Christina Aguilera Sayfaya git: 1, 2, Sonraki |

Doğum tarihi 18 Aralık 1980
Doğum yeri ABD / New York
Mesleği Müzisyen, söz yazarı, Kayıt prodüktörü
Ekvatorlu Ordu Komutanı Fausto Wagner Xavier Aguilera ve İrlandalı İspanyolca Öğretmeni olan Shelly Loraine Fidler'ın kızı olarak doğdu. Christina'nın Müzikal Gücünü ilk keşfeden büyükannesi olmuştur.Christina, sahnelere 6 yaşında iken okuldaki yetenek yarışmalarına katılarak başladı. Christina Kısa sürede medyanın ilgisini Çekerek Küçük yaşta 'Güçlü sese Sahip Küçük Kız' ünvanını aldı. 8 yaşındayken 'Star Search' yarışmasına katılmış ve yarışmada Etta James'in "A Sunday Kind of Love" parçasını okuyarak 2. oldu.12 yaşında ise içlerinde Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake gibi ünlülerin de yer aldığı The New Mickey Mouse Club'a katılmıştır. Burada da insanlar onu bu yaşta Diva olarak çağırmakta idi.2 yıl sonra kendi asıl müzik kariyerine Japon Sanatçı Keizo Nakanishi ile yaptığı 'All i wanna Do' ile başlamıştır.
Ardından, Disney'in Mulan filmi için aradığı soundtracki, Christina oturma odasında bir demo (Reflection) hazırlayarak yollamıştır ve demo hemen kabul edilerek RCA Records ile anlaşma imzalamıştır.
1998-2001:Pop Müziğe ilk Adım
Christina Debut albümü olan Christina Aguilera'yı çıkardı. Albümdeki Genie in a Bottle onun bu müzik dünyasına adım atmasını sağlayan bir şarkı olmuştur. What a Girl Wants ile de 1 numaraya yükselerek 2 hafta boyunca 1 numaradan inmemiştir. Come on over baby hiti de Christina'nın bu müzik dünyasında gelip geçici bir sanatçı olmadığını kanıtlamıştır. Albümün ilk şarkıları ilk 5 te yerinin almıştı.Böylece yılın en iyi yeni sanatçısı Grammy'sini kolayca göğüsledi.
2000 yılında Christina Aguilera albümünün İspanyolcası denebilecek bir albüm olan Mi Reflejo çıktı. Albümde Christina Aguilera albümünün hit şarkıları olan 'Genie in a bottle' - 'Genio Atrapado', 'Come on over' - 'Ven Conmigo', 'What a girl wants' - 'Una Mujer' gibi İspanyolcaları yapıldı. Bunların yanısıra albümde El Beso Del Final, Contigo En La Distancia, Cuando No Es Contigo ve Falsas Esperanzas gibi yeni şarkılarıda bulunuyordu. Bu Albümle Christina 2001 yılında Latin Grammy ödülü aldı.
2001 de ise Ricky Martin ile birlikte Nobody Wants to be Lonely düetini yaparak billboard listelerinde 11 numaraya Dünya listesinde ise 1 numara oldu. Christina bunun yanı sıra tüm dünyada listelerde 1 numara olan Moulin Rouge filminin soundtrack'i Lady Marmaladeyi Pink,Mya ve Lil kim'le seslendirerek yılın en iyi pop işbirliği Grammysine de sahip oldu.
2002-2004:Stripped Devri
Stripped Tour2002 yılına gelindiğinde ise Christina 'Christina Aguilera' albümünden çok farklı olan 'Stripped'ı yayınladı. Bu albümle Christina kendisinin aslında önceden dinlediğimiz Christina'dan çok farklı olduğunu öne sürdü. Albümün çıkış singleı Dirrty ile birçok kişi tarafından dışlanıp küçük görülürken birçok kişi tarafından da tam bir diva olarak adlandırılıyordu. Şarkı İngilterede 1 numara olarak 1 numaraya ulaşan 1 single daha elde etmiş oldu.'Dirrty'nin ardından Christina Beautifulu ikinci single olarak yayınladı. Tam tersine Dirrtyde onu aşşağılayanlar bu şarkıyla onu daha çok anlamaya başlamışlardı. Şarkı birçok ülkede 1 numaraya yükseldi.
Bunların ardından rock soundlu ancak pop tarzında Fighter şarkısıyla birçok kişi tarafından tam olarak benimsendi ve albüm satışlarını 3'e katladı. Ne kadar listelerde çok yükselemesede Christina'nın en çok beğenilen şarkıllarından biri oldu. Fighter'ın ardından ise kadınlarıda kendi safına çektiği Cant hold us downu yayınladı. Son olarak ise insanların kendilerin güvenmesini ögütleyen The voice within parçasıyla Stripped albümünü iyi bir satış grafiğiyle tamamladı.
2003 yılında ise tüm zamanların en iyi konser işbirliğinde Justin Timberlake ile birlikte 'Justified & Stripped' konserlerine çıktı. Bu konser Justin'den çok Christina'nın işine yaradı.Bu Konser Rolling Stone dergisi tarafından yılın en iyi konseri seçildi.Bunun yanısıra Christina 2003 Mtv avrupa Müzik ödüllerinin sunuculuğunu yaptı.
2006 yılındaki yeni ve şu ana kadarki en başarılı ilk hafta satışı yapan albümü BACK TO BASİCS'e kadar Christina dünyaca ünlü birçok sanatçı ile düetler yaptı. Andrea Bocelli ile Somos Noviosu, Herbie Hancock ile bir Jazz Klasiği olan A song for uyu, Nelly ile yeni albümdeki tarzının sinyallerini veren Tilt ya Head Back gibi şarkıları seslendirerek bu sanatçıların albümlerine katkı sağladı ve 2004 yapımı Shark Tale filminin soundtracki olan Car Washı Missy Elliot ile birlikte seslendirdi.
2006:Köklere Dönüş
13 Ağustos 2006 tarihinde tüm dünya ile aynı anda Türkiye'de de satışa sunulan BACK TO BASİCS albümü eleştirmenlerden şu ana kadar alamadığı en iyi yorumları topladı. Albüm Amerika ve İngiltere albüm listelerine 1 numaradan giriş yaptı. İlk singleı Ain't No Other Man ile Amerika'da altı İngiltere'de iki numaraya kadar yükseldi. 2.klibi albümün en iyi balladlarından olan Hurt'e Floria Sigimondi ile ortak yönetmelik yaparak sirk temalı bir klip yapıldı. P.Diddy'nin albümünde Christina ile olan düeti Tell Me parçasınında klibi Hurt klibi ile aynı zamanlara yayınlandı.Tell me Parçası Türkiye'nin Billboard listesinde 2 numaraya kadar yükseldi.
17 kasımda da Christinanın Back to basics albümünün dünya turu başladı.Yeni single ı ise Candyman oldu.Klibin yönetmenliğide Hurt klibinde de olduğu gibi Christina Yardımcı yönetmenlik yapdı.Klibin Yönetmeni ise Hilary Duff ve Jessica Simpson gibi isimlerle çalışmış olan MATTHEW ROLSTON.Klip MVPA tarafından yılın en iyi videosu seçildi.Candyman İnternet üzerinden en çok indirilen video oldu.Ayrıca Candyman şarkısıda Tell Me gibi Türkiyenin en çok dinlenilen yabancı parçalar listesinde(Billboard Dergisi) 2 numaraya yükseldi.
2007 Grammy Ödüllerinde Ain't No Other Man şarkısıyla 'En iyi Pop Vokal Bayan' ve Back to Basics albümüyle de 'En iyi Pop vokal Albüm' dallarında aday oldu.Bu adaylıklardan 'En iyi Pop Vokal Bayan' ödülünü alarak grammy sayısını 4 'e yükseltti.
Back To Basıcs Dunya Turu Kapsamında Avrupa,Amerıka,Asya ve Avustralya kıtalarında bırcok konser verdı tum koserlerının bıletlerı %100 satıldı ve bu turneden elde ettıgı kazanc 98 mılyon dolar oldu.
Son olarak ıse Slow Down Baby sıngleını cıkardı sıngle sadece avustralyada satısa sunuldu ve Avustralya lıstelerıne 21 numaradan gırıs yapmayı basardı.
Sımply Chrıstına Aguilera adlı Parfumunu pıyasaya surdu.
2007-2008 Projeleri
"Don't Be Jealous" The Pussycat Dolls ile düet yayınlanabilir.
"....." Rain Japon şarkıcı Rain ile albümünde bir parçaya eşlik edeceği söylenmekte.
Müzik prodüktörü Jordan Bratman ile evli.
Ses türü Spinto Soprano.
3,6 oktav (4 oktav) sese sahip.
Sarışın ve mavi gözlü.
Boyu 1.59 m.
Whitney Houston, Etta James ve Billie Holiday hayranı.

Sessizlik var olmamak değildir...Sessizliğim asaletimdendir... Buradayım...

Stüdyo Albümleri
Christina Aguilera (RCA) (Ağustos 24 1999)
Çıkış Tarihi: Ağustos 24, 1999
Listelerde zirve: #1 U.S., #1 CAN, #21 AUS, #14 U.K., #13 ALM
U.S. Belge: 8x Platinum
U.S. Satış: 8 milyonun üzeri
Dünya Satışı: 12.1+ Milyon
Stripped (RCA) (Ekim 29 2002)
Çıkış Tarihi: Ekim 29, 2002
Listelerde Zirve: #2 U.S., #3 CAN, #7 AUS, #2 U.K., #6 ALM
U.S. Belge: 4x Platinum
U.S. Satış: 4 milyon üzeri
Dünya Satışı: 8.3+ Milyon
Back to Basics (RCA) (Ağustos 15 2006)
Çıkış Tarihi: Ağustos 15, 2006
Listelerde zirve: #1 U.S., #1 CAN, #1 AUS, #1 U.K., #1 ALM
U.S. Belge: Platinum
U.S. Satış: 1,297,272 (Devam ediyor)
Dünya Satışı: 3 milyon (Devam Ediyor)
***Diğer Albümleri
Mi Reflejo
My Kind Of Christmas
Just Be Free

Christina Aguilera (RCA) (Ağustos 24 1999)
Çıkış Tarihi: Ağustos 24, 1999
Listelerde zirve: #1 U.S., #1 CAN, #21 AUS, #14 U.K., #13 ALM
U.S. Belge: 8x Platinum
U.S. Satış: 8 milyonun üzeri
Dünya Satışı: 12.1+ Milyon

Stripped (RCA) (Ekim 29 2002)
Çıkış Tarihi: Ekim 29, 2002
Listelerde Zirve: #2 U.S., #3 CAN, #7 AUS, #2 U.K., #6 ALM
U.S. Belge: 4x Platinum
U.S. Satış: 4 milyon üzeri
Dünya Satışı: 8.3+ Milyon

Back to Basics (RCA) (Ağustos 15 2006)
Çıkış Tarihi: Ağustos 15, 2006
Listelerde zirve: #1 U.S., #1 CAN, #1 AUS, #1 U.K., #1 ALM
U.S. Belge: Platinum
U.S. Satış: 1,297,272 (Devam ediyor)
Dünya Satışı: 3 milyon (Devam Ediyor)
***Diğer Albümleri
Mi Reflejo
My Kind Of Christmas
Just Be Free

Sessizlik var olmamak değildir...Sessizliğim asaletimdendir... Buradayım...

1997 The Spinning Turu
2000 TLC Tour (açışış ön sanatçı)
2000 Sears & Levis US Turu
2001 Latin Amerika turu
2003 The Justified & Stripped Turu
2003 The Stripped Dünya Turu
2006 Back To Basics Dünya Turu
1999: Genie Gets Her Wish #1 ABD platinum belge
2000: My Reflection #1 ABD altın belge
2004: Stripped Live in the UK #3 ABD platinum belge
2000 - Grammy ödülü (En iyi çıkış yapan sanatçı)
2000 - Billboard müzik ödülleri (yılın bayan sanatçısı)
2000 - Billboard latin müzik ödülleri (yılın pop albümü)
2000 - Dünya Müzik Ödülleri (en çok satan yeni sanatçı)
2000 - Latin Grammy ödülü (en iyi bayan pop albümü)
2001 - Dünya Müzik Ödülleri (En çok satan latin bayan sanatçı)
2001 - Mtv video müzik ödülleri (En iyi film videosu)(lady marmalade)
2001 - Mtv video müzik ödülleri (Yılın en iyi videosu)(lady marmalade)
2001 - FHM Dergisi (En seksi 20. kadın)
2001 - Grammy ödülü(En iyi pop işbirliği)(lady marmalade)
2002 - Stuff Dergisi (En seksi 13. kadın)
2003 - Maxim Dergisi (En seksi kadın)
2003 - TEEN people choice ödülleri (En iyi şarkı sözü)(beautiful)
2003 - Mtv Avrupa Müzik ödülü (en iyi bayan sanatçı)
2004 - Rolling Stone Müzik ödülü (en iyi bayan Performans)
2004 - Rolling Stone MÜzik ödülü (yılın turnesi Justified&Stripped Tour)
2004 - Maxim Dergisi (En seksi 3. kadın)
2004 - Grammy ödülü(En iyi pop vokal kadın sanatçı)(beautiful)
2004 - Glamour dergisi (yılın bayanı)
2004 - Mtv asya ödülleri (yılın bayan sanatçısı)
2006 - Mtv Avrupa Müzik Ödüllü (yılın bayan sanatçısı)
2007 - Grammy ödülü(En iyi pop vokal kadın sanatçı)(Ain't No Other Man)
2007 - NRJ Ödülleri (Uluslararası en iyi bayan sanatçı)
2007 - NRJ Ödülleri (Yılın en iyi Uluslararası Albümü) (Back To Basics)
1997 The Spinning Turu
2000 TLC Tour (açışış ön sanatçı)
2000 Sears & Levis US Turu
2001 Latin Amerika turu
2003 The Justified & Stripped Turu
2003 The Stripped Dünya Turu
2006 Back To Basics Dünya Turu
1999: Genie Gets Her Wish #1 ABD platinum belge
2000: My Reflection #1 ABD altın belge
2004: Stripped Live in the UK #3 ABD platinum belge
2000 - Grammy ödülü (En iyi çıkış yapan sanatçı)
2000 - Billboard müzik ödülleri (yılın bayan sanatçısı)
2000 - Billboard latin müzik ödülleri (yılın pop albümü)
2000 - Dünya Müzik Ödülleri (en çok satan yeni sanatçı)
2000 - Latin Grammy ödülü (en iyi bayan pop albümü)
2001 - Dünya Müzik Ödülleri (En çok satan latin bayan sanatçı)
2001 - Mtv video müzik ödülleri (En iyi film videosu)(lady marmalade)
2001 - Mtv video müzik ödülleri (Yılın en iyi videosu)(lady marmalade)
2001 - FHM Dergisi (En seksi 20. kadın)
2001 - Grammy ödülü(En iyi pop işbirliği)(lady marmalade)
2002 - Stuff Dergisi (En seksi 13. kadın)
2003 - Maxim Dergisi (En seksi kadın)
2003 - TEEN people choice ödülleri (En iyi şarkı sözü)(beautiful)
2003 - Mtv Avrupa Müzik ödülü (en iyi bayan sanatçı)
2004 - Rolling Stone Müzik ödülü (en iyi bayan Performans)
2004 - Rolling Stone MÜzik ödülü (yılın turnesi Justified&Stripped Tour)
2004 - Maxim Dergisi (En seksi 3. kadın)
2004 - Grammy ödülü(En iyi pop vokal kadın sanatçı)(beautiful)
2004 - Glamour dergisi (yılın bayanı)
2004 - Mtv asya ödülleri (yılın bayan sanatçısı)
2006 - Mtv Avrupa Müzik Ödüllü (yılın bayan sanatçısı)
2007 - Grammy ödülü(En iyi pop vokal kadın sanatçı)(Ain't No Other Man)
2007 - NRJ Ödülleri (Uluslararası en iyi bayan sanatçı)
2007 - NRJ Ödülleri (Yılın en iyi Uluslararası Albümü) (Back To Basics)

Sessizlik var olmamak değildir...Sessizliğim asaletimdendir... Buradayım...

ayyy bu christina aguilera nın yeni hali çok tatlı sarı saçlar kırmızı dudaklar çok ş ara odamda posteri vardı anam yırtıp atmış
bnde en son albümünden bütün şarkıları var.sesi jazz blues müziğine çok uyuyo.yalnız o eski hali piercing li resimleri gözümün önüne gelince miğdem kalkıo.....

