it's a miracle i've lived this long
I don't want to give the wrong impression
But i've come so far

Can i visit your arms?
Can i visit your legs?
I won't need your insults or praise
Won't burn in your heart
Don't worry your head
Yeah if you don't want a soul mate
I'm your soul today

Sleeping on the road that takes you home
Howling at the moon at midnight
I want the wrong that sets you right
I'll be praying at your bedside
How long i've been a soul in the gutter

Can i visit your arms
Can i visit your legs
I won't need your insults or praise
Won't burn in your heart
Don't worry your head
Yeah if you don't want a soul mate

Can i visit your arms?
Can i visit your legs?
I won't need your insults or praise
Won't burn in your heart
Don't worry your head
Yeah if you don't want a soul mate
I'm your soul today
Your soul today

imza by Daydream *-*

°•.•°•.Girugamesh (ギルガメッシュ) Türkiye.•°•.•°
En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder Yazarın web sitesini ziyaret et MSN Messenger  
16 Eyl 2007 15:56
Efsane Üye
Efsane Üye

Yaş: 31
Kayıt: 09 Hzr 2007
Mesajlar: 2,406
Cinsiyet: Kız
Nerden: fiziksel olarak Antalya, ruhsal olarak Satoshi'min yanından *.*
Teşekkür: 33

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Efsane Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
chris'in sesinin muhteşem olduğunu konserlerindeki sesiyle albümdeki sesinin tıpatıp aynı olmasından ve bu sesi hiç bir zaman kaybetmemesinden anlayabiliriz.

chris cornell myspace:

chris'in uzun saçlı hali Gülücük Dağıtıyor

imza by Daydream *-*

°•.•°•.Girugamesh (ギルガメッシュ) Türkiye.•°•.•°
En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder Yazarın web sitesini ziyaret et MSN Messenger  
16 Eyl 2007 16:46
Efsane Üye
Efsane Üye

Yaş: 31
Kayıt: 09 Hzr 2007
Mesajlar: 2,406
Cinsiyet: Kız
Nerden: fiziksel olarak Antalya, ruhsal olarak Satoshi'min yanından *.*
Teşekkür: 33

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Efsane Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
chris cornell fanları yok galiba bu forumda ama ben yinede chris cornell'cılar için bir userbar yaptım. ayrıca imza da yapmayı düşünüyorum

edit: işte imzayı da yaptım

ya kimse bilmiyor mu chris cornell'ı. benden söylemesi chris'i dinlememekle çok şey kaçırırsınız Dil Çıkartıyor

imza by Daydream *-*

°•.•°•.Girugamesh (ギルガメッシュ) Türkiye.•°•.•°
En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder Yazarın web sitesini ziyaret et MSN Messenger  
16 Eyl 2007 17:28
Efsane Üye
Efsane Üye

Yaş: 31
Kayıt: 09 Hzr 2007
Mesajlar: 2,406
Cinsiyet: Kız
Nerden: fiziksel olarak Antalya, ruhsal olarak Satoshi'min yanından *.*
Teşekkür: 33

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Efsane Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder

edit: yanlış yere mesaj göndermişim.mesajıda silemediğim için mesajı editledim ve sadece yeni chris imzasını bıraktım geriye

imza by Daydream *-*

°•.•°•.Girugamesh (ギルガメッシュ) Türkiye.•°•.•°
En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder Yazarın web sitesini ziyaret et MSN Messenger  
16 Eyl 2007 18:40, Değiştirme: 16 Eyl 2007 19:01 (Toplamda 1 kere)
Efsane Üye
Efsane Üye

Yaş: 31
Kayıt: 09 Hzr 2007
Mesajlar: 2,406
Cinsiyet: Kız
Nerden: fiziksel olarak Antalya, ruhsal olarak Satoshi'min yanından *.*
Teşekkür: 33

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Efsane Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
Chris Cornell 20 temmuz 1964'te ABD'nin Washington eyaletinin Seattle kasabasında Christopher John Boyle ismiyle doğdu.
takma adı Frisbee'dir.
boyu 1.88 cm'dir

kişisel sözü: "I'm not a lyric writer to make statements. What I enjoy doing is making paintings with lyrics, creating colorful images. I think that's more what entertainment and music should be."

chris cornell ayrıca 2006 da Casino Royale parçasıyla Satellite Award'a layık görüldü

imza by Daydream *-*

°•.•°•.Girugamesh (ギルガメッシュ) Türkiye.•°•.•°
En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder Yazarın web sitesini ziyaret et MSN Messenger  
16 Eyl 2007 18:53
star dilek
Sağlam Üye
Sağlam Üye

Yaş: 30
Kayıt: 25 May 2009
Mesajlar: 195
Cinsiyet: Kız
Nerden: Güney Kore

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

star dilek
Sağlam Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
onu part of me şarkısı ile tanıdım, güzel şarkıları var

En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder  
27 Hzr 2009 15:09
Efsane Üye
Efsane Üye

Yaş: 31
Kayıt: 09 Hzr 2007
Mesajlar: 2,406
Cinsiyet: Kız
Nerden: fiziksel olarak Antalya, ruhsal olarak Satoshi'min yanından *.*
Teşekkür: 33

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Efsane Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
doğrusu yeni şarkılarını sevmedim. part of me'yi de sevmedim. sesi her zamanki gibi süperdi ama tarz değişiliği olmuş. ama klibinde süperdi *,* audioslave ve soudgarden dönemi şarkıları çok daha iyi bence.

imza by Daydream *-*

°•.•°•.Girugamesh (ギルガメッシュ) Türkiye.•°•.•°
En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder Yazarın web sitesini ziyaret et MSN Messenger  
27 Hzr 2009 15:16
princess mercury
O Bir Yıldız!
O Bir Yıldız!

Kayıt: 15 Şub 2008
Mesajlar: 1,470
Teşekkür: 59

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

princess mercury
O Bir Yıldız!
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
chriisss Hayranlık Besliyor bu başlığı nasıl görmem yaa Üzgün ya da Ağlıyor sesine hayranım bu adamın yaa.umi'nin de dediği gibi o gırtlağını çok iyi kullanıo.bende like a stone'la tanıdım kendisini.sonrada bırakmadım Çok Mutlu
yeni şarkılarını bende sevmedim pek.açıkçası part of me'yi duyunca kendimi yerden yere atasım geldi chris abi ne ettin die.
bu arada tanıtım harika olmuş umi Gülücük Dağıtıyor

by tusako
En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder  
05 Tem 2009 11:41
Efsane Üye
Efsane Üye

Yaş: 29
Kayıt: 27 Mar 2008
Mesajlar: 2,159
Cinsiyet: Kız
Teşekkür: 51

Durumu: Çevrimdışı

Efsane Üye
Chris Cornell Konu: Yanıt: Chris Cornell
Alıntıyla Cevap Gönder
Casino royale nin müziği you know my name süper bir şarkıydı ipodumda en çok kalan şarkılardan biriydi hatta xD klibide çok güzeldi *-* tipini hiç görmemitim xD o.O ama çok tanıdık bir sima ^o) xD

En Yukarı Git
Kullanıcının profilini görüntüle Özel mesaj gönder  
15 Tem 2009 13:50
Yeni başlık gönder   Başlığa cevap gönder  
1. sayfa (Toplam 1 sayfa) [ 15 mesaj ]  

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