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Bu mesaja teşekkür edenler (1 kişi): makatoverei

Luna çıktım
You are Luna. You are very dedicated to everything you do in life, and never shy away from your responsibilities. You are determined and will do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals. You are very strict; you are as hard on others as you are on yourself. Although you are quite strong-willed, you can sometimes be shy. You are often embarrassed by love, but you can be very tender and caring.

You are Luna. You are very dedicated to everything you do in life, and never shy away from your responsibilities. You are determined and will do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals. You are very strict; you are as hard on others as you are on yourself. Although you are quite strong-willed, you can sometimes be shy. You are often embarrassed by love, but you can be very tender and caring.
You are Diana
You are Diana. You are a cute kitten who can sometimes be too naive for your own good. You try very hard at everything you do, but sometimes you try a little too hard. You are very friendly, and are able to befriend almost everyone you meet.
You are Diana
You are Diana. You are a cute kitten who can sometimes be too naive for your own good. You try very hard at everything you do, but sometimes you try a little too hard. You are very friendly, and are able to befriend almost everyone you meet.

Snki Usagi Bu Senin Şirin Hediyen Olsun Diyor^^

You are Artemis
You are Artemis. You are very sincere about everything you do, but sometimes you are quite silly. You often "confess" at the wrong time, or put your foot in your mouth. You can be clumsy at times. You are light-hearted and friendly, but at the same time, you take important things seriously. You never shy away from your duties.
artemisim((o kediyi seviyorum ))

You are Artemis. You are very sincere about everything you do, but sometimes you are quite silly. You often "confess" at the wrong time, or put your foot in your mouth. You can be clumsy at times. You are light-hearted and friendly, but at the same time, you take important things seriously. You never shy away from your duties.
artemisim((o kediyi seviyorum ))

aşk o *-* kimse beni bu adamın 30 yaşında olduğuna inandıramaz XD özellikle de kaspiyan rolündeyken u.u
Ben Barnes iz lav *-*

By İrma *-*

You are Artemis
You are Artemis. You are very sincere about everything you do, but sometimes you are quite silly. You often "confess" at the wrong time, or put your foot in your mouth. You can be clumsy at times. You are light-hearted and friendly, but at the same time, you take important things seriously. You never shy away from your duties.
Artemiis *-* Beyaz kedileri hep sevmişimdir =P

You are Artemis. You are very sincere about everything you do, but sometimes you are quite silly. You often "confess" at the wrong time, or put your foot in your mouth. You can be clumsy at times. You are light-hearted and friendly, but at the same time, you take important things seriously. You never shy away from your duties.
Artemiis *-* Beyaz kedileri hep sevmişimdir =P
eski bonibonlardan kim kaldı ??????????? .... :s

You ara diana
You are Diana. You are a cute kitten who can sometimes be too naive for your own good. You try very hard at everything you do, but sometimes you try a little too hard. You are very friendly, and are able to befriend almost everyone you meet.

You are Diana. You are a cute kitten who can sometimes be too naive for your own good. You try very hard at everything you do, but sometimes you try a little too hard. You are very friendly, and are able to befriend almost everyone you meet.

By <Daydream>

1. sayfa (Toplam 2 sayfa) [ 28 mesaj ] |
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