Moda Editörü : Isabel Dupré
Derleyen : Yasemİn Şener
NBC?nin 8H Studyosu?nun yer aldığı New York?taki Rockefeller Center?ın önü ?Saturday Night Live? şovundan çıkacak yıldızlardan bir imza alabilmek için toplanan müthiş bir kalabalık tarafından kuşatılmış. Önce, teenage idoller arasına yeni giren Jessica Simpson ve Nick Lachey pırıl pırıl gülümseyip el sallayarak görünüyorlar. Sonra kendi adının yazılı olduğu tişörtü, elinde çiçekleri ve gülümseyen yüzüyle Britney Spears ve ardından da Justin Timberlake çığlıklar atan kalabalığı selamlıyorlar. Hepsinin gerisinde ana giriş kapısının önünde koyu renk saçları ve tayt bir jean, tayt bir tişört ve tayt bir jean ceket içinde vücudunu sımsıkı paketlemiş gibi duran 23 yaşındaki Christina Aguilera?nın yanına gidip kendisiyle röportaj yapmak istediğimi söylüyorum. En sonunda da yaptığı müziğe ve herşeyine tam anlamıyla hayran olduğumu ekliyorum. ?Herkes böyle söylüyor?, diye yanıtıyor Aguilera gülümseyerek ve ekliyor: ?O halde röportajı yapabiliriz.? Ondan tam bir hafta sonra Aguilera Los Angeles?taki L?Ermitage otelinin lobisindeki barda bir grup arkadaşıyla birlikte gayet relaks bir halde kahkahalar atıyor. Bense beş altı metre ötelerinde onun dev bodyguard?ı Vern?le birlikte oturmuş sohbet ediyorum. Derken Aguilera?nın sempatik arkadaşlarından biri yanımıza geliyor ve pop idolünün röportaj için hazır olduğunu söylüyor. Kendisine Christina?ya köşedeki masalardan birine gelme şansının olup olmadığını sormasını rica ediyor, oranın daha az gürültülü olduğunu ve hatta bu şekilde bir yandan öğle yemeği de yiyebileceğimizi söylüyorum. Kızcağız tekrar Christina?nın yanına gidiyor, teklifimi ona iletiyor ve geri dönüp şöyle söylüyor: ?Christina şu an bulunduğu yerde kalmak istiyor.? Vern önüne bakıp, gülümsüyor. Aguilera?nın önündeki yarısı yenmiş çikolatalı sufle kahverengi bir pelteye dönüşmüş. Yoksa çoktan yemeğini yedi mi? ?Sadece birkaç lokma birşey atıştırmak istedim?, diyor. Oturduğu kadife sandalyeye iyice yerleşip, bacaklarını kollarıyla sarıyor. Üzerinde yırtık bir jean pantolon, yüzünde full makyaj, ayaklarında da siyah yüksek topuklu pabuçlar var. Siyah balıkçı yaka buluzu ve başındaki kasketiyle Aguilera her zamankinden çok daha ufak tefek görünüyor. ?Daha önce L?Ermitage?da defalarca röportaj verdim. Buradaki loş ışıklandırmayı ve şömineyi seviyorum. Ne çok sessiz ne de çok gürültülü oluşunu da...? Christina Aguilera?ya bu röportajı yapmayı teklif ettiğim o gece, ?Saturday Night Live?daki açılış monoloğunu yaparken izleyicilerden birisi sahneye doğru yürüyüp kendisine bir külot ve sütyen hediye etmeye çalışmış. ?Biraz provokatif giyindiğim için herkesin kafasında böyle önyargılar var?, diyor Aguilera ve ekliyor: ?Bu aslında medyanın hatası. Çünkü kimi zaman saçımdan tırnağıma kadar kapalı da giyiniyorum. Ama o görüntüler basının dikkatini çekmiyor. Aslında sizin imajınızın ne olduğuna medya karar veriyor. Siz gerçekten öyle olun ya da olmayın, bu hiç önemli değil.? Pop müziğin bu genç süperstarı röportaj verirken ve kendisi hakkında konuşurken kendi şahsına münhasır, sanki önceden düşünülmüş ve planlanmış gibi duran hareketler yapıyor, cümleler kuruyor. Sorularınıza yanıt verirken boşluğa bakarak konuşuyor, sanki bu röportaja çok zor katlanıyormuş ya da tahammül ediyormuş gibi mesafeli bir ifadeyle yüzünüze bakıyor. Tıpkı şu anda olduğu gibi: ?Modada yanlış diye birşeye inanmıyorum.? Gözlerini tavanda gezdirirken bir yandan da kulağındaki elmas küpeyle oynuyor: ?Bu bence sadece insanların kendi savunma mekanizmaları. Van Gogh?un ya da Basquiat?nin kendi ürettikleri bir sanat eserine ?Bu yanlış bir sanat eseri? demesi ne kadar anlamsızsa modada da hata aramak o kadar saçma. Benim giyim tarzımla ilgili herhangi bir kuşkusu olan biri varsa onu konuşarak ikna edebilirim. Sınırlarının dışına çıkıp, farklı düşünebilmeyi öğrenmeleri için onlara yardım edebilirim.? O andan itibaren nedense Christina?nın belki de sadece utangaç bir insan olduğunu, bu yüzden yüzüme bakarak konuşamadığını düşünmeye başlıyorum. Derken bir garson kız elinde şarap listesiyle yanımıza geliyor. ?Umarım biraz ısınmışsınızdır?, diyor Aguilera?ya, ?çünkü ben terliyorum.? ?Ah, çok özür dilerim!?, diye yanıtlıyor Aguilera ?Hayır, hayır, sadece şaka yapıyordum?, diyor garson aslında şaka yapmadığını fazlasıyla belli ederek ve ekliyor: ?Önemli olan sizin rahat etmeniz.? Aguilera bir şişe cabarnet ve hindi söylüyor, ?Avacado?suz lütfen?, diye ekleyerek. Aguilera bir süre öncesine kadar, yapımına ve bestelerine katkıda bulunduğu bol ödüllü albümü ?Stripped? için altı haftalık bir Amerika turnesine çıkmaya hazırlanıyordu. Fakat ses tellerindeki bir rahatsızlıktan dolayı bu turneyi ertelemek zorunda kaldı. Şu sıralar DreamWork?ün yeni animasyon filmi ?Shark Tale?in soundrack?i için bir şarkı üzerinde çalışıyor ve yeni albümüne hazırlanıyor. ?Eartha Kitt?le bir düet yapmayı çok isterdim, çünkü o kendi döneminin en iyisiydi. ?I Want to Be Evil? gibi bazı şarkıları yasaklanmıştı. Bazen röportajlarda bana ?Sizce müzik giderek daha provokatif mi oluyor??, diye soruyorlar. Ben de onlara ?Müzik geçmişten beri ne zaman provokatif olmadı ki?, diyorum. Elvis Presley kendi döneminde tüm dünyada müthiş bir hareketlenme ve ayaklanma yaratmıştı. Yaptığı o müziğin bugün eski değeri yok...? Röportajın ilerleyen dakikalarında tam da Aguilera yavaş yavaş bana ısındığını hissettiren sinyaller vermeye ve hepsi bir örnek, sevimli, iyi ambalajlı ve parlak fabrikasyon ürünlere benzediklerini söylediği pop yıldızlarını çekiştirmeye başlamışken basın danışmanı yanımıza geliyor ve röportaja son veriyor. Bütün protestolarımı ?Christina her zaman röportajlara bir saat ayırıyor?, diye refüze ediyor. Christina ?İnanın konuştuklarımız yeterli olacaktır?, diye gülümsüyor gözlerini kısarak ve ekliyor: ?Tecrübelerime güvenin, bunu daha önce pek çok kez yaptım.? Eğer Madonna bütün pop yıldızlarının annesi olsaydı herhalde Britney onun en sevdiği kızı olurdu. Fakat Christina da kesinlikle onun izinden en sağlam gelen kız olurdu. Çünkü Aguilera?nın 1999 yılında çıkarttığı ve ?Genie in a Bottle?, ?What a Girl Wants? ve ?Come On Over? gibi dans şarkılarıyla büyük patlama yaratan albümü tüm dünyada 12.1 milyon sattı. Özellikle Britney Spears?la ve seks sembolü pek çok diğer pop prensesiyle kıyaslanmaktan fena halde sıkılan Aguilera 2002 yılında yeni bir doğuş yaşadı. karanlık diva özellikle de ?Stripped? albümünde yer verdiği söz ve bestesi kendisine ait olan seksizm ve aile içi şiddet karşıtı şarkılarıyla kafasının sanıldığından çok daha dolu olduğunu da göstermiş oldu. ?Stripped? albümü çıktığından bu yana 8.3 milyondan fazla sattı ve içinde yer alan şarkılardan ?Beautiful? Aguilera?ya Grammy ödülünü kazandırdı. Madonna?dan Whitney Houston ve Jennifer Lopez?e bugüne kadar pek çok pop yıldızıyla birlikte çalışmış olan klip yönetmeni Paul Hunter, Christina Aguilera?nın Britney ve diğer yıldızlara kıyasla çok daha üstün olduğunu düşünüyor: ?Günün sonunda sizden onları muhteşem göstermenizi beklerler. Kamera yüzlerinin ve vücutlarının mükemmel göründüğü açılara göre yerleştirilir.? Hunter?a göre Aguilera en çok yüzünün cepheden görüntüsünü beğeniyor ve kameraya doğru çok sert ve agresif bakışlar fırlatmayı seviyor. Hunter, 2001 yılında Aguilera, Mya, Pink ve Lil? Kim?le ?Lady Marmelade? klibinin çekimi için buluştuğunda her şarkıcı kendi makyöz ve kuaförüyle bir odaya kapanmış. ?Acaba kim önce çıkacak diye beklemeye başladım.?, diyor Hunter ve ?İlk çıkan Mya oldu? diye ekliyor. Peki ya Aguilera? ?O en kabarık saçlarla en son çıkan oldu!? A&M Records?un sahibi Ron Fair 1997 senesinde henüz 16 yaşındaki Aguilera?nın ofisine geldiği ilk günü hiç unutmuyor: ?Hayatımda belki de milyarda bir tekrar edebilecek, müthiş derecede etkileyici bir andı. Christina, Allah vergisi bir kulağa sahipti. Müzik belirli ses aralıklarından oluşur. Notalar arasındaki boşluklar armonik bir strüktüre sahiptir. Ses dalgası gelir, şarkıcı o armoni üstünde sörf yapmaya çalışır ve pek çoğu da o sörfün üzerinden düşer. Christina hiç düşmemekle kalmadı, aynı zamanda o strüktür üzerinde oradan oraya zıplayabilme yeteneği olduğunu da gösterdi. O sesini çok özgün bir tarzda kullanıyordu.? Aguilera henüz yedi yaşındayken büyükkannesi onun sesinin çok güzel olduğunu keşfetmiş. Şimdi o günleri yüzünde yumuşacık bir ifadeyle anımsıyor: ?Büyükannem anneme ?Burada muhteşem bir yetenek var?, diyen bir ifadeyle bakıyordu.? O sene Christina?nın asker babasıyla konser kemanisti annesi şiddetli geçimsizlik yaşadıkları evliliklerine son vermişler. Aguilera Pennsylvania?nın Wexford bölgesinde geçen çocukluk yıllarını şöyle hatırlıyor: ?Büyükannemle birlikte arabayla şehire gider, eski albümler satan dükkanların altını üstüne getirir, kült blues şarkıcıların albümlerini alırdık. Eğer acı çekmek istiyorsanız Nina Simone dinlersiniz, onun sesi sizi gerçekten gözaşlarına boğabilir. Eğer aradığınız daha güçlü, daha agresif, daha doğal birşeylerse Etta James tam size göre, ki benim de en büyük favorim. Billie Holiday çok özel bir kalite ve ustalıkta, Dinah Washington?unsa vibratosu muhteşem...? Aguilera henüz sekiz yaşındayken yetenek yarışmalarına katılıyor, Whitney Houston?un ?How Will I Know? ve ?I Wanna Dance With Somebody? şarkılarını mükemmel performansla söylüyormuş. 1989 yılında ?Star Search? isimli yarışmanın finallerinde elenmiş, ama ondan bir sene sonra ?The Mickey Mouse Club?ın kastında yer almış. ?Star Search?ün elemelerini izleyenler onun hayret verici bir şekilde henüz sekiz yaşındayken bir yetişkin sesine sahip olduğunu anımsıyorlar. Christina Aguilera?yla ilk görüşmemizden tam bir ay sonra yeniden bir araya geliyoruz. Aguilera bu defa çok daha pozitif, daha açık ve daha rahat. Özellikle de dedikodu gazetelerinde kendisiyle ilgili çıkan haberleri anlatıp gülerken ondaki değişikliği çok daha iyi hissediyorum. Dedikodulardan bir tanesi erkek arkadaşı Jordan Bratman?le nişanlandığı üzerine. ?Bu söylenti nasıl ortaya çıktı anlamıyorum?, diyor Aguilera haberi yalanlayarak. ?Daha da komik olan ne biliyor musun, saçımı boyatıp karamel rengi yaptığım için şöyle başlıklar okuyorum gazetelerde: ?Yaramaz Kız Uslandı?, ?Avamdı, Klas Oldu?... Tüm bunlar bana sinir krizi geçirtiyor! ?Aguilera?nın Yeni Gözdesi?, ?O Artık İyi Kız!?. Britney kötü kız olarak dörtnala ilerlerken, beni iyi kız ilan ettiler.? Gerçekten kahkahalarla gülerek devam ediyor: ?Bu onların yeni yorumu. İyi kız ve kötü kız olarak Britney?le rolleri değiştirdik! Bu çok komik!? Bratman, sanıldığı gibi Aguilera?nın yeni aşkı değil. Neredeyse iki senedir beraberler. Yani Aguilera?nın ?Kötü kız? olarak anıldığı dönemde de birliktelerdi. ?Bütün bu sinir bozucu yorumlara rağmen, o benim her zaman yanımda ve hep bana destek oluyor. Sürekli bana ?Şöyle yapmalısın, böyle yapmalısın?, diye yol gösteriyor. Bütün bunlara boşvermemi, kendi yolumdan ilerlememi söylüyor. Bana durmadan moral veriyor. Şu sıralar saç rengimi değiştirmemle ilgili espiriler yapıyor. ?Kesinlikle çok sevdim, sürekli farklı bir kızla beraber gibiyim!?, diyor.? Aguilera hayatı boyunca yalnızca iki kez gerçek aşkı yaşamış. İlki dansçılarından biri olan Jorge Santos?muş. Babasının annesine sürekli şiddet uygulamasına şahit olarak büyüyen genç yıldızın lisedeyken tek bir takıntısı varmış, ama o da kesinlikle erkekler değilmiş. ?Tamamen kendi şarkılarımı yazmaya odaklanmıştım. Eğer bir çocuk uzun soluklu ya da ciddi bir ilişki istiyorsa hemen ondan uzaklaşıyordum. Ona yakında kasabadan ayrılacağımı, bir albüm anlaşması yapacağımı, herşeyden önce kariyerimin geldiğini söylüyordum. Hayatım boyunca hiçbir zaman sırtımı yaslayacağım, parasını harcayacağım, ya da beni desteklediği için hayatımı kısıtlamayı kendinde hak olarak görecek bir erkeğe ihtiyaç duymadım.? Christina Aguilera, çocukluğunda yaşadığı travmayı ?Stripped? albümünde yer verdiği ?I?m OK? şarkısında anlatıyor: ?Canımı yak ki annemin yüzündeki acıyı görebilesin/ Babam her defasında vurup onu yerine oturturdu/... O günleri unutmak hiç kolay değil/ Ben o eski merdivenin basamaklarına saklanırken/ Onun boynunda bıraktığın izleri de.../ Bundan sonra neler göreceğim korkusuyla eve gelmek istemediğim o günler boyunca...? Christina?nın babası tam 12 sene boyunca hiç aramadığı kızıyla, ilk albümü ?Mulan?la Golden Globe ödülüne aday olduğu ve turneyle tüm ülkeyi dolaşmaya başladığı 2000 senesinde yeniden iletişim kurmuş: ?Onca senenin ardından birdenbire ortaya çıkmasının arkasındaki neden beni biraz üzdü. Büyükannem ve büyükbabamla birlikte bilet alıp şovumu izlemeye geldi. Daha sonra kulise gelip beni tebrik etti ve birlikte fotoğraf çektirdik. Ondan nefret etmediğimi anladım. Onu affetmeye çalıştım. Ben inançlı bir insanım ve benim canımı yakan insanları yine de incitmemeye çalışırım. Fakat belki de babamın eksikliği yüzünden hayatım boyunca hiçkimseden destek almadan kendi ayaklarım üzerinde durmak zorunda kaldım.? Aguilera sohbetimizin sonunda hayatı ve geleceği ile ilgili hayallerinden ve planlarından söz ediyor: ?Daha uzun zaman boyunca bu noktada kalmak istiyorum. Hayatımın hiçbir döneminde hangi yöne gideceğimden ve neler yapmak istediğimden bu kadar emin olmamıştım. Hiçkimsenin kurallarıyla oynamıyor, kimse için kendi doğrularımdan ödün vermiyor, sadece kalbimin sesini dinliyorum. ?
Moda Editörü : Isabel Dupré
Derleyen : Yasemİn Şener
NBC?nin 8H Studyosu?nun yer aldığı New York?taki Rockefeller Center?ın önü ?Saturday Night Live? şovundan çıkacak yıldızlardan bir imza alabilmek için toplanan müthiş bir kalabalık tarafından kuşatılmış. Önce, teenage idoller arasına yeni giren Jessica Simpson ve Nick Lachey pırıl pırıl gülümseyip el sallayarak görünüyorlar. Sonra kendi adının yazılı olduğu tişörtü, elinde çiçekleri ve gülümseyen yüzüyle Britney Spears ve ardından da Justin Timberlake çığlıklar atan kalabalığı selamlıyorlar. Hepsinin gerisinde ana giriş kapısının önünde koyu renk saçları ve tayt bir jean, tayt bir tişört ve tayt bir jean ceket içinde vücudunu sımsıkı paketlemiş gibi duran 23 yaşındaki Christina Aguilera?nın yanına gidip kendisiyle röportaj yapmak istediğimi söylüyorum. En sonunda da yaptığı müziğe ve herşeyine tam anlamıyla hayran olduğumu ekliyorum. ?Herkes böyle söylüyor?, diye yanıtıyor Aguilera gülümseyerek ve ekliyor: ?O halde röportajı yapabiliriz.? Ondan tam bir hafta sonra Aguilera Los Angeles?taki L?Ermitage otelinin lobisindeki barda bir grup arkadaşıyla birlikte gayet relaks bir halde kahkahalar atıyor. Bense beş altı metre ötelerinde onun dev bodyguard?ı Vern?le birlikte oturmuş sohbet ediyorum. Derken Aguilera?nın sempatik arkadaşlarından biri yanımıza geliyor ve pop idolünün röportaj için hazır olduğunu söylüyor. Kendisine Christina?ya köşedeki masalardan birine gelme şansının olup olmadığını sormasını rica ediyor, oranın daha az gürültülü olduğunu ve hatta bu şekilde bir yandan öğle yemeği de yiyebileceğimizi söylüyorum. Kızcağız tekrar Christina?nın yanına gidiyor, teklifimi ona iletiyor ve geri dönüp şöyle söylüyor: ?Christina şu an bulunduğu yerde kalmak istiyor.? Vern önüne bakıp, gülümsüyor. Aguilera?nın önündeki yarısı yenmiş çikolatalı sufle kahverengi bir pelteye dönüşmüş. Yoksa çoktan yemeğini yedi mi? ?Sadece birkaç lokma birşey atıştırmak istedim?, diyor. Oturduğu kadife sandalyeye iyice yerleşip, bacaklarını kollarıyla sarıyor. Üzerinde yırtık bir jean pantolon, yüzünde full makyaj, ayaklarında da siyah yüksek topuklu pabuçlar var. Siyah balıkçı yaka buluzu ve başındaki kasketiyle Aguilera her zamankinden çok daha ufak tefek görünüyor. ?Daha önce L?Ermitage?da defalarca röportaj verdim. Buradaki loş ışıklandırmayı ve şömineyi seviyorum. Ne çok sessiz ne de çok gürültülü oluşunu da...? Christina Aguilera?ya bu röportajı yapmayı teklif ettiğim o gece, ?Saturday Night Live?daki açılış monoloğunu yaparken izleyicilerden birisi sahneye doğru yürüyüp kendisine bir külot ve sütyen hediye etmeye çalışmış. ?Biraz provokatif giyindiğim için herkesin kafasında böyle önyargılar var?, diyor Aguilera ve ekliyor: ?Bu aslında medyanın hatası. Çünkü kimi zaman saçımdan tırnağıma kadar kapalı da giyiniyorum. Ama o görüntüler basının dikkatini çekmiyor. Aslında sizin imajınızın ne olduğuna medya karar veriyor. Siz gerçekten öyle olun ya da olmayın, bu hiç önemli değil.? Pop müziğin bu genç süperstarı röportaj verirken ve kendisi hakkında konuşurken kendi şahsına münhasır, sanki önceden düşünülmüş ve planlanmış gibi duran hareketler yapıyor, cümleler kuruyor. Sorularınıza yanıt verirken boşluğa bakarak konuşuyor, sanki bu röportaja çok zor katlanıyormuş ya da tahammül ediyormuş gibi mesafeli bir ifadeyle yüzünüze bakıyor. Tıpkı şu anda olduğu gibi: ?Modada yanlış diye birşeye inanmıyorum.? Gözlerini tavanda gezdirirken bir yandan da kulağındaki elmas küpeyle oynuyor: ?Bu bence sadece insanların kendi savunma mekanizmaları. Van Gogh?un ya da Basquiat?nin kendi ürettikleri bir sanat eserine ?Bu yanlış bir sanat eseri? demesi ne kadar anlamsızsa modada da hata aramak o kadar saçma. Benim giyim tarzımla ilgili herhangi bir kuşkusu olan biri varsa onu konuşarak ikna edebilirim. Sınırlarının dışına çıkıp, farklı düşünebilmeyi öğrenmeleri için onlara yardım edebilirim.? O andan itibaren nedense Christina?nın belki de sadece utangaç bir insan olduğunu, bu yüzden yüzüme bakarak konuşamadığını düşünmeye başlıyorum. Derken bir garson kız elinde şarap listesiyle yanımıza geliyor. ?Umarım biraz ısınmışsınızdır?, diyor Aguilera?ya, ?çünkü ben terliyorum.? ?Ah, çok özür dilerim!?, diye yanıtlıyor Aguilera ?Hayır, hayır, sadece şaka yapıyordum?, diyor garson aslında şaka yapmadığını fazlasıyla belli ederek ve ekliyor: ?Önemli olan sizin rahat etmeniz.? Aguilera bir şişe cabarnet ve hindi söylüyor, ?Avacado?suz lütfen?, diye ekleyerek. Aguilera bir süre öncesine kadar, yapımına ve bestelerine katkıda bulunduğu bol ödüllü albümü ?Stripped? için altı haftalık bir Amerika turnesine çıkmaya hazırlanıyordu. Fakat ses tellerindeki bir rahatsızlıktan dolayı bu turneyi ertelemek zorunda kaldı. Şu sıralar DreamWork?ün yeni animasyon filmi ?Shark Tale?in soundrack?i için bir şarkı üzerinde çalışıyor ve yeni albümüne hazırlanıyor. ?Eartha Kitt?le bir düet yapmayı çok isterdim, çünkü o kendi döneminin en iyisiydi. ?I Want to Be Evil? gibi bazı şarkıları yasaklanmıştı. Bazen röportajlarda bana ?Sizce müzik giderek daha provokatif mi oluyor??, diye soruyorlar. Ben de onlara ?Müzik geçmişten beri ne zaman provokatif olmadı ki?, diyorum. Elvis Presley kendi döneminde tüm dünyada müthiş bir hareketlenme ve ayaklanma yaratmıştı. Yaptığı o müziğin bugün eski değeri yok...? Röportajın ilerleyen dakikalarında tam da Aguilera yavaş yavaş bana ısındığını hissettiren sinyaller vermeye ve hepsi bir örnek, sevimli, iyi ambalajlı ve parlak fabrikasyon ürünlere benzediklerini söylediği pop yıldızlarını çekiştirmeye başlamışken basın danışmanı yanımıza geliyor ve röportaja son veriyor. Bütün protestolarımı ?Christina her zaman röportajlara bir saat ayırıyor?, diye refüze ediyor. Christina ?İnanın konuştuklarımız yeterli olacaktır?, diye gülümsüyor gözlerini kısarak ve ekliyor: ?Tecrübelerime güvenin, bunu daha önce pek çok kez yaptım.? Eğer Madonna bütün pop yıldızlarının annesi olsaydı herhalde Britney onun en sevdiği kızı olurdu. Fakat Christina da kesinlikle onun izinden en sağlam gelen kız olurdu. Çünkü Aguilera?nın 1999 yılında çıkarttığı ve ?Genie in a Bottle?, ?What a Girl Wants? ve ?Come On Over? gibi dans şarkılarıyla büyük patlama yaratan albümü tüm dünyada 12.1 milyon sattı. Özellikle Britney Spears?la ve seks sembolü pek çok diğer pop prensesiyle kıyaslanmaktan fena halde sıkılan Aguilera 2002 yılında yeni bir doğuş yaşadı. karanlık diva özellikle de ?Stripped? albümünde yer verdiği söz ve bestesi kendisine ait olan seksizm ve aile içi şiddet karşıtı şarkılarıyla kafasının sanıldığından çok daha dolu olduğunu da göstermiş oldu. ?Stripped? albümü çıktığından bu yana 8.3 milyondan fazla sattı ve içinde yer alan şarkılardan ?Beautiful? Aguilera?ya Grammy ödülünü kazandırdı. Madonna?dan Whitney Houston ve Jennifer Lopez?e bugüne kadar pek çok pop yıldızıyla birlikte çalışmış olan klip yönetmeni Paul Hunter, Christina Aguilera?nın Britney ve diğer yıldızlara kıyasla çok daha üstün olduğunu düşünüyor: ?Günün sonunda sizden onları muhteşem göstermenizi beklerler. Kamera yüzlerinin ve vücutlarının mükemmel göründüğü açılara göre yerleştirilir.? Hunter?a göre Aguilera en çok yüzünün cepheden görüntüsünü beğeniyor ve kameraya doğru çok sert ve agresif bakışlar fırlatmayı seviyor. Hunter, 2001 yılında Aguilera, Mya, Pink ve Lil? Kim?le ?Lady Marmelade? klibinin çekimi için buluştuğunda her şarkıcı kendi makyöz ve kuaförüyle bir odaya kapanmış. ?Acaba kim önce çıkacak diye beklemeye başladım.?, diyor Hunter ve ?İlk çıkan Mya oldu? diye ekliyor. Peki ya Aguilera? ?O en kabarık saçlarla en son çıkan oldu!? A&M Records?un sahibi Ron Fair 1997 senesinde henüz 16 yaşındaki Aguilera?nın ofisine geldiği ilk günü hiç unutmuyor: ?Hayatımda belki de milyarda bir tekrar edebilecek, müthiş derecede etkileyici bir andı. Christina, Allah vergisi bir kulağa sahipti. Müzik belirli ses aralıklarından oluşur. Notalar arasındaki boşluklar armonik bir strüktüre sahiptir. Ses dalgası gelir, şarkıcı o armoni üstünde sörf yapmaya çalışır ve pek çoğu da o sörfün üzerinden düşer. Christina hiç düşmemekle kalmadı, aynı zamanda o strüktür üzerinde oradan oraya zıplayabilme yeteneği olduğunu da gösterdi. O sesini çok özgün bir tarzda kullanıyordu.? Aguilera henüz yedi yaşındayken büyükkannesi onun sesinin çok güzel olduğunu keşfetmiş. Şimdi o günleri yüzünde yumuşacık bir ifadeyle anımsıyor: ?Büyükannem anneme ?Burada muhteşem bir yetenek var?, diyen bir ifadeyle bakıyordu.? O sene Christina?nın asker babasıyla konser kemanisti annesi şiddetli geçimsizlik yaşadıkları evliliklerine son vermişler. Aguilera Pennsylvania?nın Wexford bölgesinde geçen çocukluk yıllarını şöyle hatırlıyor: ?Büyükannemle birlikte arabayla şehire gider, eski albümler satan dükkanların altını üstüne getirir, kült blues şarkıcıların albümlerini alırdık. Eğer acı çekmek istiyorsanız Nina Simone dinlersiniz, onun sesi sizi gerçekten gözaşlarına boğabilir. Eğer aradığınız daha güçlü, daha agresif, daha doğal birşeylerse Etta James tam size göre, ki benim de en büyük favorim. Billie Holiday çok özel bir kalite ve ustalıkta, Dinah Washington?unsa vibratosu muhteşem...? Aguilera henüz sekiz yaşındayken yetenek yarışmalarına katılıyor, Whitney Houston?un ?How Will I Know? ve ?I Wanna Dance With Somebody? şarkılarını mükemmel performansla söylüyormuş. 1989 yılında ?Star Search? isimli yarışmanın finallerinde elenmiş, ama ondan bir sene sonra ?The Mickey Mouse Club?ın kastında yer almış. ?Star Search?ün elemelerini izleyenler onun hayret verici bir şekilde henüz sekiz yaşındayken bir yetişkin sesine sahip olduğunu anımsıyorlar. Christina Aguilera?yla ilk görüşmemizden tam bir ay sonra yeniden bir araya geliyoruz. Aguilera bu defa çok daha pozitif, daha açık ve daha rahat. Özellikle de dedikodu gazetelerinde kendisiyle ilgili çıkan haberleri anlatıp gülerken ondaki değişikliği çok daha iyi hissediyorum. Dedikodulardan bir tanesi erkek arkadaşı Jordan Bratman?le nişanlandığı üzerine. ?Bu söylenti nasıl ortaya çıktı anlamıyorum?, diyor Aguilera haberi yalanlayarak. ?Daha da komik olan ne biliyor musun, saçımı boyatıp karamel rengi yaptığım için şöyle başlıklar okuyorum gazetelerde: ?Yaramaz Kız Uslandı?, ?Avamdı, Klas Oldu?... Tüm bunlar bana sinir krizi geçirtiyor! ?Aguilera?nın Yeni Gözdesi?, ?O Artık İyi Kız!?. Britney kötü kız olarak dörtnala ilerlerken, beni iyi kız ilan ettiler.? Gerçekten kahkahalarla gülerek devam ediyor: ?Bu onların yeni yorumu. İyi kız ve kötü kız olarak Britney?le rolleri değiştirdik! Bu çok komik!? Bratman, sanıldığı gibi Aguilera?nın yeni aşkı değil. Neredeyse iki senedir beraberler. Yani Aguilera?nın ?Kötü kız? olarak anıldığı dönemde de birliktelerdi. ?Bütün bu sinir bozucu yorumlara rağmen, o benim her zaman yanımda ve hep bana destek oluyor. Sürekli bana ?Şöyle yapmalısın, böyle yapmalısın?, diye yol gösteriyor. Bütün bunlara boşvermemi, kendi yolumdan ilerlememi söylüyor. Bana durmadan moral veriyor. Şu sıralar saç rengimi değiştirmemle ilgili espiriler yapıyor. ?Kesinlikle çok sevdim, sürekli farklı bir kızla beraber gibiyim!?, diyor.? Aguilera hayatı boyunca yalnızca iki kez gerçek aşkı yaşamış. İlki dansçılarından biri olan Jorge Santos?muş. Babasının annesine sürekli şiddet uygulamasına şahit olarak büyüyen genç yıldızın lisedeyken tek bir takıntısı varmış, ama o da kesinlikle erkekler değilmiş. ?Tamamen kendi şarkılarımı yazmaya odaklanmıştım. Eğer bir çocuk uzun soluklu ya da ciddi bir ilişki istiyorsa hemen ondan uzaklaşıyordum. Ona yakında kasabadan ayrılacağımı, bir albüm anlaşması yapacağımı, herşeyden önce kariyerimin geldiğini söylüyordum. Hayatım boyunca hiçbir zaman sırtımı yaslayacağım, parasını harcayacağım, ya da beni desteklediği için hayatımı kısıtlamayı kendinde hak olarak görecek bir erkeğe ihtiyaç duymadım.? Christina Aguilera, çocukluğunda yaşadığı travmayı ?Stripped? albümünde yer verdiği ?I?m OK? şarkısında anlatıyor: ?Canımı yak ki annemin yüzündeki acıyı görebilesin/ Babam her defasında vurup onu yerine oturturdu/... O günleri unutmak hiç kolay değil/ Ben o eski merdivenin basamaklarına saklanırken/ Onun boynunda bıraktığın izleri de.../ Bundan sonra neler göreceğim korkusuyla eve gelmek istemediğim o günler boyunca...? Christina?nın babası tam 12 sene boyunca hiç aramadığı kızıyla, ilk albümü ?Mulan?la Golden Globe ödülüne aday olduğu ve turneyle tüm ülkeyi dolaşmaya başladığı 2000 senesinde yeniden iletişim kurmuş: ?Onca senenin ardından birdenbire ortaya çıkmasının arkasındaki neden beni biraz üzdü. Büyükannem ve büyükbabamla birlikte bilet alıp şovumu izlemeye geldi. Daha sonra kulise gelip beni tebrik etti ve birlikte fotoğraf çektirdik. Ondan nefret etmediğimi anladım. Onu affetmeye çalıştım. Ben inançlı bir insanım ve benim canımı yakan insanları yine de incitmemeye çalışırım. Fakat belki de babamın eksikliği yüzünden hayatım boyunca hiçkimseden destek almadan kendi ayaklarım üzerinde durmak zorunda kaldım.? Aguilera sohbetimizin sonunda hayatı ve geleceği ile ilgili hayallerinden ve planlarından söz ediyor: ?Daha uzun zaman boyunca bu noktada kalmak istiyorum. Hayatımın hiçbir döneminde hangi yöne gideceğimden ve neler yapmak istediğimden bu kadar emin olmamıştım. Hiçkimsenin kurallarıyla oynamıyor, kimse için kendi doğrularımdan ödün vermiyor, sadece kalbimin sesini dinliyorum. ?

Sessizlik var olmamak değildir...Sessizliğim asaletimdendir... Buradayım...

flamesniper_rei yazmış:
Evet bu kızda inanılmazdeğişimler oluyor öyle değil mi?Ama sesi çok iyi!!!

Sessizlik var olmamak değildir...Sessizliğim asaletimdendir... Buradayım...

Ünlüler, eski yıldızların çocukları mı?
Siz de aşağıdaki resimleri görünce, Scarlett Johansson’ın Marilyn Monroe’a, Brad Pitt’in Robert Redford’a, Helen Mirren’ın Celeste Holm’a, George Clooney’nin Cary Grant’e, Robbie Williams’ın Norman Wisdom’a, Jennifer Aniston’ın Barbra Streisand’a, Nicole Kidman’ın Catherine Deneuve’ya, Gwyneth Paltrow’un Prenses Grace’e, Katie Holmes’un Audrey Hepburn’e, Kevin Bacon’un Chuck Connors’a, Richard E. Grant’ın David Niven’a, Christina Aguilera’nın Jean Harlow’a olan benzerliğine şaşıracaksınız.
Ben sadece konuyla alakalı resmi aldım
Ünlüler, eski yıldızların çocukları mı?
Siz de aşağıdaki resimleri görünce, Scarlett Johansson’ın Marilyn Monroe’a, Brad Pitt’in Robert Redford’a, Helen Mirren’ın Celeste Holm’a, George Clooney’nin Cary Grant’e, Robbie Williams’ın Norman Wisdom’a, Jennifer Aniston’ın Barbra Streisand’a, Nicole Kidman’ın Catherine Deneuve’ya, Gwyneth Paltrow’un Prenses Grace’e, Katie Holmes’un Audrey Hepburn’e, Kevin Bacon’un Chuck Connors’a, Richard E. Grant’ın David Niven’a, Christina Aguilera’nın Jean Harlow’a olan benzerliğine şaşıracaksınız.

Ben sadece konuyla alakalı resmi aldım

Sessizlik var olmamak değildir...Sessizliğim asaletimdendir... Buradayım...

albüm albüm şarkılar
Christina Aguilera
> Back To Basics
>> Intro (back To Basics)
A very pleasant good evening ladies and gentlemen
It is now time...
The one and only...
There never will be another...
Christina Aguilera
That's how music should sound
Ohh yeah
I've waited for some time
To get inside the minds
Of every legend I've ever wanted to stand beside
It's like an endless ride
Feeling the lows and highs
Of every lyric and melody
Every single rhyme
So here I stand today
In tribute I do pay
To those before me who laid it down and paved the way
And so to God I pray that he will give me strength
To carry forward the gift of song in his good faith
In his good faith...
I'm going back to basics
To where it all began
I'm ready now to face it
I wanna understand
What made the soul singers
And the blues figures
That inspired a higher generation
The jazz makers, and the ground breakers
They gave so much of themselves and dedication
So here I stand today
In tribute I do pay
To those before me who laid it down and paved the way
Ohhh yeah
hey... ha
>> Makes Me Wanna Pray
He-hey he-hey ohh
Oh yeah
Well alright
What is this feeling coming over me?
I'm taken back in disbelief
Is this really me, ha! in the mirror I see?
Staring back at me:
Could it be? A new reflection of a woman complete
All of a sudden I'm so care-free (well alright)
'cause love is doing something strange to me (well alright)
Got a new flame, ha! haven't been the same
Something in me's changed, rearranged
And I feel that I've been saved
You got me feeling like you're that something I've been missing
Everything's heaven 'cause life with you has been a blessing
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I got it bad in a serious way, oh yeah
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
Your love has brought me to a higher place, oh yeah
(Who knew? Who knew?)
It'd be you to restore my faith
Everyday, I'm amazed
And it makes me wanna get down and pray
Makes me wanna get down and pray
Said it makes me wanna get down and pray
I've kept some company I shouldn't have (well alright)
Made some mistakes but that's in the past (well alright)
I'm professing here to you
Proof that I am through
I'm coming clean
Now I can breathe
and I finally believe, yeah
You got me thinking I'll be alright, and you're the reason
Ooh I can feel it, we're moving in a new direction
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I got it bad in a serious way, oh yeah
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
Your love has brought me into a higher place, oh yeah
(Who knew? Who knew?)
It'd be you to restore my faith
Everyday, I'm amazed
And it makes me wanna get down and pray
Makes me wanna get down and pray
Said it makes me wanna get down and pray
Makes me wanna get down and pray
Makes me wanna get down and pray
Where would I be? Where would I be?
Without you by my side
Where would I be? Where would I be?
Without you standing by
Makes me wanna (pray)
Makes me need to (pray)
When I'm feeling low and all alone,
You're the light in my day, yeah
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I got it bad in a serious way, oh yeah
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
Your love has brought me into a higher place, oh yeah
(Who knew? Who knew?)
It'd be you to restore my faith
Everyday, I'm amazed
'cause it makes me wanna get down and pray
'cause it makes me wanna get down and pray
Makes me wanna get down and pray
Woo, thank you father!
Wanna lift my hands up and pray
'cause everytime I'm hearing your name
Wanna reach out and rejoice
Sound of your voice, yeah
Hey yeah
That's it
>> Back In The Day
What we're gonna do right here is go back
Way back, back into time
Yeah, yeah-yeah
(Donny Hathaway, Leena Horne)
(Miss Aretha, (The Real Thing) James Brown, Billie Holiday)
(Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight, Louis Armstrong)
(Minnie Riperton, Otis Redding, Etta James)
Back in the day, they used to say
Play that song, get it going, and the band played
And still today, you hear us say
Play that song all night long, Mr. DJ
Though times have changed,
It's still the same
We all need a minute to get away
So let it go and feel the flow
If you've got soul, let the world know
We're gonna set the mood (set the mood off right)
Gonna go back to an old school groove (go back to an old school groove)
Gonna rewind to another time
When the originators, innovators were alive, yeah
Here we say now
So break out the Marvin Gaye and Etta James
Your Lady Day, and Coltrane
Turn up your 45's, bring back to life
The sound and vibe of yesterday
Open your mind, enjoy the ride,
Live out tonight and grab that Soul Train
Take it back, take it
Back in the day, back in the day
Oh baby
Back in the day, back in the day
Won't you take me back?
Back in the day, back in the day
I'll do it
Back in the day, back in the day
Ohh yeah
Y'all remember back in the day, you dig
Ray Charles, Nat King Cole, Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald
Now "Chain Of Fools" and "Respect"
Was the anthem of a woman, Aretha said
"What's Going On", "Let's Get It On"
Such classic songs, don't forget them
Though times have changed
They still remain my inspiration everyday
So give it up for the ones
Who came before, opened up that door
We're gonna set the mood
(we're gonna) (set the mood)
Gonna go back to an old school groove
(go back) (to an old school groove)
Gonna rewind to another time
(rewind) (another time)
When the originators, innovators were alive
So break out the Marvin Gaye and Etta James
Your Lady Day, and Coltrane
Turn up your 45's, bring back to life
The sound and vibe of yesterday
(the sound and vibe of yesterday)
Open your mind, enjoy the ride,
Live out tonight and grab that Soul Train
Take it back, take it
Back in the day, back in the day
Oh baby
Back in the day, back in the day
Won't you take me back?
Back in the day, back in the day
I'll do it
Back in the day, back in the day
So get up, re-live it
Gotta let yourself flow
Give up your praise
Come celebrate
Just get up, get on it
Get yourself on the floor
Don't back away (don't back away)
Come celebrate (gonna celebrate, yeah)
So break out the Marvin Gaye and Etta James
Your Lady Day, and Coltrane
Turn up your 45's, bring back to life
The sound and vibe of yesterday
(the sound and vibe, alright yeah)
Open your mind, enjoy the ride,
Live out tonight and grab that Soul Train
Takin' back in the day, day
Back in the day, back in the day
Back in the day, back in the day
Back in the day, back in the day
Back in the day, back in the day
Oh baby, I'll do it
Oh baby, ohh yeah yeah woah woah yeah
>> Understand
I made you think, you don't understand.
I used to think that happiness could only be something
That happened to somebody else
Everybody believed, everybody but me, yeah yeah
And I've been hurt so many times before,
That my hopes was dying, so sick of trying
Everybody could see, everybody but me, yeah yeah
But then you came into my life, you opened up my softer side
And now I can see into your eyes
And suddenly, I realize.
I made you think, you don't understand
All the times you didn't understand,
Why you couldn't just be my man.
I made you think, you don't understand
There were many walls you had to climb,
If you really wanted to be mine.
I made you think, you don't understand
After all the hoops I put you through,
Now I see that I'm in love with you
Now, I hope you finally understand.
So many tears I've had to cry,
But you had many more of your own you had to try
But you stuck it out and you're here with me now, yeah yeah
And rememberin' the days I pushed away your love,
You called my bluff and you still stayed around,
Yeah you figured me out
Said, you got me down
And there's no way to lie to you, you know me better than I do
Baby, ooh, you see me through,
I'd be no good without you.
I made you think, you don't understand
All the times you didn't understand,
Why you just couldn't be my man
I made you think, you don't understand
There were many walls you had to climb (yeah)
If you really wanted to be mine (ooh)
I made you think, you don't understand
After all the hoops I put you through (through)
Now I see that I'm in love with you
Now, I hope you finally understand
Baby, won't you listen now
Can't you see just what I'm talking about?
Said baby won't you listen now
Can't you see just what I'm talking about?
Time went on, and I was wrong
To keep my distance for so long.
So afraid, you wouldn't stay
But you never turned away
Always right by my side
You're forever in my life
Don't you go
'Cause now I know
That in you I found a home.
Now I can see into your eyes
Suddenly, I realize.
I made you think, you don't understand
All the times you didn't understand
Why you just couldn't be my man
I made you think, you don't understand
There were many walls you had to climb,
If you really wanted to be mine
I made you think, you don't understand
After all the hoops I put you through
Now I see I'm in love with you.
Now, I hope you finally understand.
I made you think, you don't understand.
>> Slow Down Baby
Slow down baby
Slow down baby
Slow down baby
Slow down baby
Slow down baby
Whoa yeah (Slow down baby)
Oooh (Slow down baby)
Hey (Slow down baby)
Whoa ooh (Stop. Slow down baby)
I can tell that you're into me, uh
Baby it's so plain to see
I can see it in your eyes
You're paralysed
Every time I pass you by
You're the kind that gets your way, uh
Every minute, every single day
I can see it all in your face
You're blown away
Coz I don't want you in my space
You're struttin' 'round here like you think that I can't do without you
You got some nerve to think that I would give up everything
Slow down baby
And don't act crazy
Don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch? (Just can't touch no)
So slow down baby (Hey)
I'm not your lady (Lady)
Boy you're never gonna get it from me coz I'm with someone
Slow it down
Slow it down
Oh ooh whoa
Slow it
Slow it
Slow down baby
After all of the games you played
How's it feel to finally get a taste?
You can dish it out but can you take the bed you've made?
Boy and its gonna change
I'm not falling for your stupid lies
I know you've dished them 'bout thousand times
Saying nothing but a nursery rhyme
But I won't buy it
Baby don't you even try
You comin' 'round here like you think that everything's about you
If you knew anything, you'd realise I'm wearing a ring
Slow down baby (Slow down)
And don't act crazy (Crazy hey)
Don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch? (You just can't touch no)
So slow down baby (Slow down)
I'm not your lady (Your lady)
Boy you're never gonna get it from me coz I'm with someone (Someone yay)
Do you really wanna waste your time?
Don't you have better things to do with life?
Hey ey yeah
Listen I don't wanna get you down
But I ain't never gonna mess around
So how many ways do I have to say:
Oooh ooh oh
Slow down baby (Slow it down, yeah, yeah)
And don't act crazy
Don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch? (You know that you can't touch no
oooh whoa)
So slow down baby (Slow down baby)
I'm not your lady (Not your lady)
Boy you're never gonna get it from me coz I'm with someone (Oooh whoa)
You better stop
Slow down baby
So slow down baby (Slow down baby)
And don't act crazy (And don't act crazy)
Don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch? (You just can't touch no)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oooh whoa
Hey ey, ey
Ooh whoa
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Ooh oooh ooh
Slow down baby
>> Oh Mother
Whoa, oh, yeah,
She was so young with such innocent eyes
She always dreamt of a fairytale life
And all the things your money can't buy
She thought daddy was a wonderful guy
Then suddenly, things seemed to change
It was the moment she took on his name
He took his anger out on her face
She kept all of her pain locked away
Oh mother, we're stronger
From all of the tears you have shed
Oh mother, don't look back
Cause he'll never hurt us again
So mother, I thank you
For all you've done and still do
You got me, I got you
Together we always pull through
We always pull through
We always pull through
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother
It was the day that he turned on his kids
That she knew she just had to leave him
So many voices inside of her head
Saying over and over and over,
"You deserve much more than this."
She was so sick of believing the lies and trying to hide
Covering the cuts and bruises (cuts and bruises)
So tired of defending her life, she could have died
Fighting for the lives of her children
Oh mother, we're stronger
From all of the tears you have shed (all of the tears you have shed)
Oh mother, don't look back
Cause he'll never hurt us again (he'll never hurt us again)
So mother, I thank you (thank you)
For all that you've done and still do (still do)
You got me, I got you, (yeah you got me and I got you)
Together we always pull through.
We always pull through
We always pull through
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother
All of your life you have spent
Burying hurt and regret
But mama, he'll never touch us again
For everytime he tried to break you down
Just remember who's still around
It's over, and we're stronger
And we'll never have to go back again
Oh mother, we're stronger
From all of the tears you have shed
Oh mother, don't look back (oh mother don't look back again)
Cause he'll never hurt us again (cause he'll never hurt us again)
So mother, I thank you (and I thank you for everything you've done)
For all that you've done and still do (together we always move on)
You got me, I got you, (you got me, I got you)
Together we always pull through (always pull through)
We always pull through
We always pull through
I love you mom
>> F.u.s.s. (interlude)
You know who you are
This is for you
Hmmm, yeah, ooh yeah, ohh
I thought I knew who you were
I see now you were a lesson to learn
And all I am to you now is a bridge that's been burned
Now I was the first to believe
I made you part of my musical dream
And your thanks to me, came without an apology, yeah
We wrote Loving Me 4 Me, don't Walk Away
Can't Hold Us Down, all part of our history
Don't forget Infatuation, I'm a Fighter
Feeling Underappreciated
Yeah, this song is for you to remind you
That I moved on, sang my songs,
I've got no regrets
Mmhmm, ohh
Hope it all was worth it, uh
Looks like I didn't need you
Still got the album out
>> On Our Way
Me and you, we're different
Don't always see eye to eye
You go left, and I go right
And sometimes when we even fight
That don't mean that I won't need a friend, oh
You and me, we're in this 'til the end, oh
I think we're on our our way
Through all the lows and highs
I need you by my side, singing
I think we're on our way
To better days, better days, oh
Let's say we turn the page
Move on from all the times
Should've laughed, not cried, feeling
What is there more to say? (say)
I think that we're on our way
Together, we'll weather
Many storms as family
That bond is forever
It can take almost anything
The love I feel for you grows everyday, yeah
The more we get to learn from our mistakes, yeah yeah
I think we're on our our way
Through all the lows and highs
I need you by my side, singing
I think we're on our way
To better days, better days, oh
Let's say we turn the page
Move on from all the times
Should've laughed, not cried, feeling (ooh)
What is there more to say? (say, yeah yeah)
I think that we are on our way
Someday, soon, I'll need advice
Hope you're there to shed some light
And maybe one day, you'll be wanting mine
And we can (we can) be there be for each other
I think we're on our way
I think we're on our way (ha)
I think we're on our way
Let's say we turn the page
Move on from all the times
Should've laughed, not cried
What is there more to say? (ooh)
I think that we're on our way
I think we're on our way
Through all the highs and lows
I need you by my side, yeah
I think we're on our way
To better days, better days, yeah
Let's say we turn the page
Move on from all the times
Should've laughed, not cried
What is there more to say? (no more to say)
I think that we are on our way
No more to say.
No more to say. Yeah.
No more to say. Ha.
>> Without You
Woah woahh
Have I been blind?
For the first time in my life I feel I've opened up my eyes
Since you've arrived like an angel from the sky
I'm on a spiritual high
So don't you ever go away
I could never face
Losing you would give my faith
In a higher place
What kind of world
Would it be without you
I couldn't breathe without you here
What kind of world
Would I see without you
I can't dream without you here
Yeah woah yeah
Beautiful boy
How on earth did I do something worth deserving you?
My better half
How I cherish through and through every part of you
I do
Loving you's made me hope
Now I belong
I found my heart
Promise me we'll always stay
The way we are today
What kind of world
Would it be without you
I couldn't breathe without you here
What kind of world
Would I see without you
I can't dream without you here
I can't ever imagine
If this never would happened
I thank God everyday
Almost lost you forever
But I always remember (remember)
That you're my saving grace
What kind of world
(what kind of world)
Would it be without you
(oh without you)
I couldn't breathe without you here
(ohh here)
What kind of world
(what kind of world)
Would I see without you
(oh see without you)
I can't dream without you here
(dream without you here)
>> Still Dirrty
Yeah. Yeah.
Ooh, Ooh, Ohh
If you see me walking down the street
Or in the pages of your magzine
Looking just a little differently
Showing off a softer side of me
They saying I'm looking like a lady
They saying that love is going to change me
But don't be fooled by everything you see
Gotta let the naughty in me free
There's a woman inside of all of us
Who never quite seems to get enough
Trying to play by the rules is rough
Cause sooner or later something's going to erupt
Cause I still got that nasty in me
Still got that dirrty degree (still got it)
And if you want some more sexy
Still got that freak in me
I still got that nasty in me
Still got that dirrty degree (oh yeah)
And if you want some more sexy
Still got that freak in me
No matter what you thinking of me, still dirrty
And if you're still rolling with me, still got it
No matter what you thinking of me, still dirrty
Still got that freak in me
Why is a woman's sexuality
Always under so much scrutiny?
Why can't she do exactly as she please
Without being called a million things?
They say I'm not the girl they used to know (used to know)
'Cause I don't always wear revealing clothes (oh)
But don't be fooled a moment, I can't hold (I can't hold)
I'm letting loose, 'cause then I'd probably choke (don't you know)
There's some women out there who talk and stare
Who never seem to let down their hair
Like to past judgement, but they're just scared
And don't know what they're missing, so they better beware
'Cause I still got that nasty in me
Still got that dirrty degree (ooh)
And if you want some more sexy
Still got that freak in me
I still got that nasty in me
Still got that dirrty degree (oh yeah)
And if you want some more sexy
Still got that freak in me (oh yeah)
No matter what you thinking of me, still dirrty
And if you're still rolling with me, still got it
No matter what you thinking of me, still dirrty
Still got that freak in me
Don't tell me to behave
'Cause I'll never play that game (no)
Don't tell me what to do
'Cause I'll never be uptight like you
Don't look at me that way
'Cause I ain't never gonna change
And if you're talking about my life
You're only wasting your own time
If I want to wear lingere outside of my clothes
If I want to be erotic in my own videos
If I want to be provacative, well that ain't a sin
Maybe you're not comfortable in your own skin
I still got that nasty in me
Still got that dirrty degree (in me)
And if you still want some more sexy
Still got that freak in me
I still got that nasty in me
Still got that dirrty degree (in me)
And if you still want some more sexy
Still got freak in me
Ooh, yeah.
Hey, hey, hey.
Ohh. Ohh. Ohh. Ohh.
>> Here To Stay
Hey yeah yeah, whoa yeah, whoa oh yeah
Well everybody got an opinion now, don't they
But it aint no thang to me
it really don't make any difference now to me
if you don't like what you see
I pay no mind to the negative kind
cause it's just no way to be
i don't stop to please someone else you see
Gonna live my life for me
I'm gonna get bold, gonna do my own thing
We all got a song that we're meant to sing
and no matter what people say, or might think
I aint going no place, no I'm here to stay
Gonna keep on doing my thing
Cause whether they love or they're hatin' on me
I'll still be the same girl I used to be
And I aint going no place, no I'm here to stay
I'm here to stay
I'm here to stay
I'm here to stay
I've never been the type to be...
>> Thank You (dedication To Fans...)
It seems like a lifetime
Since I felt like a prisoner of my dreams, yeah
It took such a long time
For me to realize just how to be
And to listen to me
Don't go thinking I'm not thankful,
'Cause me, I've got my hands full of good things, oh
And I hope I can give back
A little bit of what you've given me
So thank you for standing right by me (I will always love you)
So thank you for being behind me (You are just so amazing)
And watching me grow and letting others know
That you still believe in what I'll be
So people have said things in times
About me that weren't always true
Ooh yeah
But you've always been there
To give that extra love to pull me through
To do what I gotta do
Cause there'll always be those ups and downs
But you've always seemed to stick around and see
See me through to believe, yeah
And I hope I can give back
A little bit of what you've given me
You give me all that I need, yeah
So thank you for standing right by me (I thank you for everything)
So thank you for being behind me (Thank you, Christina)
And watching me grow and letting others know
That you still believe in what I'll be (Sing it, girl)
It took awhile 'til I could do what I wanted
And now I'm so happy that it started where we started
I'm thanking God that I could be in the position
To do my own thing now and make my own decisions
And so I'm thanking you for being true
And standing by me through and through
>> Enter The Circus
Ladies and gentlemen
Boys and girls
Step right up, step right up
Come closer, you won't believe your eyes
Behind this curtain,
Witness something you've never seen before,
Heard before, dreamt before
The most amazing show on earth
La la la la la la la
It's the most amazing show on earth
La la la la la la la
Do you want to be widely entertained?
People to know your name?
Do you crave fame?
Well they say "things aren't always what they seem to be"
Even your greatest fantasies
You won't believe your eyes
Won't even recognise
The wonderment that lies
Behind the shimmer and the lights
Is it true what they say?
Is it all just fun and games?
Or is there more behind the makeup,
And the faces full of paint?
I ask you, do you want to come and play?
Get the world to come and play
So sit back, relax, fasten your seatbelts
It's going to be a bumpy ride to the other side
>> Welcome
Woah, ohh
Welcome to the greatest show
Greatest show on earth
You've never seen before
Here the fairytale unfolds
What's behind the smoke and glass?
Painted faces, everybody wears a mask
Are you selling them your soul?
Well you'll be left out in the cold
Is it all blue skies
Fun and games untill you fall
Then you're left without anyone at all
You're riding on a shooting star
With a smile upon your face
But soon the shine fades
And you're left out all alone
Wondering where did they all go?
Been jaded, hated,
Who'll be around when the limelight's faded?
Been shut down, pushed out
Made to smile when I wanted to frown
Always taking a bow
Always working the crowd
Always breaking new ground
Always playing the clown
Who'll be sticking it out?
Who'll be staying around
When the lights go down?
>> Candyman
Candy man, candy man...
Sweet sugar candy man [whispered]
I met him out for dinner on a Friday night
He really got me working up an appetite
He had tattoos up and down his arm
There's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm
He's a one stop jive, makes my panties drop
He's a swinging rockin sugar coated candy man
A sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
Ooo yeah..
He took me to this cotton club on Hollywood and Vine
We drank champagne and we danced all night
He's a one stop job, make my cherry pop
He's a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
A sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
Se bop bop
Hey yeah
He's a one stop job, makes my cherry pop
He's a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man oh
a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
Woo yeah
... ? hot
... ? hit the spot
... ? tastes like sugar cane
Good things come to boys who wait
Candy man can...
Candy man Candy man
...Bottle of vodka covered wine (?)
Candy man, candy man
Sweet sugar candy man [whispered]
He's a one stop, gotcha hot, makin all the panties drop
Sweet sugar candy man [whispered]
He's a one stop, got me hot, my my egh pop
Sweet sugar candy man [whispered]
He's a one stop, get it while it's hot, baby don't stop
Sweet sugar candy man [whispered]
He's got ?hips? like sugar cane
Good things come for boys who wait
He's a one stop job with a real big egh
He's a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
Sh bop, a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
Candy man, candy man
>> Nasty Naughty Boy
Come here big boy
Ahh, mmmhmm, yeah
You've been a bad bad boy
I'm gonna take my time, so enjoy
There's no need to feel no shame
Relax and sip upon my champagne
'Cause I wanna give you a little taste
Of the sugar below my waist, you nasty boy
I'll give you some oh-la-la
Voulez vous coucher avec moi?
I got you breaking into a sweat
Got you hot, bothered, and wet
You nasty boy
Nasty naughty boy
Oh baby for all it's worth
I swear I'll be the first to blow your mind
Now if you're ready, come and get me
I'll give you that hot, sweet, sexy loving (loving)
Hush now, don't say a word
I'm gonna give you what you deserve
Now you better give me a little taste
Put your icing on my cake
You nasty boy
Oh no, oh there I go again
I need a spanking, 'cause I've been bad
So let my body do the talkin'
I'll slip you that hot, sweet, sexy loving
Ohh ha!
Come on daddy!
Ohh ohh, ohh ohh oh yeah
Oh yeaah oh, come on, sugar
I got you breaking into a sweat
Got you hot, bothered, and wet
You nasty boy
Nasty naughty boy
Naughty boy
Oh baby for all it's worth
I swear I'll be the first to blow your mind
Now that you're ready, give it to me
Just give me that hot, sweet, sexy loving
Now give me a little spanking
Ohh, ohh, is that all you've got?
Come on now, don't play with me
Oh give me that hot, sweet, nasty
Boy don't you make me wait
Now you better give me a little taste
Put your icing on my cake
You nasty boy
>> I Got Trouble
Hmm, yeah yeah
Hmm, mmm..
I've got trouble, trouble, trouble
Always knocking at my door
Yes I'm a whole lot of touble, baby
Just like a kid in a candy store
Well, I'm nothing but trouble, babe
Not since the day that I was born
Well, I'm as good as it gets
Give you something you won't forget
If you wanna spell trouble, babe
Well, tonight it is the right way
'Cause baby's got something,
Something you just can't ignore
And yeah, it sure is likley, baby
You'll keep coming back for more
I've got a wicked taste for trouble
And I'm never, never, satisfied
Yeah I'm a whole lot of trouble, baby
And my evil ways kill life
Oh, my, my
Well, I've been itching for some trouble baby
Every single day that I'm alive
Come on, baby, come on darling
Come on sugar, ooh, yeah yeah yeah
Baby, whoa, whoa, yeah
Now listen
Can't you see the way I move
Can't you read it in my hips
There's a lot that's going on
In my pocket full of tricks
Got some secrets up my sleeve
If you know just what I mean
Got places you've never been
Take you out of your skin
Well I'm trouble, trouble, trouble, baby
Always knocking at my door
Yes I'm a whole lot of lot of touble, baby
Ooh, since the day that I.. was born
Yeah, oh yeah.
>> Hurt
Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
I would hold you in my arms
I would take away the pain
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wanna do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I hurt myself by hating you
Somedays I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss
You know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this
Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?
There's nothing I want to do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've had myself
If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that
I've missed you since you've been away
Oh, it's dangerous
It's so I'm afraid to try to turn back time
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've had myself
By hurting you
>> Mercy On Me
Lord have mercy on my soul
For I have walked the sinful road
That I'm down on my knees
Lord have mercy on me, please
Ohh yeah
Jesus, I must confess
That in all my loneliness
I've forsaken and I've sinned
Leaving fragments of a man so broken
I could tell you what I've done
Or should I tell you where I went wrong?
Well the more that I start to play
My deceitful, evil ways
Keep on growing stronger by the day
Oh lord have mercy on my soul
For I have walked a sinful road
So I'm gonna get down on my knees
Beg forgiveness to help set me free
Lord have mercy on me, please
Mother Mary full of grace
In my weakness, I've lost faith
I've been careless, and I have been warned
And the devil inside me is torn
God bless the men that I have scorned
Oh lord have mercy on my soul
For I have walked the sinful road
So I'm gonna get down on my knees
Beg forgiveness to help set me free
Lord have mercy on me, please
Woah, woaa yeah yeah
Woa yeah yeah oh oh
Oh-oh yeah yeah yeah, ohh
So don't let me fool around no more
Send your angels down to guide me through that door
Well I've gone and confessed my regrets
And I pray I'm not held in contempt
I'm so lost, and I need you to help me repent
Oh lord have mercy on my soul
Oh I'm begging, I'm pleeding, I'm needing
I want you to know
So I'm down upon my knees
Oh lord, I need forgiveness
I need forgiveness from you
>> Save Me From Myself
It's not so easy loving me
It gets so complicated
All the things you've gotta be
Everything's changin
But you're the truth
I'm amazed by all your patience
Everything I put you through
When I'm about to fall
Somehow you're always waitin
with your open arms to catch me
You're gonna save me from myself
from myself, yes
You're gonna save me from myself
My love is tainted by your touch
Cuz some guys have shown me aces
But you've got that royal flush
I know it's crazy everyday
Well tomorrow may be shaky
But you never turn away
Don't ask me why I'm cryin
Cuz when I start to crumble
You know how to keep me smilin
You always save me from myself
from myself, myself
You're gonna save me from myself
I know it's hard, it's hard
But you've broken all my walls
You've been my strength, so strong
And don't ask me why I love you
It's obvious your tenderness
Is what I need to make me
a better woman to myself
to myself, myself
You're gonna save me from myself
>> The Right Man
So many years have gone by
Always strong, tried not to cry
Never felt like I needed any man
To comfort me in life
But I'm all made up today
A veil upon my face
But no father stands beside me
To give his bride away
Well I'm standing in the chapel
Wearing my white dress
I have waited for this moment
With tears of happiness
Here I leave behind my past
By taking the chance
I've finally found the right man
Thoughts racing fast through my mind
As I'm gazing down the aisle
That my future will mend the memories
Torn between father and child
My emotions overload
'Cause there is no hand to hold
There's no shoulder here to lean on
I'm walking all on my own
Here I go
Now I'm standing at four corners
To have and to hold
Now my love, you stand beside me
To walk life's winding road
And I owe it all to you
For taking the chance
You've shown me there's a right man
'Cause I never knew a right man
Well I'm standing in the chapel
Ready to confess
That I've waited for this moment
With tears of happiness
Now I leave behind my past
By taking the chance
Well I'm standing at four corners
To have and to hold
Now my love, you stand beside me
To walk life's winding road
And I owe it all to you
For taking the chance
And one day my little girl
Will reach out her hand
She'll know I found the right man
Christina Aguilera
> Back To Basics
>> Intro (back To Basics)
A very pleasant good evening ladies and gentlemen
It is now time...
The one and only...
There never will be another...
Christina Aguilera
That's how music should sound
Ohh yeah
I've waited for some time
To get inside the minds
Of every legend I've ever wanted to stand beside
It's like an endless ride
Feeling the lows and highs
Of every lyric and melody
Every single rhyme
So here I stand today
In tribute I do pay
To those before me who laid it down and paved the way
And so to God I pray that he will give me strength
To carry forward the gift of song in his good faith
In his good faith...
I'm going back to basics
To where it all began
I'm ready now to face it
I wanna understand
What made the soul singers
And the blues figures
That inspired a higher generation
The jazz makers, and the ground breakers
They gave so much of themselves and dedication
So here I stand today
In tribute I do pay
To those before me who laid it down and paved the way
Ohhh yeah
hey... ha
>> Makes Me Wanna Pray
He-hey he-hey ohh
Oh yeah
Well alright
What is this feeling coming over me?
I'm taken back in disbelief
Is this really me, ha! in the mirror I see?
Staring back at me:
Could it be? A new reflection of a woman complete
All of a sudden I'm so care-free (well alright)
'cause love is doing something strange to me (well alright)
Got a new flame, ha! haven't been the same
Something in me's changed, rearranged
And I feel that I've been saved
You got me feeling like you're that something I've been missing
Everything's heaven 'cause life with you has been a blessing
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I got it bad in a serious way, oh yeah
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
Your love has brought me to a higher place, oh yeah
(Who knew? Who knew?)
It'd be you to restore my faith
Everyday, I'm amazed
And it makes me wanna get down and pray
Makes me wanna get down and pray
Said it makes me wanna get down and pray
I've kept some company I shouldn't have (well alright)
Made some mistakes but that's in the past (well alright)
I'm professing here to you
Proof that I am through
I'm coming clean
Now I can breathe
and I finally believe, yeah
You got me thinking I'll be alright, and you're the reason
Ooh I can feel it, we're moving in a new direction
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I got it bad in a serious way, oh yeah
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
Your love has brought me into a higher place, oh yeah
(Who knew? Who knew?)
It'd be you to restore my faith
Everyday, I'm amazed
And it makes me wanna get down and pray
Makes me wanna get down and pray
Said it makes me wanna get down and pray
Makes me wanna get down and pray
Makes me wanna get down and pray
Where would I be? Where would I be?
Without you by my side
Where would I be? Where would I be?
Without you standing by
Makes me wanna (pray)
Makes me need to (pray)
When I'm feeling low and all alone,
You're the light in my day, yeah
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I got it bad in a serious way, oh yeah
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
Your love has brought me into a higher place, oh yeah
(Who knew? Who knew?)
It'd be you to restore my faith
Everyday, I'm amazed
'cause it makes me wanna get down and pray
'cause it makes me wanna get down and pray
Makes me wanna get down and pray
Woo, thank you father!
Wanna lift my hands up and pray
'cause everytime I'm hearing your name
Wanna reach out and rejoice
Sound of your voice, yeah
Hey yeah
That's it
>> Back In The Day
What we're gonna do right here is go back
Way back, back into time
Yeah, yeah-yeah
(Donny Hathaway, Leena Horne)
(Miss Aretha, (The Real Thing) James Brown, Billie Holiday)
(Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight, Louis Armstrong)
(Minnie Riperton, Otis Redding, Etta James)
Back in the day, they used to say
Play that song, get it going, and the band played
And still today, you hear us say
Play that song all night long, Mr. DJ
Though times have changed,
It's still the same
We all need a minute to get away
So let it go and feel the flow
If you've got soul, let the world know
We're gonna set the mood (set the mood off right)
Gonna go back to an old school groove (go back to an old school groove)
Gonna rewind to another time
When the originators, innovators were alive, yeah
Here we say now
So break out the Marvin Gaye and Etta James
Your Lady Day, and Coltrane
Turn up your 45's, bring back to life
The sound and vibe of yesterday
Open your mind, enjoy the ride,
Live out tonight and grab that Soul Train
Take it back, take it
Back in the day, back in the day
Oh baby
Back in the day, back in the day
Won't you take me back?
Back in the day, back in the day
I'll do it
Back in the day, back in the day
Ohh yeah
Y'all remember back in the day, you dig
Ray Charles, Nat King Cole, Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald
Now "Chain Of Fools" and "Respect"
Was the anthem of a woman, Aretha said
"What's Going On", "Let's Get It On"
Such classic songs, don't forget them
Though times have changed
They still remain my inspiration everyday
So give it up for the ones
Who came before, opened up that door
We're gonna set the mood
(we're gonna) (set the mood)
Gonna go back to an old school groove
(go back) (to an old school groove)
Gonna rewind to another time
(rewind) (another time)
When the originators, innovators were alive
So break out the Marvin Gaye and Etta James
Your Lady Day, and Coltrane
Turn up your 45's, bring back to life
The sound and vibe of yesterday
(the sound and vibe of yesterday)
Open your mind, enjoy the ride,
Live out tonight and grab that Soul Train
Take it back, take it
Back in the day, back in the day
Oh baby
Back in the day, back in the day
Won't you take me back?
Back in the day, back in the day
I'll do it
Back in the day, back in the day
So get up, re-live it
Gotta let yourself flow
Give up your praise
Come celebrate
Just get up, get on it
Get yourself on the floor
Don't back away (don't back away)
Come celebrate (gonna celebrate, yeah)
So break out the Marvin Gaye and Etta James
Your Lady Day, and Coltrane
Turn up your 45's, bring back to life
The sound and vibe of yesterday
(the sound and vibe, alright yeah)
Open your mind, enjoy the ride,
Live out tonight and grab that Soul Train
Takin' back in the day, day
Back in the day, back in the day
Back in the day, back in the day
Back in the day, back in the day
Back in the day, back in the day
Oh baby, I'll do it
Oh baby, ohh yeah yeah woah woah yeah
>> Understand
I made you think, you don't understand.
I used to think that happiness could only be something
That happened to somebody else
Everybody believed, everybody but me, yeah yeah
And I've been hurt so many times before,
That my hopes was dying, so sick of trying
Everybody could see, everybody but me, yeah yeah
But then you came into my life, you opened up my softer side
And now I can see into your eyes
And suddenly, I realize.
I made you think, you don't understand
All the times you didn't understand,
Why you couldn't just be my man.
I made you think, you don't understand
There were many walls you had to climb,
If you really wanted to be mine.
I made you think, you don't understand
After all the hoops I put you through,
Now I see that I'm in love with you
Now, I hope you finally understand.
So many tears I've had to cry,
But you had many more of your own you had to try
But you stuck it out and you're here with me now, yeah yeah
And rememberin' the days I pushed away your love,
You called my bluff and you still stayed around,
Yeah you figured me out
Said, you got me down
And there's no way to lie to you, you know me better than I do
Baby, ooh, you see me through,
I'd be no good without you.
I made you think, you don't understand
All the times you didn't understand,
Why you just couldn't be my man
I made you think, you don't understand
There were many walls you had to climb (yeah)
If you really wanted to be mine (ooh)
I made you think, you don't understand
After all the hoops I put you through (through)
Now I see that I'm in love with you
Now, I hope you finally understand
Baby, won't you listen now
Can't you see just what I'm talking about?
Said baby won't you listen now
Can't you see just what I'm talking about?
Time went on, and I was wrong
To keep my distance for so long.
So afraid, you wouldn't stay
But you never turned away
Always right by my side
You're forever in my life
Don't you go
'Cause now I know
That in you I found a home.
Now I can see into your eyes
Suddenly, I realize.
I made you think, you don't understand
All the times you didn't understand
Why you just couldn't be my man
I made you think, you don't understand
There were many walls you had to climb,
If you really wanted to be mine
I made you think, you don't understand
After all the hoops I put you through
Now I see I'm in love with you.
Now, I hope you finally understand.
I made you think, you don't understand.
>> Slow Down Baby
Slow down baby
Slow down baby
Slow down baby
Slow down baby
Slow down baby
Whoa yeah (Slow down baby)
Oooh (Slow down baby)
Hey (Slow down baby)
Whoa ooh (Stop. Slow down baby)
I can tell that you're into me, uh
Baby it's so plain to see
I can see it in your eyes
You're paralysed
Every time I pass you by
You're the kind that gets your way, uh
Every minute, every single day
I can see it all in your face
You're blown away
Coz I don't want you in my space
You're struttin' 'round here like you think that I can't do without you
You got some nerve to think that I would give up everything
Slow down baby
And don't act crazy
Don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch? (Just can't touch no)
So slow down baby (Hey)
I'm not your lady (Lady)
Boy you're never gonna get it from me coz I'm with someone
Slow it down
Slow it down
Oh ooh whoa
Slow it
Slow it
Slow down baby
After all of the games you played
How's it feel to finally get a taste?
You can dish it out but can you take the bed you've made?
Boy and its gonna change
I'm not falling for your stupid lies
I know you've dished them 'bout thousand times
Saying nothing but a nursery rhyme
But I won't buy it
Baby don't you even try
You comin' 'round here like you think that everything's about you
If you knew anything, you'd realise I'm wearing a ring
Slow down baby (Slow down)
And don't act crazy (Crazy hey)
Don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch? (You just can't touch no)
So slow down baby (Slow down)
I'm not your lady (Your lady)
Boy you're never gonna get it from me coz I'm with someone (Someone yay)
Do you really wanna waste your time?
Don't you have better things to do with life?
Hey ey yeah
Listen I don't wanna get you down
But I ain't never gonna mess around
So how many ways do I have to say:
Oooh ooh oh
Slow down baby (Slow it down, yeah, yeah)
And don't act crazy
Don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch? (You know that you can't touch no
oooh whoa)
So slow down baby (Slow down baby)
I'm not your lady (Not your lady)
Boy you're never gonna get it from me coz I'm with someone (Oooh whoa)
You better stop
Slow down baby
So slow down baby (Slow down baby)
And don't act crazy (And don't act crazy)
Don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch? (You just can't touch no)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oooh whoa
Hey ey, ey
Ooh whoa
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Ooh oooh ooh
Slow down baby
>> Oh Mother
Whoa, oh, yeah,
She was so young with such innocent eyes
She always dreamt of a fairytale life
And all the things your money can't buy
She thought daddy was a wonderful guy
Then suddenly, things seemed to change
It was the moment she took on his name
He took his anger out on her face
She kept all of her pain locked away
Oh mother, we're stronger
From all of the tears you have shed
Oh mother, don't look back
Cause he'll never hurt us again
So mother, I thank you
For all you've done and still do
You got me, I got you
Together we always pull through
We always pull through
We always pull through
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother
It was the day that he turned on his kids
That she knew she just had to leave him
So many voices inside of her head
Saying over and over and over,
"You deserve much more than this."
She was so sick of believing the lies and trying to hide
Covering the cuts and bruises (cuts and bruises)
So tired of defending her life, she could have died
Fighting for the lives of her children
Oh mother, we're stronger
From all of the tears you have shed (all of the tears you have shed)
Oh mother, don't look back
Cause he'll never hurt us again (he'll never hurt us again)
So mother, I thank you (thank you)
For all that you've done and still do (still do)
You got me, I got you, (yeah you got me and I got you)
Together we always pull through.
We always pull through
We always pull through
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother
All of your life you have spent
Burying hurt and regret
But mama, he'll never touch us again
For everytime he tried to break you down
Just remember who's still around
It's over, and we're stronger
And we'll never have to go back again
Oh mother, we're stronger
From all of the tears you have shed
Oh mother, don't look back (oh mother don't look back again)
Cause he'll never hurt us again (cause he'll never hurt us again)
So mother, I thank you (and I thank you for everything you've done)
For all that you've done and still do (together we always move on)
You got me, I got you, (you got me, I got you)
Together we always pull through (always pull through)
We always pull through
We always pull through
I love you mom
>> F.u.s.s. (interlude)
You know who you are
This is for you
Hmmm, yeah, ooh yeah, ohh
I thought I knew who you were
I see now you were a lesson to learn
And all I am to you now is a bridge that's been burned
Now I was the first to believe
I made you part of my musical dream
And your thanks to me, came without an apology, yeah
We wrote Loving Me 4 Me, don't Walk Away
Can't Hold Us Down, all part of our history
Don't forget Infatuation, I'm a Fighter
Feeling Underappreciated
Yeah, this song is for you to remind you
That I moved on, sang my songs,
I've got no regrets
Mmhmm, ohh
Hope it all was worth it, uh
Looks like I didn't need you
Still got the album out
>> On Our Way
Me and you, we're different
Don't always see eye to eye
You go left, and I go right
And sometimes when we even fight
That don't mean that I won't need a friend, oh
You and me, we're in this 'til the end, oh
I think we're on our our way
Through all the lows and highs
I need you by my side, singing
I think we're on our way
To better days, better days, oh
Let's say we turn the page
Move on from all the times
Should've laughed, not cried, feeling
What is there more to say? (say)
I think that we're on our way
Together, we'll weather
Many storms as family
That bond is forever
It can take almost anything
The love I feel for you grows everyday, yeah
The more we get to learn from our mistakes, yeah yeah
I think we're on our our way
Through all the lows and highs
I need you by my side, singing
I think we're on our way
To better days, better days, oh
Let's say we turn the page
Move on from all the times
Should've laughed, not cried, feeling (ooh)
What is there more to say? (say, yeah yeah)
I think that we are on our way
Someday, soon, I'll need advice
Hope you're there to shed some light
And maybe one day, you'll be wanting mine
And we can (we can) be there be for each other
I think we're on our way
I think we're on our way (ha)
I think we're on our way
Let's say we turn the page
Move on from all the times
Should've laughed, not cried
What is there more to say? (ooh)
I think that we're on our way
I think we're on our way
Through all the highs and lows
I need you by my side, yeah
I think we're on our way
To better days, better days, yeah
Let's say we turn the page
Move on from all the times
Should've laughed, not cried
What is there more to say? (no more to say)
I think that we are on our way
No more to say.
No more to say. Yeah.
No more to say. Ha.
>> Without You
Woah woahh
Have I been blind?
For the first time in my life I feel I've opened up my eyes
Since you've arrived like an angel from the sky
I'm on a spiritual high
So don't you ever go away
I could never face
Losing you would give my faith
In a higher place
What kind of world
Would it be without you
I couldn't breathe without you here
What kind of world
Would I see without you
I can't dream without you here
Yeah woah yeah
Beautiful boy
How on earth did I do something worth deserving you?
My better half
How I cherish through and through every part of you
I do
Loving you's made me hope
Now I belong
I found my heart
Promise me we'll always stay
The way we are today
What kind of world
Would it be without you
I couldn't breathe without you here
What kind of world
Would I see without you
I can't dream without you here
I can't ever imagine
If this never would happened
I thank God everyday
Almost lost you forever
But I always remember (remember)
That you're my saving grace
What kind of world
(what kind of world)
Would it be without you
(oh without you)
I couldn't breathe without you here
(ohh here)
What kind of world
(what kind of world)
Would I see without you
(oh see without you)
I can't dream without you here
(dream without you here)
>> Still Dirrty
Yeah. Yeah.
Ooh, Ooh, Ohh
If you see me walking down the street
Or in the pages of your magzine
Looking just a little differently
Showing off a softer side of me
They saying I'm looking like a lady
They saying that love is going to change me
But don't be fooled by everything you see
Gotta let the naughty in me free
There's a woman inside of all of us
Who never quite seems to get enough
Trying to play by the rules is rough
Cause sooner or later something's going to erupt
Cause I still got that nasty in me
Still got that dirrty degree (still got it)
And if you want some more sexy
Still got that freak in me
I still got that nasty in me
Still got that dirrty degree (oh yeah)
And if you want some more sexy
Still got that freak in me
No matter what you thinking of me, still dirrty
And if you're still rolling with me, still got it
No matter what you thinking of me, still dirrty
Still got that freak in me
Why is a woman's sexuality
Always under so much scrutiny?
Why can't she do exactly as she please
Without being called a million things?
They say I'm not the girl they used to know (used to know)
'Cause I don't always wear revealing clothes (oh)
But don't be fooled a moment, I can't hold (I can't hold)
I'm letting loose, 'cause then I'd probably choke (don't you know)
There's some women out there who talk and stare
Who never seem to let down their hair
Like to past judgement, but they're just scared
And don't know what they're missing, so they better beware
'Cause I still got that nasty in me
Still got that dirrty degree (ooh)
And if you want some more sexy
Still got that freak in me
I still got that nasty in me
Still got that dirrty degree (oh yeah)
And if you want some more sexy
Still got that freak in me (oh yeah)
No matter what you thinking of me, still dirrty
And if you're still rolling with me, still got it
No matter what you thinking of me, still dirrty
Still got that freak in me
Don't tell me to behave
'Cause I'll never play that game (no)
Don't tell me what to do
'Cause I'll never be uptight like you
Don't look at me that way
'Cause I ain't never gonna change
And if you're talking about my life
You're only wasting your own time
If I want to wear lingere outside of my clothes
If I want to be erotic in my own videos
If I want to be provacative, well that ain't a sin
Maybe you're not comfortable in your own skin
I still got that nasty in me
Still got that dirrty degree (in me)
And if you still want some more sexy
Still got that freak in me
I still got that nasty in me
Still got that dirrty degree (in me)
And if you still want some more sexy
Still got freak in me
Ooh, yeah.
Hey, hey, hey.
Ohh. Ohh. Ohh. Ohh.
>> Here To Stay
Hey yeah yeah, whoa yeah, whoa oh yeah
Well everybody got an opinion now, don't they
But it aint no thang to me
it really don't make any difference now to me
if you don't like what you see
I pay no mind to the negative kind
cause it's just no way to be
i don't stop to please someone else you see
Gonna live my life for me
I'm gonna get bold, gonna do my own thing
We all got a song that we're meant to sing
and no matter what people say, or might think
I aint going no place, no I'm here to stay
Gonna keep on doing my thing
Cause whether they love or they're hatin' on me
I'll still be the same girl I used to be
And I aint going no place, no I'm here to stay
I'm here to stay
I'm here to stay
I'm here to stay
I've never been the type to be...
>> Thank You (dedication To Fans...)
It seems like a lifetime
Since I felt like a prisoner of my dreams, yeah
It took such a long time
For me to realize just how to be
And to listen to me
Don't go thinking I'm not thankful,
'Cause me, I've got my hands full of good things, oh
And I hope I can give back
A little bit of what you've given me
So thank you for standing right by me (I will always love you)
So thank you for being behind me (You are just so amazing)
And watching me grow and letting others know
That you still believe in what I'll be
So people have said things in times
About me that weren't always true
Ooh yeah
But you've always been there
To give that extra love to pull me through
To do what I gotta do
Cause there'll always be those ups and downs
But you've always seemed to stick around and see
See me through to believe, yeah
And I hope I can give back
A little bit of what you've given me
You give me all that I need, yeah
So thank you for standing right by me (I thank you for everything)
So thank you for being behind me (Thank you, Christina)
And watching me grow and letting others know
That you still believe in what I'll be (Sing it, girl)
It took awhile 'til I could do what I wanted
And now I'm so happy that it started where we started
I'm thanking God that I could be in the position
To do my own thing now and make my own decisions
And so I'm thanking you for being true
And standing by me through and through
>> Enter The Circus
Ladies and gentlemen
Boys and girls
Step right up, step right up
Come closer, you won't believe your eyes
Behind this curtain,
Witness something you've never seen before,
Heard before, dreamt before
The most amazing show on earth
La la la la la la la
It's the most amazing show on earth
La la la la la la la
Do you want to be widely entertained?
People to know your name?
Do you crave fame?
Well they say "things aren't always what they seem to be"
Even your greatest fantasies
You won't believe your eyes
Won't even recognise
The wonderment that lies
Behind the shimmer and the lights
Is it true what they say?
Is it all just fun and games?
Or is there more behind the makeup,
And the faces full of paint?
I ask you, do you want to come and play?
Get the world to come and play
So sit back, relax, fasten your seatbelts
It's going to be a bumpy ride to the other side
>> Welcome
Woah, ohh
Welcome to the greatest show
Greatest show on earth
You've never seen before
Here the fairytale unfolds
What's behind the smoke and glass?
Painted faces, everybody wears a mask
Are you selling them your soul?
Well you'll be left out in the cold
Is it all blue skies
Fun and games untill you fall
Then you're left without anyone at all
You're riding on a shooting star
With a smile upon your face
But soon the shine fades
And you're left out all alone
Wondering where did they all go?
Been jaded, hated,
Who'll be around when the limelight's faded?
Been shut down, pushed out
Made to smile when I wanted to frown
Always taking a bow
Always working the crowd
Always breaking new ground
Always playing the clown
Who'll be sticking it out?
Who'll be staying around
When the lights go down?
>> Candyman
Candy man, candy man...
Sweet sugar candy man [whispered]
I met him out for dinner on a Friday night
He really got me working up an appetite
He had tattoos up and down his arm
There's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm
He's a one stop jive, makes my panties drop
He's a swinging rockin sugar coated candy man
A sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
Ooo yeah..
He took me to this cotton club on Hollywood and Vine
We drank champagne and we danced all night
He's a one stop job, make my cherry pop
He's a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
A sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
Se bop bop
Hey yeah
He's a one stop job, makes my cherry pop
He's a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man oh
a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
Woo yeah
... ? hot
... ? hit the spot
... ? tastes like sugar cane
Good things come to boys who wait
Candy man can...
Candy man Candy man
...Bottle of vodka covered wine (?)
Candy man, candy man
Sweet sugar candy man [whispered]
He's a one stop, gotcha hot, makin all the panties drop
Sweet sugar candy man [whispered]
He's a one stop, got me hot, my my egh pop
Sweet sugar candy man [whispered]
He's a one stop, get it while it's hot, baby don't stop
Sweet sugar candy man [whispered]
He's got ?hips? like sugar cane
Good things come for boys who wait
He's a one stop job with a real big egh
He's a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
Sh bop, a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man
Candy man, candy man
>> Nasty Naughty Boy
Come here big boy
Ahh, mmmhmm, yeah
You've been a bad bad boy
I'm gonna take my time, so enjoy
There's no need to feel no shame
Relax and sip upon my champagne
'Cause I wanna give you a little taste
Of the sugar below my waist, you nasty boy
I'll give you some oh-la-la
Voulez vous coucher avec moi?
I got you breaking into a sweat
Got you hot, bothered, and wet
You nasty boy
Nasty naughty boy
Oh baby for all it's worth
I swear I'll be the first to blow your mind
Now if you're ready, come and get me
I'll give you that hot, sweet, sexy loving (loving)
Hush now, don't say a word
I'm gonna give you what you deserve
Now you better give me a little taste
Put your icing on my cake
You nasty boy
Oh no, oh there I go again
I need a spanking, 'cause I've been bad
So let my body do the talkin'
I'll slip you that hot, sweet, sexy loving
Ohh ha!
Come on daddy!
Ohh ohh, ohh ohh oh yeah
Oh yeaah oh, come on, sugar
I got you breaking into a sweat
Got you hot, bothered, and wet
You nasty boy
Nasty naughty boy
Naughty boy
Oh baby for all it's worth
I swear I'll be the first to blow your mind
Now that you're ready, give it to me
Just give me that hot, sweet, sexy loving
Now give me a little spanking
Ohh, ohh, is that all you've got?
Come on now, don't play with me
Oh give me that hot, sweet, nasty
Boy don't you make me wait
Now you better give me a little taste
Put your icing on my cake
You nasty boy
>> I Got Trouble
Hmm, yeah yeah
Hmm, mmm..
I've got trouble, trouble, trouble
Always knocking at my door
Yes I'm a whole lot of touble, baby
Just like a kid in a candy store
Well, I'm nothing but trouble, babe
Not since the day that I was born
Well, I'm as good as it gets
Give you something you won't forget
If you wanna spell trouble, babe
Well, tonight it is the right way
'Cause baby's got something,
Something you just can't ignore
And yeah, it sure is likley, baby
You'll keep coming back for more
I've got a wicked taste for trouble
And I'm never, never, satisfied
Yeah I'm a whole lot of trouble, baby
And my evil ways kill life
Oh, my, my
Well, I've been itching for some trouble baby
Every single day that I'm alive
Come on, baby, come on darling
Come on sugar, ooh, yeah yeah yeah
Baby, whoa, whoa, yeah
Now listen
Can't you see the way I move
Can't you read it in my hips
There's a lot that's going on
In my pocket full of tricks
Got some secrets up my sleeve
If you know just what I mean
Got places you've never been
Take you out of your skin
Well I'm trouble, trouble, trouble, baby
Always knocking at my door
Yes I'm a whole lot of lot of touble, baby
Ooh, since the day that I.. was born
Yeah, oh yeah.
>> Hurt
Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
I would hold you in my arms
I would take away the pain
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wanna do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I hurt myself by hating you
Somedays I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss
You know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this
Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?
There's nothing I want to do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've had myself
If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that
I've missed you since you've been away
Oh, it's dangerous
It's so I'm afraid to try to turn back time
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've had myself
By hurting you
>> Mercy On Me
Lord have mercy on my soul
For I have walked the sinful road
That I'm down on my knees
Lord have mercy on me, please
Ohh yeah
Jesus, I must confess
That in all my loneliness
I've forsaken and I've sinned
Leaving fragments of a man so broken
I could tell you what I've done
Or should I tell you where I went wrong?
Well the more that I start to play
My deceitful, evil ways
Keep on growing stronger by the day
Oh lord have mercy on my soul
For I have walked a sinful road
So I'm gonna get down on my knees
Beg forgiveness to help set me free
Lord have mercy on me, please
Mother Mary full of grace
In my weakness, I've lost faith
I've been careless, and I have been warned
And the devil inside me is torn
God bless the men that I have scorned
Oh lord have mercy on my soul
For I have walked the sinful road
So I'm gonna get down on my knees
Beg forgiveness to help set me free
Lord have mercy on me, please
Woah, woaa yeah yeah
Woa yeah yeah oh oh
Oh-oh yeah yeah yeah, ohh
So don't let me fool around no more
Send your angels down to guide me through that door
Well I've gone and confessed my regrets
And I pray I'm not held in contempt
I'm so lost, and I need you to help me repent
Oh lord have mercy on my soul
Oh I'm begging, I'm pleeding, I'm needing
I want you to know
So I'm down upon my knees
Oh lord, I need forgiveness
I need forgiveness from you
>> Save Me From Myself
It's not so easy loving me
It gets so complicated
All the things you've gotta be
Everything's changin
But you're the truth
I'm amazed by all your patience
Everything I put you through
When I'm about to fall
Somehow you're always waitin
with your open arms to catch me
You're gonna save me from myself
from myself, yes
You're gonna save me from myself
My love is tainted by your touch
Cuz some guys have shown me aces
But you've got that royal flush
I know it's crazy everyday
Well tomorrow may be shaky
But you never turn away
Don't ask me why I'm cryin
Cuz when I start to crumble
You know how to keep me smilin
You always save me from myself
from myself, myself
You're gonna save me from myself
I know it's hard, it's hard
But you've broken all my walls
You've been my strength, so strong
And don't ask me why I love you
It's obvious your tenderness
Is what I need to make me
a better woman to myself
to myself, myself
You're gonna save me from myself
>> The Right Man
So many years have gone by
Always strong, tried not to cry
Never felt like I needed any man
To comfort me in life
But I'm all made up today
A veil upon my face
But no father stands beside me
To give his bride away
Well I'm standing in the chapel
Wearing my white dress
I have waited for this moment
With tears of happiness
Here I leave behind my past
By taking the chance
I've finally found the right man
Thoughts racing fast through my mind
As I'm gazing down the aisle
That my future will mend the memories
Torn between father and child
My emotions overload
'Cause there is no hand to hold
There's no shoulder here to lean on
I'm walking all on my own
Here I go
Now I'm standing at four corners
To have and to hold
Now my love, you stand beside me
To walk life's winding road
And I owe it all to you
For taking the chance
You've shown me there's a right man
'Cause I never knew a right man
Well I'm standing in the chapel
Ready to confess
That I've waited for this moment
With tears of happiness
Now I leave behind my past
By taking the chance
Well I'm standing at four corners
To have and to hold
Now my love, you stand beside me
To walk life's winding road
And I owe it all to you
For taking the chance
And one day my little girl
Will reach out her hand
She'll know I found the right man

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Christina Aguilera
> Christina Aguilera
>> Genie In A Bottle
I feel like I've
been locked up tight
for a century of lonely nights
Waiting for someone
to release me
You're lickin' your lips
and blowing kisses my way
But that don't mean
I'm gonna give it away
Baby baby baby (baby baby baby...)
Ooohhh, 'my body's sayin' lets go'
Ooohhh, 'but my heart is sayin' no'
If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle
You gotta rub me the right way
If you wanna be with me
I can make your wish come true
Ya gotta make a big impression
Gotta like what you do
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Gotta rub me the right way honey
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come come, come and
on and let me out
The music's playing
and the lights are low
Just one more dance
and then we're gonna go
Waiting for someone who needs me
Horemones racing
at the speed of light
But that don't mean
It's gotta be tonight
Baby baby baby (baby baby baby...)
Ooohhh, 'my body's sayin' lets go'
Ooohhh, 'but my heart is sayin' no'
If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle
You gotta rub me the right way
If you wanna be with me
I can make your wish come true
Just come and set me free babe
And I'll be with you
'I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Gotta rub me the right way honey
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come come, come on and let me out'
'I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Gotta rub me the right way honey (If you wanna be with me)
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come come, come on and let me out'
Ooohhh, 'my body's sayin' lets go'
Ooohhh, 'but my heart is sayin' no'
If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle (I'm a genie in a bottle)
You gotta rub me the right way
If you wanna be with me
I can make your wish come true
Ya gotta make a big impression
Gotta like what you do (Ooohhh...)
If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle (In a bottle baby...)
You gotta rub me the right way
If you wanna be with me (If you wanna be with me...)
I can make your wish come true
Just come and set me free baby
And I'll be with you
'I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come come, come on and let me out'
>> What A Girl Wants
what a girl wants, what a girl needs
~whatever makes me happy set you free
what a girl wants, what a girl needs
~whatever keeps me (keeps me) in your arms
(yeah, come on)
i wanna thank you for giving me time to breathe
like a rock you waited so patiently, while i got it together
hmm, while i figured it out
i only looked but i never touched
'cause in my heart was a picture of us
holding hands, making plans
and it's lucky for me, you understand
what a girl wants, what a girl needs
whatever makes me happy set you free
and i'm thanking you for knowing exactly
what a girl wants, what a girl needs
whatever keeps me in your arms
and i'm thanking you for being there for me
a weaker man might have walked away, but you had faith
strong enough to move over and give me space,
while i got it together, while i figured it out
they say if you love something let it go
if it comes back it's yours, that's how you know
it's for keeps, yeah, it's for sure
and you're ready and willing to give me more than
then what a girl wants
what a girls need
whatever make me happy set you free
and i'm thanking you for giving it to me
what a girl wants what girl needs
whatever keeps me in your arms
and i am thanking you for being there for me
oh baby, oh darling
a girl needs somebody senstitve but tough
somebody there when the going gets rough
every night he'll be giving his love to just one girl
somebody cool, somebod just like you,
can keep be hanging around with the one who always knew
what a girl wants, what a girl needs
whatever makes me happy set you free
i'm thanking you for being there for me
what a girl wants, what a girl needs
ohh baby, ohh darling
thank you, thank you
for giving me what i need and what i want
>> I Turn To You
When I'm lost in the rain,
In your eyes I know I'll find the light to light my way.
When I'm scared, losing ground
When my world is going crazy, you can turn it all around. (yes)
And when I'm down you're there pushing me to the top.
You're always there giving me all you've got.
For a shield from the storm
For a friend for a love
To keep me safe and warm,
I turn to you.
For the strength to be strong;
For the will to carry on;
For everything you do;
For everything that's true,
I turn to you. (oooo yeah)
When I lose the will to win,
I just reach for you and I can reach the sky again.
I can do anything,
'Cause your love is so amazing;
'Cause your love inspires me.
And when I need a friend, you're always on my side;
Giving me faith keeping me through the night
For a shield (For a shield) from the storm; (from the storm)
For a friend; for a love (for a love to keep me safe and warm)
To keep me safe and warm,
I turn to you. (I turn to you)
For the strength (for the strength) to be strong;
For the will to carry on;
For everything you do;
I turn to you. (ooo yeah oohhh)
For the arms to be my shelter through all the rain;
For truth that will never change;
For someone to lean on;
For a heart I can rely on through anything;
For that one who I can run to; (I turn to you)
For a shield from the storm;
For a friend; for a love (to keep me safe a warm yeah yeah, I turn to you)
To keep me safe and warm,
I turn to you. (I turn to you)
For the strength (for the strength) to be strong;
For the will to carry on;
For everything you do; (everything you do)
For everything that's true;
For everything you do;
For everything that's true,
I turn to you.
>> So Emotional
You make me feel
so emotional
Woooooaaaah Oooohyeah
(so emotional)
(so emotional)
It's either black or white
that's right
we're makin love or we're in a fight
sometimes you make me so blue
but then it feels so good
I knew it would
you do the things that make me crazy
I want to give it to you
You make me feel
so emotional
I can't let go I'm
so emotional
I'm sinking fast in-
to an ocean full of you
I'm so emotional
You take me high and low
you know
I'm never sure which way you're gonna go
you're such a mystery to me
but baby hot or cold
you got a hold
of my imagination
I think you know what I mean
You make me feel
so emotional
I can't let go I'm
so emotional
I'm sinking fast in-
to an ocean full of you
I'm so emotional
Rain is falling down on me
suddenly the sun comes out
sometimes north or south of love
but I'm never out (never out)
never out
I'm so emotional!
(you make me feel so-oh)
ooh you make me feel so
(I can't let go I'm so-oh)
I'm so emotional
(I'm sinking fast into an ocean full of you)
(You make me feel so wooaaah!)
You make me feel
so emotional
I can't let go I'm
so emotional
I'm sinking fast in-
to an ocean full of you
I'm so emotional
You make me feel
so emotional
I can't let go I'm
so emotional
I'm sinking fast in-
to an ocean full of you
I'm so emotional
You make me feel
so emotional
I can't let go I'm
so emotional
I'm sinking fast in-
to an ocean full of you
I'm so emotional
>> Come On Over (All I Want Is You)
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
hey boy don't you know
i've got something going on
i've got an invitation
don't you keep me waiting all night long
i know you, you know
so baby don't
pretend you won't
keeping me guessing off you
you will or you won't
don't wanna play that game with you baby
so listen to me
All I want is you, come over here baby
All I want is you, you make me go crazy
All I want is you, now baby don't be shy
You better cross the line
I'm gonna love you right
All I want is you!
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
im not just talking about your sexuality (sexuality)
but i can't help myself when you put your hands on me
its paradise when you and I
get close get tight
one on one
go on all night
i wanna play that game with you baby
so listen to me
All I want is you, come over here baby
All I want is you, you make me go crazy
All I want is you, now baby don't be shy
You better cross the line
I'm gonna love you right
All I want is you!
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over
don't you wanna be the one tonite
we can do exactley what you like
don't you wanna be just you and me
and do it oh so naturally
got a thing for you
got my mind made up
and im serious
never been more
baby im sure
but its real
and its better here
you give me
what a girl feels
what a girl likes
what a girl needs
what a girl wants
all i want is you
Now baby don't be shy, you better cross the line
I'm gonna love you right
All I want is you
All I want is you, ohh you make me go crazy
All I want is you, now baby don't be shy
You better cross the line
I'm gonna love you right coz
All I want is you!
>> Reflection
Look at me,
You may think you see,
Who I really am.
But you'll never know me.
Every day,
It's as if I play,
A part.
Now I see,
If I wear a mask,
I can fool the world,
But I cannot fool my heart.
Who is that girl I see,
Staring straight back at me.
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside.
I am now,
in a world where I have to hide my heart,
and what I believe in.
But somehow I will show the world,
whats inside my heart,
and be loved for who I am.
Who is that girl I see,
staring straight back at me.
Why is my reflection someone I dont know,
must I pretend that i'm,
someone else for all time,
when will my reflection show who I am inside.
There's a heart that must be free to fly,
That burns with the need to know the reason why.
Why must we all conceal,
what we think,
how we feel.
Must there be A secret me i'm forced to hide.
I won't pretend that i'm,
someone else for all time.
When will my reflection show,
Who I am inside.
When will my reflection show,
Who I am inside.
>> Love For All Seasons
Oh yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Ooh yeah, oh yeah
Hey there boy
Did you happen to know wherever you go
I’ll follow
Ooh baby Like a cool breeze
On a summer day, hey
When you’re near me
I don’t know what to do
I feel like a fool
Like a schoolgirl, a true blue girl
Who wants to know, can he come out and play?
Oh yeah
You make me feel the way a woman
Is suppose to feel, oh
So let me show you, show you
My love’s for real
I’ll be the rain in your summer
The chill in your fall
I’ll be what you want, anything at all
I got a love for all seasons
A love for all times
I’ll be the fire in your winter
The sun in your spring
I’ll do what you want, give you everything
I got a love for all seasons
A love for all times
I’ll be there for you
Keeping you warm, through the storm
I’ll guide you, stand by you
Until the stars fall from the sky, oh yeah
When you call me
I never hesitate, making you wait
For my love, never lie love
It’s something that I just can’t deny
I’ll read your each and every feeling
When you need me to
And so now I got to let you know
This love’s for you, ooh
You don’t have to search no more
Baby you don’t have to dream
Cause what I’ve got inside for you
Is all that you’ll ever need, whoah
Oh yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
You don’t have to search no more
My heart is yours, for real, for sure
You don’t have to wonder why
I’ll never leave, I’ll never lie
>> Somebody's Somebody
Watchin' lovers walkin'
Hand in hand they pass me by
Wish i was one of them
Wish i had somebody
Wakin' up beside me
Looking into my eyes at night
I want a love to call my own
I want someone that I can hold
I want someone wanting me
Wanna feel how it feels to be
Somebody's somebody
Someone's someone
Some sweet lover's lover
I wanna be that one
Someone faithful to someone faithful
Someone kind to someone kind to me
Somebody to somebody who loves me
Spending all of my time
Spending all my time on me
Where is that someone who
I can give my time to
Searching for that lover
With the love that will change my life
I want two arms to hold me close
I want the thing I need most
Somebody needing me
So i can feel how it feels to be
What I'm looking for
Is someone to love me more
Than I've ever been loved before
With love so right
What I need to find
Is someone to hold me tight
What I mean is I want to be
>> When You Put Your Hands On Me
I don't know about the travel of time
And I've never seen most of the world
I don't know
Diving out of the sky
Or living like the diamonds of pearls
See I haven't danced to a musical tune
And I haven't noticed the flowers in bloom
I haven't smiled
When alone in my room very much
Then we touched
I just know
When you put your hands on me
I feel sexy
And my body turns to gold
i just know
When you put your hands on me
I feel ready
And I lose my self control
I don't know if a doll can unwind
Or how to make a person go
I don't know how to be what you like
And simply open up the depths of my soul
So I keep my wings
And my eyes on the down
Ready for nothing
But holding my ground
I haven't used
A particular noun very much
Then we touched
I won't notice
Or pay you no mind
Boy I couldn't care less
what you do with your time
Your fingertips on my hips
Just move me like one of a kind
>> Blessed
Ooo OO Hoo ooo
Ooo yea
When I think how life use to be
Always walking in the shadows
Then I look at what you've given me
I feel like dancing on my tip toes
I must say everyday I wake
and realize you're by my side
I know I'm truely...
Blessed for everything you've given me
Blessed for all the tenderness you show
Do my best with every breath that's in me
Blessed to make sure you never go
There are times that test your faith
Til you think you mite surrender
Baby I'm, I'm not ashamed to say that
my hope was growing slender
You walked by in the knick of time
looking like an anwsered prayer
You know I'm truely...
Blessed for everything you've given me
Blessed for all the tenderness you show
Do my best with every breath that's in me
Blessed to make sure u never go
Blessed with love and understanding
Blessed when i hear you call my name
(when i hear you call my name)
Do my Best with faith that's never ending
Blessed to make sure you feel the same
Deep inside of me you fill me with your gentle touch
You know I'm truely...
Blessed for everything you've given me
Blessed for all the tenderness you show
Do my best with every breath that's in me
Blessed to see you never go
(never never never go)
>> Love Will Find A Way
No one ever said that love was gonna be easy
Gotta take the ups and downs, the in-betweens
If you take this journey, gotta give yourself completely
Never let nobody ever step on a dream
You better stop
Listen to these words I say
You better stop
Don't you throw this good thing away no no
Put your trust in me
And I'll make you see
No the rain wont last forever
Find a way to make it better
Long as we can stand together
Love will find a way
Gonna make a new tomorrow
Say good-bye to tears and sorrow
Better listen when I say
Love will find a way
Somebody tried to tell me love doesn't last forever
Said it only happens in your wildest dreams
After all is said and done were still here together
Never listen to the lies and jealousy
You better stop
Don't you let them turn you around
You better stop
Hang onto this love that weave found
Nuthin ever say
Can stand in our way
I want you, I need you - You know that I believe you
We got It, you know it,
So if it's real just show it (x2)
You better stop
Listen to these words that I say
You better stop
Don't you throw this good thing away, no
Put your trust in me and I'll make you see
>> Obvious
Can you hear it in my voice
Was it something I let slip
Does the whole world know
Isn't it obvious
I'm the one who's in control
Now I'm acting like a fool
Do my feelings show
Is my face aglow
Isn't it obvious
That I don't know what I'm doing anymore
I'm feeling like a little girl
Caught up in emotions
I'm out of control
Isn't it obvious
Do you see my hands, they tremble
Wonder why I can't look you in the eyes
Don't know how long
I can keep this inside
Isn't it obvious
That I don't know what I'm doing anymore
I'm feeling like a little girl
Caught up in emotions
I'm out of control
Isn't it obvious
Suddenly these emotions are in control of my heart
Can you see it in my eyes
Everyglance, every smile must give me away
And i feel so much I can't hide
That I don't know what I'm doing anymore
I'm feeling like a little girl
Caught up in emotions
I'm out of control
Isn't it obvious
> Christina Aguilera
>> Genie In A Bottle
I feel like I've
been locked up tight
for a century of lonely nights
Waiting for someone
to release me
You're lickin' your lips
and blowing kisses my way
But that don't mean
I'm gonna give it away
Baby baby baby (baby baby baby...)
Ooohhh, 'my body's sayin' lets go'
Ooohhh, 'but my heart is sayin' no'
If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle
You gotta rub me the right way
If you wanna be with me
I can make your wish come true
Ya gotta make a big impression
Gotta like what you do
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Gotta rub me the right way honey
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come come, come and
on and let me out
The music's playing
and the lights are low
Just one more dance
and then we're gonna go
Waiting for someone who needs me
Horemones racing
at the speed of light
But that don't mean
It's gotta be tonight
Baby baby baby (baby baby baby...)
Ooohhh, 'my body's sayin' lets go'
Ooohhh, 'but my heart is sayin' no'
If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle
You gotta rub me the right way
If you wanna be with me
I can make your wish come true
Just come and set me free babe
And I'll be with you
'I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Gotta rub me the right way honey
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come come, come on and let me out'
'I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Gotta rub me the right way honey (If you wanna be with me)
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come come, come on and let me out'
Ooohhh, 'my body's sayin' lets go'
Ooohhh, 'but my heart is sayin' no'
If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle (I'm a genie in a bottle)
You gotta rub me the right way
If you wanna be with me
I can make your wish come true
Ya gotta make a big impression
Gotta like what you do (Ooohhh...)
If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle (In a bottle baby...)
You gotta rub me the right way
If you wanna be with me (If you wanna be with me...)
I can make your wish come true
Just come and set me free baby
And I'll be with you
'I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come come, come on and let me out'
>> What A Girl Wants
what a girl wants, what a girl needs
~whatever makes me happy set you free
what a girl wants, what a girl needs
~whatever keeps me (keeps me) in your arms
(yeah, come on)
i wanna thank you for giving me time to breathe
like a rock you waited so patiently, while i got it together
hmm, while i figured it out
i only looked but i never touched
'cause in my heart was a picture of us
holding hands, making plans
and it's lucky for me, you understand
what a girl wants, what a girl needs
whatever makes me happy set you free
and i'm thanking you for knowing exactly
what a girl wants, what a girl needs
whatever keeps me in your arms
and i'm thanking you for being there for me
a weaker man might have walked away, but you had faith
strong enough to move over and give me space,
while i got it together, while i figured it out
they say if you love something let it go
if it comes back it's yours, that's how you know
it's for keeps, yeah, it's for sure
and you're ready and willing to give me more than
then what a girl wants
what a girls need
whatever make me happy set you free
and i'm thanking you for giving it to me
what a girl wants what girl needs
whatever keeps me in your arms
and i am thanking you for being there for me
oh baby, oh darling
a girl needs somebody senstitve but tough
somebody there when the going gets rough
every night he'll be giving his love to just one girl
somebody cool, somebod just like you,
can keep be hanging around with the one who always knew
what a girl wants, what a girl needs
whatever makes me happy set you free
i'm thanking you for being there for me
what a girl wants, what a girl needs
ohh baby, ohh darling
thank you, thank you
for giving me what i need and what i want
>> I Turn To You
When I'm lost in the rain,
In your eyes I know I'll find the light to light my way.
When I'm scared, losing ground
When my world is going crazy, you can turn it all around. (yes)
And when I'm down you're there pushing me to the top.
You're always there giving me all you've got.
For a shield from the storm
For a friend for a love
To keep me safe and warm,
I turn to you.
For the strength to be strong;
For the will to carry on;
For everything you do;
For everything that's true,
I turn to you. (oooo yeah)
When I lose the will to win,
I just reach for you and I can reach the sky again.
I can do anything,
'Cause your love is so amazing;
'Cause your love inspires me.
And when I need a friend, you're always on my side;
Giving me faith keeping me through the night
For a shield (For a shield) from the storm; (from the storm)
For a friend; for a love (for a love to keep me safe and warm)
To keep me safe and warm,
I turn to you. (I turn to you)
For the strength (for the strength) to be strong;
For the will to carry on;
For everything you do;
I turn to you. (ooo yeah oohhh)
For the arms to be my shelter through all the rain;
For truth that will never change;
For someone to lean on;
For a heart I can rely on through anything;
For that one who I can run to; (I turn to you)
For a shield from the storm;
For a friend; for a love (to keep me safe a warm yeah yeah, I turn to you)
To keep me safe and warm,
I turn to you. (I turn to you)
For the strength (for the strength) to be strong;
For the will to carry on;
For everything you do; (everything you do)
For everything that's true;
For everything you do;
For everything that's true,
I turn to you.
>> So Emotional
You make me feel
so emotional
Woooooaaaah Oooohyeah
(so emotional)
(so emotional)
It's either black or white
that's right
we're makin love or we're in a fight
sometimes you make me so blue
but then it feels so good
I knew it would
you do the things that make me crazy
I want to give it to you
You make me feel
so emotional
I can't let go I'm
so emotional
I'm sinking fast in-
to an ocean full of you
I'm so emotional
You take me high and low
you know
I'm never sure which way you're gonna go
you're such a mystery to me
but baby hot or cold
you got a hold
of my imagination
I think you know what I mean
You make me feel
so emotional
I can't let go I'm
so emotional
I'm sinking fast in-
to an ocean full of you
I'm so emotional
Rain is falling down on me
suddenly the sun comes out
sometimes north or south of love
but I'm never out (never out)
never out
I'm so emotional!
(you make me feel so-oh)
ooh you make me feel so
(I can't let go I'm so-oh)
I'm so emotional
(I'm sinking fast into an ocean full of you)
(You make me feel so wooaaah!)
You make me feel
so emotional
I can't let go I'm
so emotional
I'm sinking fast in-
to an ocean full of you
I'm so emotional
You make me feel
so emotional
I can't let go I'm
so emotional
I'm sinking fast in-
to an ocean full of you
I'm so emotional
You make me feel
so emotional
I can't let go I'm
so emotional
I'm sinking fast in-
to an ocean full of you
I'm so emotional
>> Come On Over (All I Want Is You)
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
hey boy don't you know
i've got something going on
i've got an invitation
don't you keep me waiting all night long
i know you, you know
so baby don't
pretend you won't
keeping me guessing off you
you will or you won't
don't wanna play that game with you baby
so listen to me
All I want is you, come over here baby
All I want is you, you make me go crazy
All I want is you, now baby don't be shy
You better cross the line
I'm gonna love you right
All I want is you!
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
im not just talking about your sexuality (sexuality)
but i can't help myself when you put your hands on me
its paradise when you and I
get close get tight
one on one
go on all night
i wanna play that game with you baby
so listen to me
All I want is you, come over here baby
All I want is you, you make me go crazy
All I want is you, now baby don't be shy
You better cross the line
I'm gonna love you right
All I want is you!
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over, come on over baby
Come on over
don't you wanna be the one tonite
we can do exactley what you like
don't you wanna be just you and me
and do it oh so naturally
got a thing for you
got my mind made up
and im serious
never been more
baby im sure
but its real
and its better here
you give me
what a girl feels
what a girl likes
what a girl needs
what a girl wants
all i want is you
Now baby don't be shy, you better cross the line
I'm gonna love you right
All I want is you
All I want is you, ohh you make me go crazy
All I want is you, now baby don't be shy
You better cross the line
I'm gonna love you right coz
All I want is you!
>> Reflection
Look at me,
You may think you see,
Who I really am.
But you'll never know me.
Every day,
It's as if I play,
A part.
Now I see,
If I wear a mask,
I can fool the world,
But I cannot fool my heart.
Who is that girl I see,
Staring straight back at me.
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside.
I am now,
in a world where I have to hide my heart,
and what I believe in.
But somehow I will show the world,
whats inside my heart,
and be loved for who I am.
Who is that girl I see,
staring straight back at me.
Why is my reflection someone I dont know,
must I pretend that i'm,
someone else for all time,
when will my reflection show who I am inside.
There's a heart that must be free to fly,
That burns with the need to know the reason why.
Why must we all conceal,
what we think,
how we feel.
Must there be A secret me i'm forced to hide.
I won't pretend that i'm,
someone else for all time.
When will my reflection show,
Who I am inside.
When will my reflection show,
Who I am inside.
>> Love For All Seasons
Oh yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Ooh yeah, oh yeah
Hey there boy
Did you happen to know wherever you go
I’ll follow
Ooh baby Like a cool breeze
On a summer day, hey
When you’re near me
I don’t know what to do
I feel like a fool
Like a schoolgirl, a true blue girl
Who wants to know, can he come out and play?
Oh yeah
You make me feel the way a woman
Is suppose to feel, oh
So let me show you, show you
My love’s for real
I’ll be the rain in your summer
The chill in your fall
I’ll be what you want, anything at all
I got a love for all seasons
A love for all times
I’ll be the fire in your winter
The sun in your spring
I’ll do what you want, give you everything
I got a love for all seasons
A love for all times
I’ll be there for you
Keeping you warm, through the storm
I’ll guide you, stand by you
Until the stars fall from the sky, oh yeah
When you call me
I never hesitate, making you wait
For my love, never lie love
It’s something that I just can’t deny
I’ll read your each and every feeling
When you need me to
And so now I got to let you know
This love’s for you, ooh
You don’t have to search no more
Baby you don’t have to dream
Cause what I’ve got inside for you
Is all that you’ll ever need, whoah
Oh yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
You don’t have to search no more
My heart is yours, for real, for sure
You don’t have to wonder why
I’ll never leave, I’ll never lie
>> Somebody's Somebody
Watchin' lovers walkin'
Hand in hand they pass me by
Wish i was one of them
Wish i had somebody
Wakin' up beside me
Looking into my eyes at night
I want a love to call my own
I want someone that I can hold
I want someone wanting me
Wanna feel how it feels to be
Somebody's somebody
Someone's someone
Some sweet lover's lover
I wanna be that one
Someone faithful to someone faithful
Someone kind to someone kind to me
Somebody to somebody who loves me
Spending all of my time
Spending all my time on me
Where is that someone who
I can give my time to
Searching for that lover
With the love that will change my life
I want two arms to hold me close
I want the thing I need most
Somebody needing me
So i can feel how it feels to be
What I'm looking for
Is someone to love me more
Than I've ever been loved before
With love so right
What I need to find
Is someone to hold me tight
What I mean is I want to be
>> When You Put Your Hands On Me
I don't know about the travel of time
And I've never seen most of the world
I don't know
Diving out of the sky
Or living like the diamonds of pearls
See I haven't danced to a musical tune
And I haven't noticed the flowers in bloom
I haven't smiled
When alone in my room very much
Then we touched
I just know
When you put your hands on me
I feel sexy
And my body turns to gold
i just know
When you put your hands on me
I feel ready
And I lose my self control
I don't know if a doll can unwind
Or how to make a person go
I don't know how to be what you like
And simply open up the depths of my soul
So I keep my wings
And my eyes on the down
Ready for nothing
But holding my ground
I haven't used
A particular noun very much
Then we touched
I won't notice
Or pay you no mind
Boy I couldn't care less
what you do with your time
Your fingertips on my hips
Just move me like one of a kind
>> Blessed
Ooo OO Hoo ooo
Ooo yea
When I think how life use to be
Always walking in the shadows
Then I look at what you've given me
I feel like dancing on my tip toes
I must say everyday I wake
and realize you're by my side
I know I'm truely...
Blessed for everything you've given me
Blessed for all the tenderness you show
Do my best with every breath that's in me
Blessed to make sure you never go
There are times that test your faith
Til you think you mite surrender
Baby I'm, I'm not ashamed to say that
my hope was growing slender
You walked by in the knick of time
looking like an anwsered prayer
You know I'm truely...
Blessed for everything you've given me
Blessed for all the tenderness you show
Do my best with every breath that's in me
Blessed to make sure u never go
Blessed with love and understanding
Blessed when i hear you call my name
(when i hear you call my name)
Do my Best with faith that's never ending
Blessed to make sure you feel the same
Deep inside of me you fill me with your gentle touch
You know I'm truely...
Blessed for everything you've given me
Blessed for all the tenderness you show
Do my best with every breath that's in me
Blessed to see you never go
(never never never go)
>> Love Will Find A Way
No one ever said that love was gonna be easy
Gotta take the ups and downs, the in-betweens
If you take this journey, gotta give yourself completely
Never let nobody ever step on a dream
You better stop
Listen to these words I say
You better stop
Don't you throw this good thing away no no
Put your trust in me
And I'll make you see
No the rain wont last forever
Find a way to make it better
Long as we can stand together
Love will find a way
Gonna make a new tomorrow
Say good-bye to tears and sorrow
Better listen when I say
Love will find a way
Somebody tried to tell me love doesn't last forever
Said it only happens in your wildest dreams
After all is said and done were still here together
Never listen to the lies and jealousy
You better stop
Don't you let them turn you around
You better stop
Hang onto this love that weave found
Nuthin ever say
Can stand in our way
I want you, I need you - You know that I believe you
We got It, you know it,
So if it's real just show it (x2)
You better stop
Listen to these words that I say
You better stop
Don't you throw this good thing away, no
Put your trust in me and I'll make you see
>> Obvious
Can you hear it in my voice
Was it something I let slip
Does the whole world know
Isn't it obvious
I'm the one who's in control
Now I'm acting like a fool
Do my feelings show
Is my face aglow
Isn't it obvious
That I don't know what I'm doing anymore
I'm feeling like a little girl
Caught up in emotions
I'm out of control
Isn't it obvious
Do you see my hands, they tremble
Wonder why I can't look you in the eyes
Don't know how long
I can keep this inside
Isn't it obvious
That I don't know what I'm doing anymore
I'm feeling like a little girl
Caught up in emotions
I'm out of control
Isn't it obvious
Suddenly these emotions are in control of my heart
Can you see it in my eyes
Everyglance, every smile must give me away
And i feel so much I can't hide
That I don't know what I'm doing anymore
I'm feeling like a little girl
Caught up in emotions
I'm out of control
Isn't it obvious

Sessizlik var olmamak değildir...Sessizliğim asaletimdendir... Buradayım...

Christina Aguilera
> Just Be Free
>> Just Be Free
Move it to the rhythm
Dancefloor's open feelin free
Music's pumpin' to get on your feet
Take a chance and feel the beat
Get on up and gotta dance with me
Just be free
Now stop the moving no way
On your feet
Move it to the rhythm
Just be free
Now stop the moving no way
On your feet
Move it to the rhythm
Don't ya see you just can't fight
We'll be dancin' to the morning light
Just keep going don't let it slip away
There's no stopping 'til tha break of day
On your feet (3x)
Move it to the rhythm
>> By Your Side
So if you call my name
You know my heart you claim
I'll be right here
By your side
Through thickness and through thin
You know my love you win
I'll be right here
By your side
Boy when you come to me I'm just in my head
Of how glad I am to be with you and
You just don't know how special you are to me
Can't you see we're meant to be, oh yeah
If you ever doubt my love
Don't fear, I'm right here for you
My heart belongs to one and only you
I could never want another
So if you call my name
You know my heart you claim
I'll be right here
By your side (by your side)
Through thickness and through thin
You know my love you win
I'll be right here
By your side
So now you know how I feel, baby
You have brightened up my world in every way
Share your feelings, with me baby
You can tell me anything
Keep me close to your heart, darling
You'll be close to mine
One thing that makes me happy
Is spending time with you, baby yeah
So if you call my name (if you call my name)
You know my heart you claim
I'll be right here (I'll be right here)
By your side (on your side babe)
Through thickness and through thin
You know my love you win (my love you win)
I'll be right here (oh yeah)
By your side
So if you call my name (if you call my name)
You know my heart you claim
I'll be right here (I'll be right here)
By your side (right by your side)
Through thickness and through thin (through thick and thin)
You know my love you win (my love you win)
I'll be right here
By your side
Oh when you walked, into my life
You know you changed it for the better
And you can count on me, to always be true
Don't worry at all...
So if you call my name
You know my heart you claim
I'll be right here
By your side
Through thickness and through thin (oh)
You know my love you win (yeah yeah, baby)
I'll be right here
By your side (by your side baby)
So if you call my name (ooh)
You know my heart you claim (oh)
I'll be right here
By your side (oh by your side baby)
Through thickness and through thin
You know my love you win
I'll be right here
By your side (right by your side babe)
So if you call my name (ohh yeah)
You know my heart you claim (ohh yeah yeah)
I'll be right here
By your side (uh huh)
Through thickness and through thin (yeah ohh)
You know my love you win
I'll be right here
By your side
So if you call my name
You know my heart you claim (hey)
I'll be right here
By your side
Through thickness and through thin (through thick and thin)
You know my love you win (my love you win)
I'll be right here
By your side
>> Move It (dans Düzenlemesi)
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get on up and
Feel the groove
Let the music take control
And let your body move
Just get lost into the sound
Once the music takes you
You will finally have found
It will take, you away
To another state of mind
Where peace you'll find
Inside the sound, oh
Just escape, to a place
Troubles seem to flow away
When you get away
Get this party going on
(Get this party going on)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
(Gotta, gotta move it)
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
(Shake it, shake it, baby, baby)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Can't deny it
Deep in your soul
Once you get ahold of it
You'll never let it go
Just get up and do
Whatever you care
Get up to the dance floor
Put your hands in the air
It will take, you away
To another state of mind
Where peace you'll find
Inside the sound
Just escape, to a place
Troubles seem to flow away
When you get away
Get this party going on
(Get this party going on)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
(Gotta shake it, baby)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Gotta move it
Gotta move it
Move it, move it
Get this party going on
And on and on, and on
Shake it, shake it, baby
Shake it, oh yeah
Gotta move
Gotta make it strong
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Shake it
To the music
Gotta, gotta, gotta move
Get this party going on
(Gotta, gotta, gotta move)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
(Make it strong)
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
(Get this party going on)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
(Make it strong)
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
(Yeah oh)
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
(Get this party going on)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
(Get this party going on)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
(Gotta make it, make it strong)
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta gotta make it strong
(Oh yeah)
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
Shake it baby (oh)
Gotta gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
>> Our Day Will Come
Ooh, oh yeah, yeah, oh
Mmm, oh, yeah
Our day will come and
We'll have everything
And ooh, we'll share the joy
Falling in love can bring
And no one can tell me
That I'm too young to know
'Cause I love you so
('Cause I love you so)
And you love me yeah, oh
Our day will come
If we just wait awhile
And ooh, no tears for us
Make loving with a smile
And our dreams
Are meant to be
'Cause we'll always stay
In love this way
Our day, will come
Our day will come
Will come
Our day will come
(Our day will come)
Will come
Our day will come
Will come (ooh)
Our day will come
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Will come
Ooh, oh yeah yeah, oh
I said one day
Our day, will come
One day, our day, will come
Ooh, and nothing can
Stand in our way, oh
Oh, said nothing, nothing can
Stand in our way
Our day will come
(Oh, ooh)
Will come
Our day will come
(Our day will come, yeah)
Will come
No one can
Change your mind
Baby you are
One of a kind
Forever you'll be mine
We've got to get
To know for me
You know I love you so
And I want the world to know
Forever, darling
You will be my baby
Our day will come
Will come
Our day will come
Will come
Ooh, oh yeah yeah, oh
Mmm, oh, yeah
>> Believe Me
ooohh hoo yayay ooooo
yeah yeah
uh huh
I was alone
Just Because
I wasn't like them
they made me
excluded so cruelly
There was yoooouuuu
You stood by me
Ignored their words
you became
my best friend so true
ohh yeah
You believed in me
when no one else did
you gave me the strength to
Move on my friend
you will always be
the one i'll remember
to give my thanks to
for my success
They just did not understand
what i was going through
My situation
they didnt care, no
tried to take a stand for me
when i just could not
take it any longer
You believed in me
when no one else did
you gave me the strength to
Move on my friend
you will always be
the one i'll remember
to give my thanks to
for my success
I oh as I look back
I can see how childish they wereeee
And you
ooohhhh you showed me that
You were so much more then they were
I hope they can see the mistics now and not do it to another
but if they dont
i hope that person
finds someone like you
yeahhhhhh haahhhh hheee whooooo nooo hoooo yeah
You believed in me
when no one else did
no hooo yeahh hhehh hooo
you will always be
the one i'll remember
for my success
You believed in me
when no one else did
the strength to move onn yahhh heyy
>> Dream A Dream
I dream, there's nothing thats too tough.
There's nothing hard enough
For me and you, to get through
And I know, that with your hand in mine
There's not a goal, that we can't reach in time
Life can bring us down you see,
Sometimes it's been our destiny
But I foresee, possibilities
For you and me, ohh
I can hold the faith, I know
That will see us through, it all
I have had a dream
(I have had a dream)
You and I, can
Get through anything
(get through anything)
Don't you ever say never because
I have dreamed a dream
(I have dreamed a dream)
I know, I know we can
Get passed everything, ohh no
I feel, all can become real
Nothings to impossible
For us to do, ohh and
I see, endless opportunities
We can reach oh, if we both believe, ohh
Sometimes hoping's not enough
The paths ahead can be so tough
But if we stay, confident, We'll see
A brighter day, ohh
I can hold the faith, I know
That will see us through, the end
Ohh ohh, oh yeah yeah
I have dreamed a dream
(I have dreamed a dream)
You and I, can
Get through anything
(get through anything)
Don't you ever say never because
I have dreamed a dream
(I have dreamed a dream)
I know, I know we can
Get passed everything, ohh no
>> Running Out Of Time
I cant see that far
I cant remember who you are
I know that you can see me though
But if you plan to make my doctors appointment you better move
Granny, Granny
How old are you
Pretty soon you're gonna lose your hair
I know you are only 92
But you're running out of time
Till your death
Running out of time
Oh, you're running out of time
You're running out time
Oh, you're running, running out of time
>> Just Be Free (ispanyolca)
Vamos a bailar, oye el ritmo
goza, disfruta, sientete bien
la música te lleva, levantate ya
siente tú el ritmo, oye como va
oh, yeah, feel, aha
oh, yeah, feel, aha
oh, yeah, feel, aha
oh, yeah, feel, aha
no dejes de moverte
Ya es la hora,
seguimos con la banda,
tocando éste ritmo,
que nos campila bien,
somos parte del ritmo,
a goze y temor,
en el iras flotando,
o el cielo has de escalar.
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
no dejes de moverte,
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
no dejes de moverte.
oh, yeah, feel, aha
La música te lleva,
oh, yeah, feel, aha
La música te lleva,
oh, yeah, feel, aha
la música te lleva
no dejes de moverte
Oooooooh, aha
La música te lleva,
Oooooooh, aha
La música te lleva,
No dejas de moverte.
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
no dejas de moverte,
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
no dejas de moverte.
>> Make Me Happy
"Isn't it strange
That the stars don't shine no more now since you're gone
Isn't it strange
That we kinda look back and say just what went wrong
I wanna know where we are
Should I pretend and let things be
I wanna know when what you've done
Could you come face to face with me
Isn't it strange
That you told me one thing suddenly changed your mind
Isn't it strange
That you called me for me turn away and leave me behind
Now it feels like I'm drowning
Feels like I'm drowning without you
I know the feeling
'Cause I felt this all before..
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you're happy
Isn't it strange
That the world seems to turn away when I try to explain
What's so strange
That two can't be as one....
Now it feels like I'm drowning
Feels like I'm drowning without you
I know the feeling
'Cause I felt this all before
And it feels like I'm dying
Feels like I'm dying now I know the truth
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you're happy
Don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you're happy
Don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you're happy
Dont feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
Fuck I hope you feel much worse than me
Maybe not so happy
Not so happy, yeah, not so happy, yeah
Not so happy, welcome to my world
Not so happy, yeah, not so happy, yeah
Not so happy, welcome to my world"
>> The Way You Talk To Me
Over the phone, love to hear
All of the things you say to me, mmm
I just can't wait, to hear your voice
Whispering sweetly to me baby
All I may want I know you got
Ready for me to receive, oh
Making me know that you're there for me
Feels so, good inside
I like, the way
You talk to me
I like, the way
You talk to me
Making me feel, safe from harm
With your soft and silky tone, mmm
Can't help but show, how good, yes I know
That you got it going on
And never has come, or been a day
You misled me the wrong way, oh no
Knowing that you're just a, just a
A phone, call away, oh
I like, the way
You talk to me
I like, the way
You talk to me
I like, the way
You talk to me
I like, the way
You talk to me
I like, the way
You talk to me
I like, the way
You talk to me
Is that all?
>> Believe Me (dans Düzenlemesi)
Ohh yeah
Yeah, oh yeah, oh oh
Oh yeah
I was alone just because
I wasn't like them
They made me, excluded so cruel, and
Then there was you
You stood by me, ignored their words
You became, my best friend so true, oh yeah
You believed in me
When no one else did
You gave me the strength to
Move on, my friend
You will always be
The one I remember
To give my thanks to
For my success
They just did not understand
What I was going through
My situation, they didn't care, no
You tried to take a stand for me
When I just could not
Take it any longer
You believed in me
When no one else did
You gave me the strength to
Move on, my friend
You will always be
The one I remember
To give my thanks to
For my success
I ohh, as I look back
I can see how childish they were
And you ohh, you showed me that
We were so much more than they were
I hope they can see their mistakes now
And not do it to another
But if they don't, I hope that person
Finds someone like you
You believed in me
When no one else did
Yeah ohh, no, ohh yeah, oh
You will always be
The one I remember
Will always be the one I remember, oh no
For my success
For my, for my success, ohh
You believed in me
When no one else did, oh yeah
Ohh, the strength to move on, yeah
The one I remember, oh
With all my heart, yeah
> Just Be Free
>> Just Be Free
Move it to the rhythm
Dancefloor's open feelin free
Music's pumpin' to get on your feet
Take a chance and feel the beat
Get on up and gotta dance with me
Just be free
Now stop the moving no way
On your feet
Move it to the rhythm
Just be free
Now stop the moving no way
On your feet
Move it to the rhythm
Don't ya see you just can't fight
We'll be dancin' to the morning light
Just keep going don't let it slip away
There's no stopping 'til tha break of day
On your feet (3x)
Move it to the rhythm
>> By Your Side
So if you call my name
You know my heart you claim
I'll be right here
By your side
Through thickness and through thin
You know my love you win
I'll be right here
By your side
Boy when you come to me I'm just in my head
Of how glad I am to be with you and
You just don't know how special you are to me
Can't you see we're meant to be, oh yeah
If you ever doubt my love
Don't fear, I'm right here for you
My heart belongs to one and only you
I could never want another
So if you call my name
You know my heart you claim
I'll be right here
By your side (by your side)
Through thickness and through thin
You know my love you win
I'll be right here
By your side
So now you know how I feel, baby
You have brightened up my world in every way
Share your feelings, with me baby
You can tell me anything
Keep me close to your heart, darling
You'll be close to mine
One thing that makes me happy
Is spending time with you, baby yeah
So if you call my name (if you call my name)
You know my heart you claim
I'll be right here (I'll be right here)
By your side (on your side babe)
Through thickness and through thin
You know my love you win (my love you win)
I'll be right here (oh yeah)
By your side
So if you call my name (if you call my name)
You know my heart you claim
I'll be right here (I'll be right here)
By your side (right by your side)
Through thickness and through thin (through thick and thin)
You know my love you win (my love you win)
I'll be right here
By your side
Oh when you walked, into my life
You know you changed it for the better
And you can count on me, to always be true
Don't worry at all...
So if you call my name
You know my heart you claim
I'll be right here
By your side
Through thickness and through thin (oh)
You know my love you win (yeah yeah, baby)
I'll be right here
By your side (by your side baby)
So if you call my name (ooh)
You know my heart you claim (oh)
I'll be right here
By your side (oh by your side baby)
Through thickness and through thin
You know my love you win
I'll be right here
By your side (right by your side babe)
So if you call my name (ohh yeah)
You know my heart you claim (ohh yeah yeah)
I'll be right here
By your side (uh huh)
Through thickness and through thin (yeah ohh)
You know my love you win
I'll be right here
By your side
So if you call my name
You know my heart you claim (hey)
I'll be right here
By your side
Through thickness and through thin (through thick and thin)
You know my love you win (my love you win)
I'll be right here
By your side
>> Move It (dans Düzenlemesi)
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get on up and
Feel the groove
Let the music take control
And let your body move
Just get lost into the sound
Once the music takes you
You will finally have found
It will take, you away
To another state of mind
Where peace you'll find
Inside the sound, oh
Just escape, to a place
Troubles seem to flow away
When you get away
Get this party going on
(Get this party going on)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
(Gotta, gotta move it)
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
(Shake it, shake it, baby, baby)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Can't deny it
Deep in your soul
Once you get ahold of it
You'll never let it go
Just get up and do
Whatever you care
Get up to the dance floor
Put your hands in the air
It will take, you away
To another state of mind
Where peace you'll find
Inside the sound
Just escape, to a place
Troubles seem to flow away
When you get away
Get this party going on
(Get this party going on)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
(Gotta shake it, baby)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Gotta move it
Gotta move it
Move it, move it
Get this party going on
And on and on, and on
Shake it, shake it, baby
Shake it, oh yeah
Gotta move
Gotta make it strong
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Shake it
To the music
Gotta, gotta, gotta move
Get this party going on
(Gotta, gotta, gotta move)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
(Make it strong)
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
(Get this party going on)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
(Make it strong)
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
(Yeah oh)
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
(Get this party going on)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
(Get this party going on)
Shake it baby
Gotta, gotta make it strong
(Gotta make it, make it strong)
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
Shake it baby
Gotta gotta make it strong
(Oh yeah)
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
Shake it baby (oh)
Gotta gotta make it strong
Move it to the music
Get this party going on
>> Our Day Will Come
Ooh, oh yeah, yeah, oh
Mmm, oh, yeah
Our day will come and
We'll have everything
And ooh, we'll share the joy
Falling in love can bring
And no one can tell me
That I'm too young to know
'Cause I love you so
('Cause I love you so)
And you love me yeah, oh
Our day will come
If we just wait awhile
And ooh, no tears for us
Make loving with a smile
And our dreams
Are meant to be
'Cause we'll always stay
In love this way
Our day, will come
Our day will come
Will come
Our day will come
(Our day will come)
Will come
Our day will come
Will come (ooh)
Our day will come
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Will come
Ooh, oh yeah yeah, oh
I said one day
Our day, will come
One day, our day, will come
Ooh, and nothing can
Stand in our way, oh
Oh, said nothing, nothing can
Stand in our way
Our day will come
(Oh, ooh)
Will come
Our day will come
(Our day will come, yeah)
Will come
No one can
Change your mind
Baby you are
One of a kind
Forever you'll be mine
We've got to get
To know for me
You know I love you so
And I want the world to know
Forever, darling
You will be my baby
Our day will come
Will come
Our day will come
Will come
Ooh, oh yeah yeah, oh
Mmm, oh, yeah
>> Believe Me
ooohh hoo yayay ooooo
yeah yeah
uh huh
I was alone
Just Because
I wasn't like them
they made me
excluded so cruelly
There was yoooouuuu
You stood by me
Ignored their words
you became
my best friend so true
ohh yeah
You believed in me
when no one else did
you gave me the strength to
Move on my friend
you will always be
the one i'll remember
to give my thanks to
for my success
They just did not understand
what i was going through
My situation
they didnt care, no
tried to take a stand for me
when i just could not
take it any longer
You believed in me
when no one else did
you gave me the strength to
Move on my friend
you will always be
the one i'll remember
to give my thanks to
for my success
I oh as I look back
I can see how childish they wereeee
And you
ooohhhh you showed me that
You were so much more then they were
I hope they can see the mistics now and not do it to another
but if they dont
i hope that person
finds someone like you
yeahhhhhh haahhhh hheee whooooo nooo hoooo yeah
You believed in me
when no one else did
no hooo yeahh hhehh hooo
you will always be
the one i'll remember
for my success
You believed in me
when no one else did
the strength to move onn yahhh heyy
>> Dream A Dream
I dream, there's nothing thats too tough.
There's nothing hard enough
For me and you, to get through
And I know, that with your hand in mine
There's not a goal, that we can't reach in time
Life can bring us down you see,
Sometimes it's been our destiny
But I foresee, possibilities
For you and me, ohh
I can hold the faith, I know
That will see us through, it all
I have had a dream
(I have had a dream)
You and I, can
Get through anything
(get through anything)
Don't you ever say never because
I have dreamed a dream
(I have dreamed a dream)
I know, I know we can
Get passed everything, ohh no
I feel, all can become real
Nothings to impossible
For us to do, ohh and
I see, endless opportunities
We can reach oh, if we both believe, ohh
Sometimes hoping's not enough
The paths ahead can be so tough
But if we stay, confident, We'll see
A brighter day, ohh
I can hold the faith, I know
That will see us through, the end
Ohh ohh, oh yeah yeah
I have dreamed a dream
(I have dreamed a dream)
You and I, can
Get through anything
(get through anything)
Don't you ever say never because
I have dreamed a dream
(I have dreamed a dream)
I know, I know we can
Get passed everything, ohh no
>> Running Out Of Time
I cant see that far
I cant remember who you are
I know that you can see me though
But if you plan to make my doctors appointment you better move
Granny, Granny
How old are you
Pretty soon you're gonna lose your hair
I know you are only 92
But you're running out of time
Till your death
Running out of time
Oh, you're running out of time
You're running out time
Oh, you're running, running out of time
>> Just Be Free (ispanyolca)
Vamos a bailar, oye el ritmo
goza, disfruta, sientete bien
la música te lleva, levantate ya
siente tú el ritmo, oye como va
oh, yeah, feel, aha
oh, yeah, feel, aha
oh, yeah, feel, aha
oh, yeah, feel, aha
no dejes de moverte
Ya es la hora,
seguimos con la banda,
tocando éste ritmo,
que nos campila bien,
somos parte del ritmo,
a goze y temor,
en el iras flotando,
o el cielo has de escalar.
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
no dejes de moverte,
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
no dejes de moverte.
oh, yeah, feel, aha
La música te lleva,
oh, yeah, feel, aha
La música te lleva,
oh, yeah, feel, aha
la música te lleva
no dejes de moverte
Oooooooh, aha
La música te lleva,
Oooooooh, aha
La música te lleva,
No dejas de moverte.
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
no dejas de moverte,
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
La música te lleva,
no dejas de moverte.
>> Make Me Happy
"Isn't it strange
That the stars don't shine no more now since you're gone
Isn't it strange
That we kinda look back and say just what went wrong
I wanna know where we are
Should I pretend and let things be
I wanna know when what you've done
Could you come face to face with me
Isn't it strange
That you told me one thing suddenly changed your mind
Isn't it strange
That you called me for me turn away and leave me behind
Now it feels like I'm drowning
Feels like I'm drowning without you
I know the feeling
'Cause I felt this all before..
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you're happy
Isn't it strange
That the world seems to turn away when I try to explain
What's so strange
That two can't be as one....
Now it feels like I'm drowning
Feels like I'm drowning without you
I know the feeling
'Cause I felt this all before
And it feels like I'm dying
Feels like I'm dying now I know the truth
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you're happy
Don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you're happy
Don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
I hope you're happy
Dont feel just like me
I hope you don't feel just like me
Fuck I hope you feel much worse than me
Maybe not so happy
Not so happy, yeah, not so happy, yeah
Not so happy, welcome to my world
Not so happy, yeah, not so happy, yeah
Not so happy, welcome to my world"
>> The Way You Talk To Me
Over the phone, love to hear
All of the things you say to me, mmm
I just can't wait, to hear your voice
Whispering sweetly to me baby
All I may want I know you got
Ready for me to receive, oh
Making me know that you're there for me
Feels so, good inside
I like, the way
You talk to me
I like, the way
You talk to me
Making me feel, safe from harm
With your soft and silky tone, mmm
Can't help but show, how good, yes I know
That you got it going on
And never has come, or been a day
You misled me the wrong way, oh no
Knowing that you're just a, just a
A phone, call away, oh
I like, the way
You talk to me
I like, the way
You talk to me
I like, the way
You talk to me
I like, the way
You talk to me
I like, the way
You talk to me
I like, the way
You talk to me
Is that all?
>> Believe Me (dans Düzenlemesi)
Ohh yeah
Yeah, oh yeah, oh oh
Oh yeah
I was alone just because
I wasn't like them
They made me, excluded so cruel, and
Then there was you
You stood by me, ignored their words
You became, my best friend so true, oh yeah
You believed in me
When no one else did
You gave me the strength to
Move on, my friend
You will always be
The one I remember
To give my thanks to
For my success
They just did not understand
What I was going through
My situation, they didn't care, no
You tried to take a stand for me
When I just could not
Take it any longer
You believed in me
When no one else did
You gave me the strength to
Move on, my friend
You will always be
The one I remember
To give my thanks to
For my success
I ohh, as I look back
I can see how childish they were
And you ohh, you showed me that
We were so much more than they were
I hope they can see their mistakes now
And not do it to another
But if they don't, I hope that person
Finds someone like you
You believed in me
When no one else did
Yeah ohh, no, ohh yeah, oh
You will always be
The one I remember
Will always be the one I remember, oh no
For my success
For my, for my success, ohh
You believed in me
When no one else did, oh yeah
Ohh, the strength to move on, yeah
The one I remember, oh
With all my heart, yeah

Sessizlik var olmamak değildir...Sessizliğim asaletimdendir... Buradayım...

Christina Aguilera
> Mi Reflejo
>> Genio Atrapado
Vamos Vamos, Vamos Vamos
Un siglo llevo en soledad
atrapada queriendo escapar
soñando que alguien, me libere
Me lanzas un beso
yo te quiero amar
pero hay un precio que tendras que pagar
para que me entregue (para que me entregue)
Ooh (mi cuerpo dice quiero)
Ooh (pero mi amo tiene miedo)
Si me quieres junto a ti
frota bien y ya veras
como un genio liberado
hare tus suenos realidad
si me quieres junto a ti
ganate mi corazon
tres deseos te concedo
si me juras tu amor
Como un genio atrapado espero
Liberarme con tu amor sincero
Como un genio atrapado espero
Ven, ven a sacarme de aqui
Bailando nos
domina la pasion
Nuestros impulsos
fuera de control
Es tan dificil
Piensas que hoy tal vez sucedera
pero yo se que nada pasara
tienes que quererme ( tienes que quererme)
Como un genio atrapado espero
liberarme con tu amor sincero
Como un genio atrapado espero
ven, ven a sacarme de aqui
Como un genio atrapado espero
liberarme con tu amor sincero
Como un genio atrapado espero
ven, ven a sacarme de aqui
>> Falsas Esparanzas
No te creo no
No me digas todo lo que piensas
No lo digas... no
Sólo dime cuánto me deseas
Ay, de corazón
Que de amor tú no conoces nada
y ese es mi dolor
Ojalá estuviera equivocada
Pero sé que no,
por eso nene
No me des falsas esperanzas
no me engañes no
no me digas cuánto es que me amas
no te creo no
Yo no quiero ser otra en tu lista
o en tu colección
yo no soy muñeca que no opina
esa no soy yo
Pero si tú estás hablando en serio
yo te escucho amor
y te pongo a prueba por un tiempo
es mi condición
por eso nene
No me des falsas esperanzas
no me engañes no
no me digas cuánto es que me amas
no te creo no
falsas te creo amor
falsas te creo amor
No me des falsas esperanzas
no me engañes no
no me digas cuánto es que me amas
no te creo no
>> El Beso Del Final
Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing o'er the plain
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains
Glo-glo-glo-gloria, in excelsis Deo
Ooh, no, yeah yeah
Shepards, why this jubilee
Why your joyous song prolong
What the gladsome tidings be, ohh
That inspire your heavenly song
Glo-glo-glo-gloria, in excelsis Deo
Oh oh oh, ooh oh, oh yeah
Ohh, come to Bethlehem and see
Him whose birth the angels sing, oh
Come on adore on bended knee
Christ, the Lord, our new-born King
Glo-glo-glo-gloria, in excelsis Deo, oh yeah
On the day, that Christ was born
The angels sang such a heavenly song
In excelsis Deo, ohh
Angels we have heard on high
Angels we have heard on high
Angels we have heard on high
Angels we have heard on high
In excelsis Deo
In excelsis Deo
In excelsis Deo
>> Pero Me Acuerdo De Ti
Ahora que ya mi vida se encuentra normal
que tengo en casa quien sueña con verme llegar
Ahora puedo decir que me encuentro de pie
Ahora que me va muy bien
Ahora que con el tiempo logré superar
aquel amor que por poco me llega a matar
Ahora ya no hay mas dolor
Ahora al fin vuelvo a ser yo
Coro: Pero me acuerdo de ti
Y otra vez pierdo la calma
Pero me acuerdo de ti
y se me desgarra el alma
Pero me acuerdo de ti
y se borra mi sonrisa
Pero me acuerdo de ti
y mi mundo se hace trizas
Ahora que mi futuro comienza a brillar
ahora que me han devuelto la seguridad
Ahora ya no hay mas dolor
Ahora al fin vuelvo a ser yo
>> Ven Conmigo (Solamente Tú)
Ven conmigo, ven conmigo baby (4x)
Ohhh yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Es hoy la ocasión
Tengo listo el corazón
Vienes tú, ah
Ya la fiesta comenzó
Bailaremos sin control, ohh
Amor, llegó
La noche de los dos
Razón, de amar
Y de celebración
Juntos, tú y yo
Hasta que ilumine el sol
Solamente tú, acércate a verme
Solamente tú, porque me enloqueces
Solamente tú, no me hagas esperar
Contigo quiero estar
Ser tuya nada más
Solamente tú, oh
Ven conmigo, ven conmigo baby (2x)
Yeah ooh
Mi gran ilusión
Es quedarme junto a ti
Sólo tú (sólo tú)
Tienes mi corazón
Desde el día en que te vi, ohh oh
Estoy (estoy), amor (amor)
Temblando de emoción (de emoción)
Pasión, calor
No me sentí nunca mejor
Ven hoy, por favor
El destino ya nos unió
Solamente tú, acércate a verme
Solamente tú, oh, porque me enloqueces
Solamente tú, no me hagas esperar
Contigo quiero estar
Ser tuya nada más
Solamente tú
Ven conmigo, ven conmigo baby (4x)
Ohhh yeah, ohh
No temor es amor, amor
Ven conmigo, ven conmigo baby (2x)
No me hagas esperar
Contigo quiero estar
Siempre te voy a amar
Ah, ah, ahh...
Solamente tú, amor!
Solamente tú, oh, tu amor me enloqueces
Solamente tú, oh oh, no me hagas esperar
Contigo quiero estar
Soy tuya nada más
Solamente tú
Solamente tú, ohh...
Solamente tú, amor, no!
Solamente tú, no me hagas esperar
Contigo quiero estar
Soy tuya nada mas
Solamente tú
>> Si No Te Hubiera Conocido
Merry Christmas baby
you sure did treat me nice
Mm Merry Christmas baby
You sure did treat me nice
gave me a diamond ring for Christmas,
Now I'm livin in paradise
Well I'm feelin mighty fine
got good music on my radio
I'm feelin mighty fine,
got good music on my radio
well I wanna kiss you baby
while we're standing underneath the mistletoe
Santa came down the chimney
About a half past three
Left all these pretty presents
that you see before me
Merry Christmas baby,
you sure been good to me
well i havent had a drink this morning
but im all lite up like a christmas tree
Oooh...yeah yeah yeah
Oh oh ooh
Oh oh yeah, yeah, yeah
St. Nick came down the chimney
About a half past three
He left all these pretty presents
That you see before me
Merry Christmas baby
You sure been good to me
Haven't had a taste this morning
But I'm all lit up like a Christmas tree
Oh, oh, oh ooh, oh ooh
Merry Christmas baby
You sure been good to me
Oh ohh, oh ohhh...
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah...oh
Sure been good, to, to,
Hey...ooh oh hey
>> Contigo En La Distancia
No exsiste un momento del dia,
en que pueda apartarte de mi,
el mundo parece distinto
cuando no estas junto a mi
No hay bella melodia
en que no surjas tu
ni yo quiero escucharla
si no la escuchas tu
Es que te has convertido
en parte de mi alma
ya nada me consuela
si no estas tu tambien
mas alla de tus labios
del sol y las estrellas
contigo en la distancia
amado mio, estoy
>> Cuando No Es Contigo
Quisiera echar atrás el tiempo
llegar a nuestro encuentro
y volver a comenzar
Cuidar como a un tesoro
el amor que había en tus ojos
para nunca más perderte
y por siempre tenerte, junto a mí
Cuando no es contigo
siento que no vivo
hay un gran vacío
Cuando no es contigo
todo está perdido
es como un castigo
Cuando no es contigo
(Improvisaciones vocales)
Escapo la monotonía
mirando las fotografías
que tiraste al aire
con rencor, con dolor
Perdí por tanto orgullo
todo el amor tuyo
y hoy me muero por tenerte
y por volver a verte, junto a mí
Cuando no es contigo
siento que no vivo
hay un gran vacío
Cuando no es contigo
todo está perdido
es inútil todo sin tu amor,
Vuelve, no sé vivir ya conmigo
Cuando no es.. contigo
(Improvisaciones vocales)
Cuando no es contigo
siento que no vivo
hay un gran vacío
Cuando no es contigo
todo está perdido
es inútil todo sin tu amor,
Vuelve, no sé vivir ya conmigo
Cuando no es contigo
>> Por Siempre Tú
Cuando estoy por caer
yo sé que tu amor me volverá a socorrer
Venceré el temor
mientras sepa que tú sientes
dentro lo mismo que yo
En el dolor y el bien, tú me supiste amar
y lo que soy es por ti sin dudar
Eres mi protección mi sosten
frente a todo mi mejor opción
Por siempre tú
Mi poder mi valor
atraves de lo peor
mi luz mi cielo azul
mi gran amor aún
Por siempre tú
No hay ningún amanecer
que no me despierte sin saber
que te soñé
Soy por ti
muy feliz
en mi alma para siempre
hay un sitio para ti
No importa donde esté tu amor me encontrará
iluminando mi cielo mi oscuridad
Mi guardian será refugio de tu querer
la fé que me hará creer que vale mi vida
un hogar al cual por siempre volveré
te amo aun, Por siempre tú
Mi luz mi cielo azul
mi gran amor aún
por siempre tú.
>> Una Mujer
Una mujer, quiere sentir
Una mujer, quiere sentir
Yo te agradezco por insistir, por seguir
dando tiempo a que me entregue a ti
comprendiendo mis miedos
sin vencerte jamás
Me atrevo a ver pero sin tocar
yo quiero más que una noche loca
gracias por comprender
por no ser impaciente y serme fiel
Una mujer, quiere sentir
que es bien amada y no la harán sufrir
y tendrás su amor, como lo soñaste
Una mujer, quiere sentir
antes de darse que es feliz
te dirá que sí, sin miedo a entregarse
Si tu amor es de verdad
te ganarás mi corazón
Tuviste fe, sin dudar que serías tú
mi querer y mi príncipe azul
por eso es que yo te quiero,
por prevalecer
Sé que el amor es aún mejor
si se siente entre dos, como tú y yo
fue difícil la labor
pero al fin te has ganado mi corazón
Una mujer, quiere sentir
que es bien amada y no la harán sufrir
y tendrás su amor, como lo soñaste
una mujer, quiere sentir,
antes de darse, que es feliz
Te dirá que sí, sin miedo a entregarse
Hazme soñar, hazme sentir
que puedo confiar en ti
porque yo siento como tú
Hazme soñar, hazme sentir
Una mujer se gana con amor a plenitud
Hazme soñar, hazme sentir
diciéndome que tus brazos van a ser mi sostén
que no hay nadie como tú
Una mujer, quiere sentir
que es bien amada y no la harán sufrir
Uh uh uh, por esperarme yo te haré muy feliz
Una mujer, quiere sentir antes de darse que es feliz
fue muy difícil, pero hoy sólo soy para ti
Una mujer, quiere sentir
que es bien amada y no la harán sufrir
y tendrás su amor, como lo soñaste
Una mujer, quiere sentir
antes de darse que es feliz
Te dirá que sí, sin miedo a entregarse
>> Mi Reflejo
Para ti
lo que ves en mí
es la realidad
Mas tú no conoces
el papel, que la vida
me hace actuar
Siendo así
yo puedo burlar
mi mundo exterior
pero al corazón
Hoy no reconocí
a quien vi, frente a mí
mi reflejo no mostró
quien soy en verdad
Un día más
que mi corazón
tengo que ocultar
todo mi sentir
Al final
sabrán como soy
que pienso en verdad
ese día llegará
Hoy no reconocí
a quien vi, frente a mí
esa en mi reflejo
sé que no soy yo
No quiero aparentar
quiero ser
Mi reflejo no mostró
quien soy en verdad
Y en mi corazón sentir, volar
no soy, como quiero no
y voy a cambiar
No debe ser así
El fingir, no es vivir
La que veo frente a mí
no aguanta más
Ya no voy a ocultar
la que soy
nunca más
Un buen día
el amor
me rescatará
Y ese día
quien yo soy
Se reflejará
> Mi Reflejo
>> Genio Atrapado
Vamos Vamos, Vamos Vamos
Un siglo llevo en soledad
atrapada queriendo escapar
soñando que alguien, me libere
Me lanzas un beso
yo te quiero amar
pero hay un precio que tendras que pagar
para que me entregue (para que me entregue)
Ooh (mi cuerpo dice quiero)
Ooh (pero mi amo tiene miedo)
Si me quieres junto a ti
frota bien y ya veras
como un genio liberado
hare tus suenos realidad
si me quieres junto a ti
ganate mi corazon
tres deseos te concedo
si me juras tu amor
Como un genio atrapado espero
Liberarme con tu amor sincero
Como un genio atrapado espero
Ven, ven a sacarme de aqui
Bailando nos
domina la pasion
Nuestros impulsos
fuera de control
Es tan dificil
Piensas que hoy tal vez sucedera
pero yo se que nada pasara
tienes que quererme ( tienes que quererme)
Como un genio atrapado espero
liberarme con tu amor sincero
Como un genio atrapado espero
ven, ven a sacarme de aqui
Como un genio atrapado espero
liberarme con tu amor sincero
Como un genio atrapado espero
ven, ven a sacarme de aqui
>> Falsas Esparanzas
No te creo no
No me digas todo lo que piensas
No lo digas... no
Sólo dime cuánto me deseas
Ay, de corazón
Que de amor tú no conoces nada
y ese es mi dolor
Ojalá estuviera equivocada
Pero sé que no,
por eso nene
No me des falsas esperanzas
no me engañes no
no me digas cuánto es que me amas
no te creo no
Yo no quiero ser otra en tu lista
o en tu colección
yo no soy muñeca que no opina
esa no soy yo
Pero si tú estás hablando en serio
yo te escucho amor
y te pongo a prueba por un tiempo
es mi condición
por eso nene
No me des falsas esperanzas
no me engañes no
no me digas cuánto es que me amas
no te creo no
falsas te creo amor
falsas te creo amor
No me des falsas esperanzas
no me engañes no
no me digas cuánto es que me amas
no te creo no
>> El Beso Del Final
Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing o'er the plain
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains
Glo-glo-glo-gloria, in excelsis Deo
Ooh, no, yeah yeah
Shepards, why this jubilee
Why your joyous song prolong
What the gladsome tidings be, ohh
That inspire your heavenly song
Glo-glo-glo-gloria, in excelsis Deo
Oh oh oh, ooh oh, oh yeah
Ohh, come to Bethlehem and see
Him whose birth the angels sing, oh
Come on adore on bended knee
Christ, the Lord, our new-born King
Glo-glo-glo-gloria, in excelsis Deo, oh yeah
On the day, that Christ was born
The angels sang such a heavenly song
In excelsis Deo, ohh
Angels we have heard on high
Angels we have heard on high
Angels we have heard on high
Angels we have heard on high
In excelsis Deo
In excelsis Deo
In excelsis Deo
>> Pero Me Acuerdo De Ti
Ahora que ya mi vida se encuentra normal
que tengo en casa quien sueña con verme llegar
Ahora puedo decir que me encuentro de pie
Ahora que me va muy bien
Ahora que con el tiempo logré superar
aquel amor que por poco me llega a matar
Ahora ya no hay mas dolor
Ahora al fin vuelvo a ser yo
Coro: Pero me acuerdo de ti
Y otra vez pierdo la calma
Pero me acuerdo de ti
y se me desgarra el alma
Pero me acuerdo de ti
y se borra mi sonrisa
Pero me acuerdo de ti
y mi mundo se hace trizas
Ahora que mi futuro comienza a brillar
ahora que me han devuelto la seguridad
Ahora ya no hay mas dolor
Ahora al fin vuelvo a ser yo
>> Ven Conmigo (Solamente Tú)
Ven conmigo, ven conmigo baby (4x)
Ohhh yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Es hoy la ocasión
Tengo listo el corazón
Vienes tú, ah
Ya la fiesta comenzó
Bailaremos sin control, ohh
Amor, llegó
La noche de los dos
Razón, de amar
Y de celebración
Juntos, tú y yo
Hasta que ilumine el sol
Solamente tú, acércate a verme
Solamente tú, porque me enloqueces
Solamente tú, no me hagas esperar
Contigo quiero estar
Ser tuya nada más
Solamente tú, oh
Ven conmigo, ven conmigo baby (2x)
Yeah ooh
Mi gran ilusión
Es quedarme junto a ti
Sólo tú (sólo tú)
Tienes mi corazón
Desde el día en que te vi, ohh oh
Estoy (estoy), amor (amor)
Temblando de emoción (de emoción)
Pasión, calor
No me sentí nunca mejor
Ven hoy, por favor
El destino ya nos unió
Solamente tú, acércate a verme
Solamente tú, oh, porque me enloqueces
Solamente tú, no me hagas esperar
Contigo quiero estar
Ser tuya nada más
Solamente tú
Ven conmigo, ven conmigo baby (4x)
Ohhh yeah, ohh
No temor es amor, amor
Ven conmigo, ven conmigo baby (2x)
No me hagas esperar
Contigo quiero estar
Siempre te voy a amar
Ah, ah, ahh...
Solamente tú, amor!
Solamente tú, oh, tu amor me enloqueces
Solamente tú, oh oh, no me hagas esperar
Contigo quiero estar
Soy tuya nada más
Solamente tú
Solamente tú, ohh...
Solamente tú, amor, no!
Solamente tú, no me hagas esperar
Contigo quiero estar
Soy tuya nada mas
Solamente tú
>> Si No Te Hubiera Conocido
Merry Christmas baby
you sure did treat me nice
Mm Merry Christmas baby
You sure did treat me nice
gave me a diamond ring for Christmas,
Now I'm livin in paradise
Well I'm feelin mighty fine
got good music on my radio
I'm feelin mighty fine,
got good music on my radio
well I wanna kiss you baby
while we're standing underneath the mistletoe
Santa came down the chimney
About a half past three
Left all these pretty presents
that you see before me
Merry Christmas baby,
you sure been good to me
well i havent had a drink this morning
but im all lite up like a christmas tree
Oooh...yeah yeah yeah
Oh oh ooh
Oh oh yeah, yeah, yeah
St. Nick came down the chimney
About a half past three
He left all these pretty presents
That you see before me
Merry Christmas baby
You sure been good to me
Haven't had a taste this morning
But I'm all lit up like a Christmas tree
Oh, oh, oh ooh, oh ooh
Merry Christmas baby
You sure been good to me
Oh ohh, oh ohhh...
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah...oh
Sure been good, to, to,
Hey...ooh oh hey
>> Contigo En La Distancia
No exsiste un momento del dia,
en que pueda apartarte de mi,
el mundo parece distinto
cuando no estas junto a mi
No hay bella melodia
en que no surjas tu
ni yo quiero escucharla
si no la escuchas tu
Es que te has convertido
en parte de mi alma
ya nada me consuela
si no estas tu tambien
mas alla de tus labios
del sol y las estrellas
contigo en la distancia
amado mio, estoy
>> Cuando No Es Contigo
Quisiera echar atrás el tiempo
llegar a nuestro encuentro
y volver a comenzar
Cuidar como a un tesoro
el amor que había en tus ojos
para nunca más perderte
y por siempre tenerte, junto a mí
Cuando no es contigo
siento que no vivo
hay un gran vacío
Cuando no es contigo
todo está perdido
es como un castigo
Cuando no es contigo
(Improvisaciones vocales)
Escapo la monotonía
mirando las fotografías
que tiraste al aire
con rencor, con dolor
Perdí por tanto orgullo
todo el amor tuyo
y hoy me muero por tenerte
y por volver a verte, junto a mí
Cuando no es contigo
siento que no vivo
hay un gran vacío
Cuando no es contigo
todo está perdido
es inútil todo sin tu amor,
Vuelve, no sé vivir ya conmigo
Cuando no es.. contigo
(Improvisaciones vocales)
Cuando no es contigo
siento que no vivo
hay un gran vacío
Cuando no es contigo
todo está perdido
es inútil todo sin tu amor,
Vuelve, no sé vivir ya conmigo
Cuando no es contigo
>> Por Siempre Tú
Cuando estoy por caer
yo sé que tu amor me volverá a socorrer
Venceré el temor
mientras sepa que tú sientes
dentro lo mismo que yo
En el dolor y el bien, tú me supiste amar
y lo que soy es por ti sin dudar
Eres mi protección mi sosten
frente a todo mi mejor opción
Por siempre tú
Mi poder mi valor
atraves de lo peor
mi luz mi cielo azul
mi gran amor aún
Por siempre tú
No hay ningún amanecer
que no me despierte sin saber
que te soñé
Soy por ti
muy feliz
en mi alma para siempre
hay un sitio para ti
No importa donde esté tu amor me encontrará
iluminando mi cielo mi oscuridad
Mi guardian será refugio de tu querer
la fé que me hará creer que vale mi vida
un hogar al cual por siempre volveré
te amo aun, Por siempre tú
Mi luz mi cielo azul
mi gran amor aún
por siempre tú.
>> Una Mujer
Una mujer, quiere sentir
Una mujer, quiere sentir
Yo te agradezco por insistir, por seguir
dando tiempo a que me entregue a ti
comprendiendo mis miedos
sin vencerte jamás
Me atrevo a ver pero sin tocar
yo quiero más que una noche loca
gracias por comprender
por no ser impaciente y serme fiel
Una mujer, quiere sentir
que es bien amada y no la harán sufrir
y tendrás su amor, como lo soñaste
Una mujer, quiere sentir
antes de darse que es feliz
te dirá que sí, sin miedo a entregarse
Si tu amor es de verdad
te ganarás mi corazón
Tuviste fe, sin dudar que serías tú
mi querer y mi príncipe azul
por eso es que yo te quiero,
por prevalecer
Sé que el amor es aún mejor
si se siente entre dos, como tú y yo
fue difícil la labor
pero al fin te has ganado mi corazón
Una mujer, quiere sentir
que es bien amada y no la harán sufrir
y tendrás su amor, como lo soñaste
una mujer, quiere sentir,
antes de darse, que es feliz
Te dirá que sí, sin miedo a entregarse
Hazme soñar, hazme sentir
que puedo confiar en ti
porque yo siento como tú
Hazme soñar, hazme sentir
Una mujer se gana con amor a plenitud
Hazme soñar, hazme sentir
diciéndome que tus brazos van a ser mi sostén
que no hay nadie como tú
Una mujer, quiere sentir
que es bien amada y no la harán sufrir
Uh uh uh, por esperarme yo te haré muy feliz
Una mujer, quiere sentir antes de darse que es feliz
fue muy difícil, pero hoy sólo soy para ti
Una mujer, quiere sentir
que es bien amada y no la harán sufrir
y tendrás su amor, como lo soñaste
Una mujer, quiere sentir
antes de darse que es feliz
Te dirá que sí, sin miedo a entregarse
>> Mi Reflejo
Para ti
lo que ves en mí
es la realidad
Mas tú no conoces
el papel, que la vida
me hace actuar
Siendo así
yo puedo burlar
mi mundo exterior
pero al corazón
Hoy no reconocí
a quien vi, frente a mí
mi reflejo no mostró
quien soy en verdad
Un día más
que mi corazón
tengo que ocultar
todo mi sentir
Al final
sabrán como soy
que pienso en verdad
ese día llegará
Hoy no reconocí
a quien vi, frente a mí
esa en mi reflejo
sé que no soy yo
No quiero aparentar
quiero ser
Mi reflejo no mostró
quien soy en verdad
Y en mi corazón sentir, volar
no soy, como quiero no
y voy a cambiar
No debe ser así
El fingir, no es vivir
La que veo frente a mí
no aguanta más
Ya no voy a ocultar
la que soy
nunca más
Un buen día
el amor
me rescatará
Y ese día
quien yo soy
Se reflejará

Sessizlik var olmamak değildir...Sessizliğim asaletimdendir... Buradayım...

Christina Aguilera
> My Kind Of Christmas
>> Oh Holy Night
Oh holy night
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth, ohh yeah
Now long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks, a new and glorious morn
Fall on your knees, oh hear the angel voices
Oh night divine, oh night when Christ was born
Oh night divine, oh night, oh night divine
Our Father, who art in heaven Hallowed be thy Name
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom The power, and the glory
For ever and ever Amen
Fall on your knees, oh hear the angels voices
Oh night divine, oh night when
Christ was born Oh night divine, oh night
Ohhh...yeah yeah
Ha ha ha ha
Ohh yeah No ohh, ohh yeah
Ohh ooh, ah oh
Now ooh, ohh ooh
Oh yeah
It was a holy, holy night Ohh, oh ooh, oh ooh
(Oh holy night)
It was a holy night when Jesus Christ was born
(Oh holy night)
Holy...yes, Jesus Christ
(Oh holy night)
And the power, and the glory, yeah
(Oh holy night)
When Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
(Oh holy night)
He was born on this night, on this night
(Oh holy night)
Jesus Christ Forever, and ever, and ever, and ever
(Oh holy night)
>> These Are The Special Times
In these moments, moments of our lives,
All the world is ours, and this world is so right.
You and I sharing this time together,
Sharing the same dream.
As time goes by we will find...
These are the special times, times we'll remember.
These are the precious times,
The tender times we'll hold in our hearts forever.
These are the sweetest times, these times together.
And through it all, one thing will always be true,
The special times are the times I share with you.
With each moment, moment passing by,
We'll make memories that will last our whole lives.
As you and I travel through time together,
Living this sweet dream,
And everyday, we can say...
These are the special times, times we'll remember.
These are the precious times,
The tender times we'll hold in our hearts forever.
These are the sweetest times these times together,
And through it all, one thing will always be true,
The special times are the times I share with you.
These tender moments, when heaven is so close,
These are the moments that I know...
These are the special times, times we'll remember.
These are the precious times,
The tender times we'll hold in our hearts forever.
These are the sweetest times, these times together.
And through it all, one thing will always be true,
The special times are the times I share-
The special times are the times we share-
The special times are the times I share with you.
(These are the special times)
(Special times)
(These are the special times)
(These are the special times)
>> This Christmas
Hang all the mistletoe
I'm gonna get to know you better, yeah
This Christmas And as we trim the tree
How much fun it's gonna be together, yeah ha
This Christmas
Fireside is blazing bright
We're caroling through the night
And this Christmas, will be yeah
A very special Christmas, for me yeah
Presents and cards are here
My world is filled with cheer and you, ohh yeah
This Christmas And as I look around
Your eyes outshine the town, they do
This Christmas Fireside is blazing bright
We're caroling through the night
And this Christmas, will be
A very special Christmas, for me yeah
Alright, break it down, ha ha ha
Ooh yeah, yeah yeah, alright
Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Alright now, right now, now
Fireside, oh, is blazing bright
We're caroling through the night, yeah
And this Christmas, will be, oh
A very special Christmas, for me yeah
And this Christmas, will be
A very special Christmas, for me oh oh
Yeah yeah yeah yeah Merry Christmas, ooh yeah
Gonna have a merry Christmas, ohh yeah, oh oh
Merry Christmas, oh it will be
Oh, a very very very special Christmas
A very special Christmas (this Christmas)
Alright now, right now, yeah oh
It will be now, oh (this Christmas)
Oh, this will be, this will be, baby
A very special Have a merry merry Christmas (hey yeah)
And a happy New Year
Oh hey, alright, yeah yeah yeah Merry Christmas
This Christmas
Oh this will be, this will be, baby
>> The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Jack frost nippin' at your nose
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir
And folks dressed up like eskimos
Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe
Will help to make the season bright
And tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
Will find it hard to sleep tonight
They know that santa on his way
He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sliegh
And every mother's child is gonna spy
To see if the reindeer know how to fly
And so I'm offering this simple phrase
To kids from one to ninety-two
Though it's been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas, merry christmas to you
Merry Christmas
>> Xtina's Xmas
It's Christmas time
(It's Christmas time)
It's Christmas time
(Christmas time)
(It's Christmas time)
It's Christmas time
(Christmas, christmas, christmas)
(It's Christmas, christmas, christmas)
It's Christmas time
It's Christmas time
(Christmas, oh)
(It's Christmas time)
It's Christmas time
It's Christmas time
>> Christmas Time
Fa la, la, la, la
Fa la, la, la, la, la la...
When I was young every Christmas Eve
I could not sleep
Trying to catch that old St. Nick
Leaving presents under my tree
And every year I'd fall asleep laying in my bed
Dreaming of a million sugarplums
Dancing in my head
Oh how much joy it is at Christmas time
The spirit of giving is in our lives, oh
Oh, how much joy it brings to see the ones you love
This year's gonna be the best Christmas because
There'll be family and Christmas cheer
Peace and goodwill to all men
Everybody is home for Christmas
Everybody is home
Sneaking a kiss under the mistletoe
I want a white Christmas so let it snow
Everybody is home for Christmas
Everybody is home
Friends come together as we decorate the tree
This is the time of year to live in harmony, oh
Angels watch over as we put the kids to sleep
And when they awake their smiling faces
Make it all complete, oh
This is the holiday you're with the family
We put aside our differences and let it be, oh
Oh, how much fun it is to give and to receive
This time of year, love is all we need
There'll be family and Christmas cheer
Peace and goodwill to all men
Everybody is home for Christmas
Everybody is home
Sneaking a kiss under the mistletoe
I want a white Christmas so let it snow
Everybody is home for Christmas
Everybody is home
Open your heart now
This is the time for us to give
The world needs love now
So live and let live, families all here
The spirit is good cheer, the sound of carolers
Ringing sweet in my ear, everything is all fine
You know why, it's Christmas time, what?
Oh how much joy it is at Christmas time
The spirit of giving is in our lives
Oh, oh how much joy it brings to see the one's you love
This year's gonna be the best Christmas because
There'll be family and Christmas cheer
Peace and goodwill to all men
Everybody is home for Christmas
Everybody is home
Sneaking a kiss under the mistletoe
I want a white Christmas so let it snow
Everybody is home for Christmas
Everybody is home, it's Christmas time
>> This Year
You'll be my New Year's Day, my Valentine
I ain't gonna stop until I make you mine
You'll be my April Fool, my Mardi Gras
The music on my tounge, when I sing fa la la
You'll be my flower child, in the month of May
My sunny summer lover on my holiday
You'll be my autumn leaves, my Halloween
The winter snow and everything that's in between
This year I'm gonna take you home
This year I don't wanna be alone
This year, this Christmas, together,
And the minutes they pass, and the hours the fly
This year, this Christmas, forever
And the weeks and the months go rushing by
This year we have learned how to live
How to forget, and how to forgive without fear
Just love, this Christmas, this year
You'll be my spring ahead, my fall behind
The shimmy in my hips, oh when I bump and grind
You'll be my Santa boy, all dressed in red
And ride that little reindeer all through my head
Round and round
Round and round
Here we go
This year I'm gonna take you home
This year I don't wanna be alone
This year, this Christmas, together,
And the minutes they pass, and the hours the fly
This year, this Christmas, forever
And the weeks and the months go rushing by
This year we have learned how to live
How to forget and how to forgive without fear
Just love, this Christmas, this year
Day byday, I'm gonna get my way
This year I pray for you
Seasons turn, I've got a lot to learn
And I thank God for you
This year I'm gonna take you home
This year I don't wanna be alone
This year, this Christmas, together,
And the minutes they pass, and the hours they fly
This year, this Christmas, forever
And the weeks and the months go rushing by
This year we have learned how to live
How to forget and to forgive without fear
Just love, this Christmas, this year
>> Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Oh yeah, mmm
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on your troubles will be out of sight, yeah
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on your troubles will be miles away, oh
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore, ah
Faithful friends who are dear to us
They gather near to us once more, ooh
Through the years we all will be together and
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bow, oh yeah, oh
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now, oh, oh
Faithful friends who are dear to us
They gather near to us once more, oh, oh
Through the years we all will be together and
If the fates allow, oh yeah
But 'til then we'll have to muddle through somehow, oh yeah, oh, oh
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now, ooh yeah, oh, ooh
>> Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing o'er the plain
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains
Glo-glo-glo-gloria, in excelsis Deo
Ooh, no, yeah yeah
Shepards, why this jubilee
Why your joyous song prolong
What the gladsome tidings be, ohh
That inspire your heavenly song
Glo-glo-glo-gloria, in excelsis Deo
Oh oh oh, ooh oh, oh yeah
Ohh, come to Bethlehem and see
Him whose birth the angels sing, oh
Come on adore on bended knee
Christ, the Lord, our new-born King
Glo-glo-glo-gloria, in excelsis Deo, oh yeah
On the day, that Christ was born
The angels sang such a heavenly song
In excelsis Deo, ohh
Angels we have heard on high
Angels we have heard on high
Angels we have heard on high
Angels we have heard on high
In excelsis Deo
In excelsis Deo
In excelsis Deo
>> Merry Christmas Baby
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
In days of auld lang syne
Oh ooh
Merry Christmas baby
You sure did treat me nice, oh ooh yeah yeah
Said uh, merry Christmas baby
You sure did treat me nice, oh ooh
You gave me a diamond ring for Christmas
Now I'm living in paradise, oh oh
I'm feeling mighty fine
Got good music on my radio
(Yes you do child)
Well I'm feeling mighty fine
Got good music on, music on my radio, oh
Well I, I wanna kiss you baby
While we're standing underneath the mistletoe
Santa came down the chimney
About a half past three
Left all these pretty presents
That you, that you see before me, ohh
Merry Christmas baby, merry Christmas baby
You sure been good to me, ohh, oh ooh
Well I, I haven't had a drink this morning
But I'm, I'm lit up like a Christmas tree
Christmas tree, ohh ooh oh, ohhh yeah
Oh oh ooh
Oh oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Dr. John:
St. Nick came down the chimney
About a half past three
He left all these pretty presents
That you see before me
Merry Christmas baby
You sure been good to me
Haven't had a taste this morning
But I'm all lit up like a Christmas tree
Oh, oh, oh ooh, oh ooh
Merry Christmas baby
You sure been good to me
Oh ohh, oh ohhh...
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah...oh
Sure been good, to, to, hey
Hey...ooh oh hey
> My Kind Of Christmas
>> Oh Holy Night
Oh holy night
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth, ohh yeah
Now long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks, a new and glorious morn
Fall on your knees, oh hear the angel voices
Oh night divine, oh night when Christ was born
Oh night divine, oh night, oh night divine
Our Father, who art in heaven Hallowed be thy Name
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom The power, and the glory
For ever and ever Amen
Fall on your knees, oh hear the angels voices
Oh night divine, oh night when
Christ was born Oh night divine, oh night
Ohhh...yeah yeah
Ha ha ha ha
Ohh yeah No ohh, ohh yeah
Ohh ooh, ah oh
Now ooh, ohh ooh
Oh yeah
It was a holy, holy night Ohh, oh ooh, oh ooh
(Oh holy night)
It was a holy night when Jesus Christ was born
(Oh holy night)
Holy...yes, Jesus Christ
(Oh holy night)
And the power, and the glory, yeah
(Oh holy night)
When Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
(Oh holy night)
He was born on this night, on this night
(Oh holy night)
Jesus Christ Forever, and ever, and ever, and ever
(Oh holy night)
>> These Are The Special Times
In these moments, moments of our lives,
All the world is ours, and this world is so right.
You and I sharing this time together,
Sharing the same dream.
As time goes by we will find...
These are the special times, times we'll remember.
These are the precious times,
The tender times we'll hold in our hearts forever.
These are the sweetest times, these times together.
And through it all, one thing will always be true,
The special times are the times I share with you.
With each moment, moment passing by,
We'll make memories that will last our whole lives.
As you and I travel through time together,
Living this sweet dream,
And everyday, we can say...
These are the special times, times we'll remember.
These are the precious times,
The tender times we'll hold in our hearts forever.
These are the sweetest times these times together,
And through it all, one thing will always be true,
The special times are the times I share with you.
These tender moments, when heaven is so close,
These are the moments that I know...
These are the special times, times we'll remember.
These are the precious times,
The tender times we'll hold in our hearts forever.
These are the sweetest times, these times together.
And through it all, one thing will always be true,
The special times are the times I share-
The special times are the times we share-
The special times are the times I share with you.
(These are the special times)
(Special times)
(These are the special times)
(These are the special times)
>> This Christmas
Hang all the mistletoe
I'm gonna get to know you better, yeah
This Christmas And as we trim the tree
How much fun it's gonna be together, yeah ha
This Christmas
Fireside is blazing bright
We're caroling through the night
And this Christmas, will be yeah
A very special Christmas, for me yeah
Presents and cards are here
My world is filled with cheer and you, ohh yeah
This Christmas And as I look around
Your eyes outshine the town, they do
This Christmas Fireside is blazing bright
We're caroling through the night
And this Christmas, will be
A very special Christmas, for me yeah
Alright, break it down, ha ha ha
Ooh yeah, yeah yeah, alright
Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Alright now, right now, now
Fireside, oh, is blazing bright
We're caroling through the night, yeah
And this Christmas, will be, oh
A very special Christmas, for me yeah
And this Christmas, will be
A very special Christmas, for me oh oh
Yeah yeah yeah yeah Merry Christmas, ooh yeah
Gonna have a merry Christmas, ohh yeah, oh oh
Merry Christmas, oh it will be
Oh, a very very very special Christmas
A very special Christmas (this Christmas)
Alright now, right now, yeah oh
It will be now, oh (this Christmas)
Oh, this will be, this will be, baby
A very special Have a merry merry Christmas (hey yeah)
And a happy New Year
Oh hey, alright, yeah yeah yeah Merry Christmas
This Christmas
Oh this will be, this will be, baby
>> The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Jack frost nippin' at your nose
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir
And folks dressed up like eskimos
Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe
Will help to make the season bright
And tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
Will find it hard to sleep tonight
They know that santa on his way
He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sliegh
And every mother's child is gonna spy
To see if the reindeer know how to fly
And so I'm offering this simple phrase
To kids from one to ninety-two
Though it's been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas, merry christmas to you
Merry Christmas
>> Xtina's Xmas
It's Christmas time
(It's Christmas time)
It's Christmas time
(Christmas time)
(It's Christmas time)
It's Christmas time
(Christmas, christmas, christmas)
(It's Christmas, christmas, christmas)
It's Christmas time
It's Christmas time
(Christmas, oh)
(It's Christmas time)
It's Christmas time
It's Christmas time
>> Christmas Time
Fa la, la, la, la
Fa la, la, la, la, la la...
When I was young every Christmas Eve
I could not sleep
Trying to catch that old St. Nick
Leaving presents under my tree
And every year I'd fall asleep laying in my bed
Dreaming of a million sugarplums
Dancing in my head
Oh how much joy it is at Christmas time
The spirit of giving is in our lives, oh
Oh, how much joy it brings to see the ones you love
This year's gonna be the best Christmas because
There'll be family and Christmas cheer
Peace and goodwill to all men
Everybody is home for Christmas
Everybody is home
Sneaking a kiss under the mistletoe
I want a white Christmas so let it snow
Everybody is home for Christmas
Everybody is home
Friends come together as we decorate the tree
This is the time of year to live in harmony, oh
Angels watch over as we put the kids to sleep
And when they awake their smiling faces
Make it all complete, oh
This is the holiday you're with the family
We put aside our differences and let it be, oh
Oh, how much fun it is to give and to receive
This time of year, love is all we need
There'll be family and Christmas cheer
Peace and goodwill to all men
Everybody is home for Christmas
Everybody is home
Sneaking a kiss under the mistletoe
I want a white Christmas so let it snow
Everybody is home for Christmas
Everybody is home
Open your heart now
This is the time for us to give
The world needs love now
So live and let live, families all here
The spirit is good cheer, the sound of carolers
Ringing sweet in my ear, everything is all fine
You know why, it's Christmas time, what?
Oh how much joy it is at Christmas time
The spirit of giving is in our lives
Oh, oh how much joy it brings to see the one's you love
This year's gonna be the best Christmas because
There'll be family and Christmas cheer
Peace and goodwill to all men
Everybody is home for Christmas
Everybody is home
Sneaking a kiss under the mistletoe
I want a white Christmas so let it snow
Everybody is home for Christmas
Everybody is home, it's Christmas time
>> This Year
You'll be my New Year's Day, my Valentine
I ain't gonna stop until I make you mine
You'll be my April Fool, my Mardi Gras
The music on my tounge, when I sing fa la la
You'll be my flower child, in the month of May
My sunny summer lover on my holiday
You'll be my autumn leaves, my Halloween
The winter snow and everything that's in between
This year I'm gonna take you home
This year I don't wanna be alone
This year, this Christmas, together,
And the minutes they pass, and the hours the fly
This year, this Christmas, forever
And the weeks and the months go rushing by
This year we have learned how to live
How to forget, and how to forgive without fear
Just love, this Christmas, this year
You'll be my spring ahead, my fall behind
The shimmy in my hips, oh when I bump and grind
You'll be my Santa boy, all dressed in red
And ride that little reindeer all through my head
Round and round
Round and round
Here we go
This year I'm gonna take you home
This year I don't wanna be alone
This year, this Christmas, together,
And the minutes they pass, and the hours the fly
This year, this Christmas, forever
And the weeks and the months go rushing by
This year we have learned how to live
How to forget and how to forgive without fear
Just love, this Christmas, this year
Day byday, I'm gonna get my way
This year I pray for you
Seasons turn, I've got a lot to learn
And I thank God for you
This year I'm gonna take you home
This year I don't wanna be alone
This year, this Christmas, together,
And the minutes they pass, and the hours they fly
This year, this Christmas, forever
And the weeks and the months go rushing by
This year we have learned how to live
How to forget and to forgive without fear
Just love, this Christmas, this year
>> Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Oh yeah, mmm
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on your troubles will be out of sight, yeah
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on your troubles will be miles away, oh
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore, ah
Faithful friends who are dear to us
They gather near to us once more, ooh
Through the years we all will be together and
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bow, oh yeah, oh
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now, oh, oh
Faithful friends who are dear to us
They gather near to us once more, oh, oh
Through the years we all will be together and
If the fates allow, oh yeah
But 'til then we'll have to muddle through somehow, oh yeah, oh, oh
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now, ooh yeah, oh, ooh
>> Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing o'er the plain
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains
Glo-glo-glo-gloria, in excelsis Deo
Ooh, no, yeah yeah
Shepards, why this jubilee
Why your joyous song prolong
What the gladsome tidings be, ohh
That inspire your heavenly song
Glo-glo-glo-gloria, in excelsis Deo
Oh oh oh, ooh oh, oh yeah
Ohh, come to Bethlehem and see
Him whose birth the angels sing, oh
Come on adore on bended knee
Christ, the Lord, our new-born King
Glo-glo-glo-gloria, in excelsis Deo, oh yeah
On the day, that Christ was born
The angels sang such a heavenly song
In excelsis Deo, ohh
Angels we have heard on high
Angels we have heard on high
Angels we have heard on high
Angels we have heard on high
In excelsis Deo
In excelsis Deo
In excelsis Deo
>> Merry Christmas Baby
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
In days of auld lang syne
Oh ooh
Merry Christmas baby
You sure did treat me nice, oh ooh yeah yeah
Said uh, merry Christmas baby
You sure did treat me nice, oh ooh
You gave me a diamond ring for Christmas
Now I'm living in paradise, oh oh
I'm feeling mighty fine
Got good music on my radio
(Yes you do child)
Well I'm feeling mighty fine
Got good music on, music on my radio, oh
Well I, I wanna kiss you baby
While we're standing underneath the mistletoe
Santa came down the chimney
About a half past three
Left all these pretty presents
That you, that you see before me, ohh
Merry Christmas baby, merry Christmas baby
You sure been good to me, ohh, oh ooh
Well I, I haven't had a drink this morning
But I'm, I'm lit up like a Christmas tree
Christmas tree, ohh ooh oh, ohhh yeah
Oh oh ooh
Oh oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Dr. John:
St. Nick came down the chimney
About a half past three
He left all these pretty presents
That you see before me
Merry Christmas baby
You sure been good to me
Haven't had a taste this morning
But I'm all lit up like a Christmas tree
Oh, oh, oh ooh, oh ooh
Merry Christmas baby
You sure been good to me
Oh ohh, oh ohhh...
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah...oh
Sure been good, to, to, hey
Hey...ooh oh hey

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